UnFramed Awards

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UnFramed Awards

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UnFramed Awards.

Hello, I have nothing to do so i decided to make little top lists(often from 1 player) from recent 3,5 years in SHC(from  2009-09).these times could be called „New school“ times. It will be my glorious 1000th post. The lists probably won‘t be most correct ones but I will probably add little editions. Still I won‘t listen to some people‘s opinions.All haters who are going to post things like : I have no life, I was a noob, I am attention whore, your lists are bullshit, can go fuck themselves but I can‘t ban players here so you  still have freedom.
I will give brief  explanations after my lists to have less arguments.

HolyLord.   – We all know that it‘s important to have a real life but lets say that SHC is most important here. So there were some people who put their efforts to refresh the community. I don‘t like saying compliments but it‘s one of not many players who really knew what is the definition of an expert.

LVP (Least valueble player)  

Feanor.  -  Despite of not being one of the greatest(the were few) players of SHC in recent past years he decided to be well known on the internet and created a website which is so far always active and is often updated so  it‘s probably the most popular one. Due to his terrible understanding of what is an expert player this community suffers from way too many noobs.

This list is very likely to be updated. These are signs of a noob player:
1) I have no time, let‘s play 0 or 5 pt - it will be a quick game.
2) Playing 1x1 on  aw-lub 1x1 maps . Who the fuck can find out who is better player on a map created by noobish no f fs players clan?
3) I won on no ffs, you won at no f, so we are tied.
4) Never or couple times played on CL map. ( yes, if you don‘t even know what is CL, be sure you‘re a noob)
5) High res is for noobs

Best Clan

1) X-CON
2) D-F
3) W@W
Even though X-CON have had a lot of dickheads in their clan, their teaching school was only based on killing a player on most common rules and they never played funny games, X-CON was most steady clan always with some  very strong players in it.  And X-CONs  taught their players themselves unlike D-F was tend to recruit expert players from other clans who were already experts. W@Ws had so many dickheads it's hard to believe. They were like comunists - spreading loads of shit spam around GameRanger about their power while they were just O.K. players. Terrible.

In picture - growth of GDP by USSR. In graph : USSR,USA,UK,FR.

Top experts list

1) Holylord

2) Maly
2) Geralt
2) Dingo
2) T-bag
2) Masosz
2) Lietuvis_tikras
2) Keks

As many can be angry for the list above, I made experts list below:


3) Lancelot
3) Vlad
3) Erec
3) Ninya
3) LiderPL
3) Szeky
3) Lusenrad
3) Ares
3) Feanor
3) Rivaz
3) Savoz

P.S. Some players were good, but if they were big cheaters, they aren‘t worth being on top list.
P.P.S Even though szeky ninya erec or anyone from 3) killed players from 2) list, those players who are in the list 2) were  like  1st-2nd best players for quite a long time when they played which proves them as top experts. Also it might be based on my senses about players which I‘m lazy to explain.
P.P.P.S  2) (LT-U)J@kubas ( it’s not my problem you didn’t have  chance to know him, but I don’t want to include him there, R.I.P.)

Comments are welcome
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Re: UnFramed Awards

I Agree with your list
Get Schwifty.
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Re: UnFramed Awards

Im glad to know.

I would enjoy other suggestions about signs of a noob. Its hard to think of many in a short time.
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Re: UnFramed Awards

This post was updated on .
So far there were suggestions like

Defs / Attyla / Forest should be discussed about being  3)

Savoz was a cheater and he should be removed

W@W is not 3rd best clan because  of many cheaters in it.

Tbag is not worth 2)

Ninya is 2)

(LT-U) could be 3rd best clan  

P.S. It was suggested by romanian player xD
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Re: UnFramed Awards

Defs and Attyla should be No3, forest no lol
and true T-Bag is not worth 2) , masosz and T-Bag should be 1) with holylord
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Re: UnFramed Awards

when i was writting  about tbag i already knew he will  come and say he is 1) :D
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Re: UnFramed Awards

Well I would say keks definitely shouldn't be up there, his gameplay was never impressive to me... But this all depends on what time you are talking about, because me and tbag were pretty much by far better than everybody in GR at the end of 2009 and most of 2010, and there were only about 5 players that tbag and I couldn't beat with less than 5-10 deaths. But anyways, it makes more sense to try to name the top players over the whole time period rather than specific time periods, because that would take a lot more work and maybe be less meaningful, so I can't blame you.

But anyways, many people don't realize that D-F has actually trained a lot of great players, here's a little list of good players who've gotten training in D-F:

Enigma (Riva)
Dream (From x-war, he was good)
Some other turkish guy (aka, I think mert, I forgot his name but he was very good)
Szeky (wasn't in D-F, but I was actually training him pretty regularly for a while)

There were probably more but I can't think of them right now, I'll update it if i remember. But all of those players got a decent amount of training in D-F, some more than others, but those players are all undeniably good (with the exception of maybe bicii, but he was alright). Anyways, people forget who D-F has trained because they get training in D-F a lot and then leave.
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Re: UnFramed Awards

I dont want to deny that  D-F taught many players but many of them had other clans earlier unlike  x-cons who had many players in their own country who were taught from the very beginning.
I remember 2009-2010 times very well. these were times when i took so many screenshots  vs D-F because they were so easy muahaha. I myself was still pretty noobish, i remember when alien challenged me on ladder and i was easy meal for him :(
In those times you could  attack player with 50ha,one  group of  60 pikes and  you would have big chances to win.

My awards(noone really gets any prize haha) aren't so much about top lists. i wanted to emphasize that feanor is the worst player here and i wanted to express how much i hate those noobs who challenge me on aw lub  map  at no f fs kok after  1 month online. But to make it more popular i added other lists hehe :D

I will try to count my own result  vs  1) 2) 3) players, including akas(not mine, but those dickheads like : geralt, lancelot and  tbag) for fun.  4-12 vs 2) and 14-10 vs 3)  Me coolsta

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Re: UnFramed Awards

In reply to this post by [>D-F<]~Dingo
u forgot D-F Silent
Get Schwifty.
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Re: UnFramed Awards

oh yaaaaaaaaaaa i forgot about him
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Re: UnFramed Awards

In reply to this post by MAX GALINGUMAS
lol, well ehhhh I don't hate feanor so much, but I do agree that those players are the most annoying, although it doesn't really affect me so much since I hardly play these days.
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Re: UnFramed Awards

arrghhh , you irresponsible man, you should care about others, not  only yourselve :|
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Re: UnFramed Awards

nope! your problem, not mine anymore :D
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Re: UnFramed Awards

In reply to this post by MAX GALINGUMAS
Saitek was very good ;) i m sure he deserves place in this list =]
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Re: UnFramed Awards

He was good but he was shameless quitter ant TMer. Unless others think he wasnt shameless. also i very much didnt like when somebody put 5 pt instead  of 10, or opposite idk, but he left room because he didnt like it.  such players shouldnt join room at all or at least mention the only rules they would play.
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Re: UnFramed Awards

In reply to this post by [>D-F<]~T-Bag~
Massoz and T-Bag can't be 1) with holylord because only one player can be 1) . He has the highest position and he is the best. It is only holylord (right know the best eternally).
'To see the world in a grain of sand, and to see heaven in a wild flower, hold infinity in the palm of your hands, and eternity in an hour'
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Re: UnFramed Awards

yaya, shut up! HL used cheats sometimes too
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Re: UnFramed Awards

In reply to this post by MAX POWER
Ofcourse I didnt read the bullshit you wrote there. You people have absolutely no Idea YES NO IDEA of what this world is going through.
What if I told you, Your perception is a misconception due to Media Deception.
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Re: UnFramed Awards

get out of here with your irrelevant spam
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Re: UnFramed Awards

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