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lolololollol dingo u make me laughf man. Why u say this not true? You are not even better than erec and many of other xcons players like maly, geralt, ares and lider. You just noob thinking ur good play always med resource. Get life!
http://xconclan.wix.com/xcon-clan look at gallery how much ss we have vs u :) But erec is very differnt player from this dingo. He is much better im sure when we played in 2011 and early months 2012, he playd all rules. Dingo dont say u are best, ARES MALY GERALT EREC are much better than you. Even I remember player by name of KOD Scorpion was fantastic player. These players r play all rules and good in all them rules. Also come youtube this two noobs tbag and dingo we have videos vs them -:) XCON |
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Many people here are those who started online gaming in 2011 and later,and when they talk about how dingo is noob
(i think its already too much about dingo. remember how i talked about how its good to post a lot to become popular, or at least well known. tbag has been one of best players also, but noone even mentioned him) or talk about other players they dont really know so maybe i ll post some screenshots for you to remember old players who were good in 2009-2010 to know who were good(because 2007-2010 is like kinda empty period, nobody talks about those times players, and only mention HL from his very old times, and mention 2011players riva maly geralt erec savoz(2010as well(but wasnt very special then(idk if he was ever v. special xD))). Also im quite intersted to know some nicks of some players who left game early, so someone else will help me to know who they were. Also i im trying to be very competence and not to mention my clanmates too much(me and lietuvis lost around 3 2x2 games in 2010 xD out of ~100 ) but not to leave many players underrated, tata vlad was also very good. |
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In reply to this post by [XCON] Polska
in 2010 me and tbag were owning xcon leaders so easy that we didn't even take ss of every game. I beat ares everytime we 1v1'd in 2010 except for once, and i beat Lider in 4 different events, eliminating him. One event I even beat him twice, because I beat him myself, then I forfeitted cuz i had to go, and then i came back later that same day and tata vlad was in the finals vs lider, and he asked me to play for him, and I beat lider again. The only times I bothered taking ss vs Ares were when I owned him super hard, like the time where he had only 19 kills vs me, which was in early december of 2010. desert-fury.tk, you can take a look at our ss also. The only difference between df gallery and xcon gallery is that xcon noobs have more, because they took ss of literally every game ever, even 2v2, whereas we only took ss of quality games and quality ownages.
And yes unframed, enough about me, i'm done. probably nobody after 2011 would have respect for me, you're right. anyways, yes tbag was very good too, but that goes without saying. I also liked lietuvis a lot, I was even friends with him and had some respect for him. I loved having him as a 2v2 partner. |
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damn i remember that tourney where tata played vs lider in finals. i lost to tata in semifinals. so probably there i lost vs real tata ?
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yeah you would've lost vs the real tata then. It was skydragon's event.
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This post was updated on Sep 25, 2012; 8:45pm.
why you say would've? i've already done :D once i was happy i got tbag in some round and he couldnt appear . so i thought ill pass this easily, and then i got lusenrad :/
i was like 99percent sure that lider will win so this was really strange. |
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In reply to this post by [>D-F<]~Dingo
"BTW, the majority of the GSA players that I'm sure that you adore and respect so much would've had a lot of trouble staying on top in 2011 with all of the experts in X-CON and W@W. A lot of the old players who came back suck at playing vs the new generations experts, who know pretty much all of the best tactics and economies. M is good but he isn't even top 5. And if that fucker isn't aka HL, then even so, HL would own people at 20 pt these days, but he wouldn't dominate any other setting. You old noobs who talk shit about the new players and talk about how great the GSA players were don't know what you're talking about. You in particular don't know who what you're talking about. If you were never a top expert, then don't even try to act like you're on my level of knowledge!" - How is this relevant to our discussion? We were talking about you mate, about you not being #1. I will admit, you were very skilled in this game, actually top 5 during GR. You were probably 2nd or 3rd, but you know you were never 1st.
When I went to school, they asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up. I wrote down "happy". They told me I didn't understand the assignment; I told them they didn't understand life.
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In reply to this post by MAX POWER
Hmmmmmm, lusenrad would've been tough in no fs but you should've owned him easy in no fire only. You thought that lider would have won vs tata for sure? Well sorry but I couldn't let an X-CON win the event. Especially because I had already beaten him earlier in that eventtttttttt, I don't know if I've said that enough times :-\. The game was already over, he was beat, but I knew i had to leave so I gave him the win and let him go on :(
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In reply to this post by Fahad
Now As You Can All See,I am Far More Successful player than Any Russ or Any Ukrainian Player,So I Would Like to Say this to feanor:
Stick Best-Crusader.tk Up Ur Ass, U dumb idiot
Get Schwifty.
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