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The Proofs of my Superiority

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Re: The Proofs of my Superiority

[>D-F<]~ AQua_Dragon ~
82 posts
Well, these SS proves how good you are, but, just 1 Screenshot vs Keks doesnt means nothing. He can has owned you many times and you just 1 time... next time, bring more proofs vs him, before you call yourself as the best.
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Re: The Proofs of my Superiority

102 posts
Aqua Dragon, what is your name in GR ; or what are you commonly called?
Always know if the juice is worth the squeeze
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Re: The Proofs of my Superiority

773 posts
hi nazir,will u explain to this retard about the chat we had recently,Did i called myself best or did i said anybody can beat me.
Aqua dragon do not post shit u dumb retard,u r a piece of crap.
Get Schwifty.
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Re: The Proofs of my Superiority

[>D-F<]~ AQua_Dragon ~
82 posts
Fahad, im not doubting about your skills and how good you are, but i just want to prove to you that 1 SS vs Keks doesnt means you're better.

There is the SS you wrote: http://postimage.org/image/67iqml25j/100e9992/

Nazir, i've played this game long time ago, nowadays i dont play so often.
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Re: The Proofs of my Superiority

773 posts
that was the old fahad,the nolifer type,the fahad in the end of his brutalistic supreme reign ,was changed,i never tried to win that time,i was losing and no longer cared for winning,When u got nothing u want everything,when u got everything u want nothing . FaHaD
Get Schwifty.
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Re: The Proofs of my Superiority

773 posts
This Topic has just got nearly 600views.
Get Schwifty.
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Re: The Proofs of my Superiority

[>D-F<]~ AQua_Dragon ~
82 posts
In reply to this post by Fahad
Good to see how your charisma has improved.
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Re: The Proofs of my Superiority

1021 posts
In reply to this post by Fahad
well  maybe you entered your  topic   500 times, and others checked it 100 times xD
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Re: The Proofs of my Superiority

371 posts
In reply to this post by Fahad
There's still that fahad in you. The best fucking no lifer. The Carer about shc. The one whose life starts with gr and ends up quarreling with people of gr. The one who tries so hard to prove himself best but actually sucks a cock. The one whose online image is more important to him than real life image. The one who tries to prove he's not a no lifer, he doesnt care about shc but deep down inside he knows he cant live without shc and cant stop caring about shc. The one who makes 10 topics yelling that he's leaving shc but keeps fucking coming back while nobody gives a flying fuck to him and his shitty gameplay. The one who got 9 kills vs me but still tries to deny the facts. The one whose truly a disgrace on the face of his country. The one who brings disrespect towards his country and because of that one people of gr have a bad thinking about Pakistan. The one who loses every conversation with me and when he doesnt have an argument left he simply talks shit and abuses. The one whose Truly A NO FUCKING LIFER.
What if I told you, Your perception is a misconception due to Media Deception.
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Re: The Proofs of my Superiority

773 posts
Riva why u no stop barking?Why u get 11kills quit and now brag?u r lucky that i didnt took that 3k 5pt Wheat map ss or u would have been crying like a whore,if u post another message i swear i will beat u in real life to the inch of ur life.
Get Schwifty.
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Re: The Proofs of my Superiority

371 posts
And Yes as Always. Please Die!!
What if I told you, Your perception is a misconception due to Media Deception.
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Re: The Proofs of my Superiority

66 posts
In reply to this post by Fahad
Please Shut the Fuck Up. People like you are the ones who made SHC disgraceful, aswell as your country Pakistan. Just get a fucking life, nobody gives a damn if your the best or not, because we all know your not. No matter how hard you try someone will be above you. You are lucky the players from GSA are not here to destroy your ass and leave you in the dust, you talk too much shit but can't back it up, you think your good because you beat average players such as ((KINGZ))... Nobody respects you. I've played SHC since 2004, and I have never seen such a disrespectful community until GR. Because fags like you were born and decided to be assholes in the game. Nobody respects people like you, because your annoying idiots who don't know when to shut the fuck up. Probably after you read this, you will challenge me to a 1v1. Because you don't know when to shut the fuck up.
When I went to school, they asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up. I wrote down "happy". They told me I didn't understand the assignment; I told them they didn't understand life.
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Re: The Proofs of my Superiority

773 posts
yea Venom fags like me were born to kill maggots like u under 50kills,Remember that game?Also M a.k.a Holylord lost to me in 2011 so stfu maggot . Read the topic carefully,it doesnt say that i m best it says i m a great player so take that in ur bumhole and gtfo
Get Schwifty.
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Re: The Proofs of my Superiority

66 posts
I'm pretty sure that game was right when I came back to SHC. You see, I actually have a life, and I went inactive for about 2 years. And I know the topic does not say your the best, but by posting these ss your implying that you are the best, I mean you even posted a ss vs keks and acted like your the best, IT WAS 1 SS, HE HAS HUNDREDS OF SS VS YOU! If you just want people to think your good, just post a few ss, dont be an asshole and think your soo good and post ss of every single game you've won, how about showing the ss of all the thousands of games you've lost? Now go kill yourself.
When I went to school, they asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up. I wrote down "happy". They told me I didn't understand the assignment; I told them they didn't understand life.
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Re: The Proofs of my Superiority

66 posts
In reply to this post by Fahad
And DON'T ACT LIKE YOUR THE BEST BY BEATING M! First off, you have no proof hes HolyLord. Second off, M has played since 2002, he doesn't try these days anymore, because it's not the same as GSA anymore. I am one of the greatest of all time, I could easily kill you without a sweat at my minimum, as the same with M. He could easily beat you without a sweat, you see me and m have lives outside of shc, thats why we don't try these days, we just play for fun. unlike you, you spend your whole week watching videos of people that are better then you,studying their gameplay 24/7, to get better. But you just suck ass, your an asshole who thinks he is the best because he beat "HolyLord", just understand, M hasn't played a serious game in years...
When I went to school, they asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up. I wrote down "happy". They told me I didn't understand the assignment; I told them they didn't understand life.
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Re: The Proofs of my Superiority

773 posts
In reply to this post by ~)ULC(~V3n0m~
my score vs keks is 2-1.2ndly i would like to answer the rest of ur shitty post with these Words:
You Must have noticed that a dog limited to an area(Chained) can only bark at others,u r that dog no matter how much u try to exceed ur skills and all the shitty tactics u will never be able to beat lider blacky geralt unframed rivaz(especially vs him u cant get 5kills atm) savoz xeshan lance erec maly etc. So i would like to say that when i posted my ss u just got jealous and u started barking,if u want an ownage i will gladly come online and beat u.
Get Schwifty.
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Re: The Proofs of my Superiority

66 posts
There you go again challenging because you do not know when to shut the fuck up. I would be glad to let you know, I have a ss vs Blacky. http://imageshack.us/f/593/ialmostbeatblacky.jpg/
This was a very fun game. Because I play for fun. I would be glad to show you more. And all those names you mentioned, I trained a few of them back in GSA... I am the one who helped them be who they are today, because I helped find secrets in SHC such as cats on wall... So before you talk, just know I am the one who created what they are today.
When I went to school, they asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up. I wrote down "happy". They told me I didn't understand the assignment; I told them they didn't understand life.
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Re: The Proofs of my Superiority

66 posts
Go ahead and look at this ss: http://imageshack.us/f/37/bartandlunavsholyandmes.jpg/

A buddy of mine decided to 2v2 =TKo= vs {{DHK}}
I played for my friend, and we ended up beating HolyLord and Messiah.
When I went to school, they asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up. I wrote down "happy". They told me I didn't understand the assignment; I told them they didn't understand life.
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Re: The Proofs of my Superiority

1021 posts
In reply to this post by ~)ULC(~V3n0m~
  As i  have no life i will join you guys.
  What i think  about  fahad's purpose, it is to show that he is one  of best players  in shc  history, sth like  top 10 lets say xD This thing will be always hard to compare, as  almost all "old schoolers" hate new players which  dont know  80%of shc rules and  havent  even heard of them. in my opinion new times players can  hardly match to those  old players, because they didnt feel the way of learning  game the  way old players  were able to feel.  so old players  were thinking more, and new ones  just learn mechanics, which let them win  games.  So with this i mean  if  old players  come back,  some  2 weeks they would suck vs new ones.  And later i think  things would change, but i dont mean  that old ones would win it all.
  Holylord  has made some Statistics of economy records, so here you can try yourselves  what you can do and see if you are able to match them(compare  speed). Some players have proved they can, like keks, who made  gold record for 1st test. Army control is thing which we can hardly compare  between old players, but as they  could learn game themselves, they could learn army control better.
So here  we have two players  venom and  fahad. Venom, your point  is that you play for fun. Its incorrect as   you come  here and  talk shit  to many players. Player who used to play for  fun is for example D-F Tony. And talking  about how  you  could  beat fahad with no sweat, well its just  abusing each other now.
  Talking  about players fahad has mentioned, its quite hard to beat them, and especially in most common rules, but in some other rules, like  20pt, anything  could happen if both players  are good. Some are  various players, like i would say about geralt. And that made him one  of best last year. Blacky is more monotonous for me in nof game. So when we talk about best players,  its  hard to compare them straight forward.
  Ah and best thing about coming into shc history is barking. well, people then will know you were  an asshole but it still works. Its for you to decide. But why i mention barking, is that some players  didnt really give a shit about  HL's forum/Feanor and  because they weren't  active in GR social life( maybe prefered being  social in real?) they weren't evaluated as top players. Like when i was active last year summer, not so many could  beat me with better result in some 10 games set, only few  guys. LT-U Vendetta killed me  4-2, killed masosz once (i lost all games vs masozs big time) but for feanor vendetta will stay kinda  noob because he didnt want to kiss his  ass. Fena wants other people to do it for him.
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Re: The Proofs of my Superiority

773 posts
yes unframed, u r right about one thing: i dont have life but i m getting a new routines,like playing soccer and studying(utilizing that time which i used to spend on shc)2ndly i dont play now so how come i play for fun,yes unframed i find u hard to beat even i saw ur rusty skills but u were pretty darn awesome at eco and at knights controlling. I would like to mention about my gameplay,my advantage is my army controlling and even though at the worst of games i won,it was all cuz of my controlling.
Get Schwifty.