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lol, me or power?
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In reply to this post by [>D-F<]~Dingo~
ajahha looool what is meaning of this lnk?
Erec beatedu many more times u have beated him. always doggy crying saying hes better than other experts of recent time, u not even better than xcon! |
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Its kinda amazing, erec was such a big dickhead in gr. and it looks like half of GR players are ready to lick all over his ass
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In reply to this post by [>D-F<]~Dingo
I was talking about you mate, I almost died of laughter when you said you were the best (:
That song you linked was actually quiet good: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oHg5SJYRHA0 I love oldie songs ^^
When I went to school, they asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up. I wrote down "happy". They told me I didn't understand the assignment; I told them they didn't understand life.
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To both you and Power, I beat Erec way way way way way more times than he ever beat me. And yes I was the best, who was better than me? Save your time, the answer is nobody.
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I will always have my own answer - (LT-U)Lietuvis_tikras :P (he is going to be a father quite soon :) ). Its just my knowledge opinion .
But probably we should look forward future, and i think soon there will come a day when feanor will be the oldest active player in gr, which would mean, we will only read about old good players from this web page. Dingo has already got some honour some years ago, so if you dont play now, its just a game of words now which i like to play as well, there always will be haters. Its of course sad when players forget everything you have won in past, for example some tournaments hosted by viper, while erec won.... idk.... kinda nothing... maybe something???! And about Erec, guys, please stop this: 1) He was a good player? Yes 2) He has killed almost all of best players back then? Yes 3) Did he kill dingo more times than dingo did? 95% not. I remember erec later became confident and started to post all ss vs dingo, so had to do dingo. By the time erec was at his best, they used to get around same amount of wins ( not counting old games which means dingo has won more games). 4) Did erec ask dingo to fight vs unframed in one tournament(which means erec himself thought dingo is a better player)? Yes he did. 5) Lancelot was better than erec.(but being shit talker always helps to become more known player(ask fahad(nothing personal) ) ). 6) UnFramed vs Erec : 4-3 xD. 7) Who has killed Holylord in 1x1? None of these players mentioned above(i hope so). |
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that isn't even really true, but you can have your opinion. But when I was hardly playing, and only playing 3-4 games per week sometimes less or more (but for a very long time probably less), if i was going to play a game it would be a game with settings that i thought were fun. I think it's fun when you have medium or large resources and can actually have a lot of resources at your disposal to have bigger fights. I don't see why anybody takes shit like low res 0pt 2k seriously, cuz with that you have the gold at your disposal to do what? 25 vs 25 ha? what a massive proof of skill and superiority (IM ACTUALLY BEING SARCASTIC)
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In reply to this post by Theorist
You Jerks,xD Erec and Dingo r completely different,Firstly Dingo was a great player,he doesnt use tm like erec do and 2ndly Dingo speed was soooooooo fast that even a tm user cant match it,in no f basically if u got the cats with speed u got the game so advantge: Dingo
2ndly Dingo cats control was superb,Better than Erec. Erec was a great player ,he didnt refused any challenge but his disadvantage is that he uses tm unlike Dingo so it is fair to call Dingo Better.
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In reply to this post by Theorist
I would Really Like to say this to dingo
No Matter how fairly u play No Matter how Easily u win There will always be a fag to deny it There will always be a Dog to bark at u Since People r too numb to see that in 2011 all no f players hardly stood 4-5mins vs him or they harldy got 30 kills vs him,except W@W Riva and Savoz who were getting good at the time when Dingo was losing his grip at the game.In No F he is the Daddy of you all. to Shc Community: U r doing the same shit to dingo that u used to do with me(Denying the Fact that he is superior to erec,just like denying the fact that i am superior to shitty retards of ZO,B-R,X-PAK etc). I Hope that dingo u can see what is wrong with this community,It has dumb and blind people who can not see or measure the skills without u posting 100 of messages.
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one exception - geralt, who killed your saint gods as well . but i remember i watched one game geralt (ares watcher) vs dingo CL map. I saw them both playing like total noobs there :D
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I accept erec has beaten me way more times than I did. But those all were at shitty rules and settings I'm not saying him noob and bla bla bla even I'm accepting he was better than me at some point and at sometime but when I was at my peak he didnt show up and he doesnt show up now when I'm playing like 3 4 games per week. I accept erec maybe even better than me at those settings because I simply dont care and dont want to play them but at simple STRONGHOLD CRUSADER rules or settings I havent lost a single 1v1 vs anyone except once vs ninya, szeky and maly this year. And my lovely friend unframed Stop trying to prove here that Lietuvis would be better than anyone if he would've been playing. I accept he was one of the best players on gr. And I personally think that Dingo's playing style is far more superior than erec's and it proves that Dingo in my opinion is better than erec. but they both've lost vs Me and Savo multiple times on STRONGHOLD CRUSADER's settings not some shitty ones. And I hate to have a pathetic conversation here on forums which have no outcomes. AND 1 last thing EREC PLEASE STOP POSTING UNDER AKAS AND STOP TRYING TO PROVE YOU'RE/WERE BETTER THAN ANYONE. Let the game talk. And if you really were/are better than them then people would know it.
What if I told you, Your perception is a misconception due to Media Deception.
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I don't think Erec can be better than Dingo as I think Dingo can't be better than HL or Bartholo.I am not going to compare 'em because it would be stupid to compare different generations of this game.Only the same generations can be compared and different generations cause a different SHC schools so you have NEW and OLD school. Old school game styles mean playing high res maps while new school means playing 5 and 10 pt usually.Generations dont bring only school division but character division,so you have bad and good.To be the best not only depend on skill,it depends on character too.If you have character you don't cheat,otherwise you cheat.
'To see the world in a grain of sand, and to see heaven in a wild flower, hold infinity in the palm of your hands, and eternity in an hour'
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yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay! i dont cheat so what does it mean? O.o o.O
Get Schwifty.
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In reply to this post by Moonwalker
I actually dont believe that hl and bartholo would be gods of shc and they'd be unbeatable. I personally think that nobody's perfect you keep learning in whatever you do but you cant be perfect. I accept that they'd be among top players. And we know that they used to play very good but we only know none of us has seen that. I once played a 2v1 vs hl in my learning stages and all he did was packing 20 cats like 1 just to defend himself which is mostly considered as a cheat. They are just normal people who have devoted their lives on this stupid game for which everyone comes over the forums brags and talks shit that he's best bla bla bla. I have played vs dingo and erec both of them at their respective peaks and I have to admit dingo was the better man. Whenever I play vs erec the guy always tries to kill me fast or rush but dingo always play slow and like he's having fun and thats the most important part of games. THEY ARE FOR ENTERTAINMENT which most of you dont really know or dont try to realize. I also admit that hl and barth did so much for this game but how it all ended up? Please dont try to talk shit because Im trying to be nice. If hl and barth wouldnt have done that someone else would've. Its like if you dont do it then someone else would.
What if I told you, Your perception is a misconception due to Media Deception.
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This post was updated on Sep 24, 2012; 8:56pm.
In reply to this post by [>D-F<]~Dingo
You know you were not the best Dingo, do not even kid yourself. I have read in numerous post's of yours saying that you were always behind somebody. No matter how hard you tried, you were second of somebody else. You WERE ONE of the best at ONE point. And that point was in GR, where many new players came in, and basically 90% GSA Experts left. Therefore it is easy to claim a top spot at that time. So don't waste your breath saying you were the best when you were clearly were not. You were probably top 5 during that time, but never number one at any point throughout your career.
When I went to school, they asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up. I wrote down "happy". They told me I didn't understand the assignment; I told them they didn't understand life.
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This post was updated on Sep 24, 2012; 8:56pm.
In reply to this post by MAX POWER
Unframed, Feanor will never be the oldest "active" person on GR. I've played since 2004, and Tw1n and M have played since 2002. GoC Shred gets on every now and then, aswell as Petakuty. Along with Fireboy, Inferno Pheonix, Gilman, Jasiu, Lunadeadsqua, Hell Dell, and a lot more... So I'm pretty certain there won't be a time when Feanor will be the oldest "active" player on GR.
When I went to school, they asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up. I wrote down "happy". They told me I didn't understand the assignment; I told them they didn't understand life.
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I really care very little of your opinion. I doubt you were actually too attentive of my skill or anybody elses over the last few years. First of all, about what Unframed said about Geralt. This'll all come off as an excuse, but whatever. For starters, Geralt came during a time when i was just always fucking around in game and didn't even really care if I lost. FIrst few games we played I didn't take him serious, didn't even make any army until he was already outside of my walls. THis was early 2011, and during that time I was just fucking around, and really i never was playing serious again or since then. He beat me about 7 times in a row, which was really weird because I was used to owning people without even trying. Then I got really determined and i started winning some games, but still. Me and him played about 20 games, and we're probably like 12-8 in his favor, but when I was playing really serious I still felt like I was better than him.
Disagree with me or not, I think geralt was very good, and actually he's one of only a handful of players that came after me that I respected. I respected how he played, I felt like he played very similar to me, I just kind of thought he was a slightly lower version of me, but actually pretty close. As for Erec, I think Erec played very good too. He learned some of his best tricks from me, but he was also a very aggressive and dangerous when he was at his peak. He was also very good and dangerous to play, but still I don't feel bad saying I was also better than him. As for what you said Venom, if you think it or not I don't give a fuck, but at my best I was very skilled. Even when I hardly play I still play with a lot of skill and intelligence that I don't see in many other players these days. I'd be willing to settle for second place to holylord, but that's the most ground as I'd be willing to give up. |
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In reply to this post by ~)ULC(~V3n0m~
BTW, the majority of the GSA players that I'm sure that you adore and respect so much would've had a lot of trouble staying on top in 2011 with all of the experts in X-CON and W@W. A lot of the old players who came back suck at playing vs the new generations experts, who know pretty much all of the best tactics and economies. M is good but he isn't even top 5. And if that fucker isn't aka HL, then even so, HL would own people at 20 pt these days, but he wouldn't dominate any other setting. You old noobs who talk shit about the new players and talk about how great the GSA players were don't know what you're talking about. You in particular don't know who what you're talking about. If you were never a top expert, then don't even try to act like you're on my level of knowledge! |
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First of All i would like to raise my thumbs up in favour of dingo and 2ndly that noob Redline is also a GSA aka which has been caught using cheats recently so again GSA players sucks without cheating,they r so addicted to prove that they r best and they will do it with cheats unlike Players(No F) like Dingo who never used any cheats and always proved themselves better
Similar Goes for Many GR players of no ffs,Fena will never be a better player or oldest player,to be honest our score is 8-1 in 5pt and he used many akas to beat me when i was a noob u can ask him.in 2012 he lost 7games and won only 3.As for skelet he is used to gay rules and moat bugging so again i m better,i dont give a shit about it.Similarly Avenger uses trainer and Dyavolik Uses Sm. I Must say that u r saying that we suck but u only fought stupid noobs like ZO,I Bet U Will wet ur pants playing vs Dingo just like u got those 33 or 35kills,In No FFs The Honourable Players r : Keks , Mapk m5 and i am being honest that i am better than mapk m5 . in 2010 there was Arthur Pendragon . In No F: Dingo Tbag(No FFs players too)Geralt Lider Savoz Rivaz Aragorn Fearless Fallen Ferocious were far better than any of the noob u describe in ur shitty opinions I Will say this once Venom if u got the balls to play then just post a message challenging me,If u lose then plzzzz dont ever come back on this forums to suck Balls of GSA Players. Though i never got a chance to fight Unframed at his extreme skills but he was fantastic player back in 2011.
Get Schwifty.
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