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The Proofs of my Superiority

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Re: The Proofs of my Superiority

These last messages here, and basically this whole topic, makes me completely cringe and facepalm myself. What I found most amusing, was that Fahad said 'rivaz(especially vs him u cant get 5kills atm)' ; at the top of this page you are both insulting each other and now you try and gain his respect? This game really fucks up children's minds but not as much as call of duty xD
 'barking dogs, chained, ownage, dog limited to an area', this was the 1st time that I actually chuckled to myself reading in this forum... You are a poet Fahad <333 xD
Always know if the juice is worth the squeeze
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Re: The Proofs of my Superiority

I agree with you Nazir not much as cod 8 year old's xD
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Re: The Proofs of my Superiority

In reply to this post by Fahad
Listen me , I will tell you something what you should know .

M wasnt HL  , it was just T-Bag acted him . So many people believed he was HL like so many people believed earth was flat plate. You didnt defeat HL but other top expert , wanna be HL which is active again.

'To see the world in a grain of sand, and to see heaven in a wild flower, hold infinity in the palm of your hands, and eternity in an hour'
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Re: The Proofs of my Superiority

In reply to this post by Nazir
Nazir no matter how bestest of enemies me and riva pretends to be,we r much more alike,He is a great player without any doubt, nobody can deny it if he has done 1v1 with him but thing is hes a W@W and i hate W@W cuz of stupid people like Viktor in it.Rest W@W like Aragorn(xeshan) Fallen Fearless Savo Ferocious r really great players.
Get Schwifty.
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Re: The Proofs of my Superiority

Ah xeshan is worth  be  burned alive
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Re: The Proofs of my Superiority

In reply to this post by Moonwalker
wow i thought he was peabody LOL
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Re: The Proofs of my Superiority

hmmm KINGZ Redline is truly awesome player,hes not inostracevia cuz i saw his gameplay it was fuck*** awesome and his techniques were purely Overwhelming.
Get Schwifty.
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Re: The Proofs of my Superiority

In reply to this post by ~)ULC(~V3n0m~
I agree with you and unframed except there was a ton of rivalry, shit talking, and "barking" in GSA too... Yes it's annoying, but rivalries and competition keep the game alive, and you guys bitch about no lifers and whatnot, but am I not the only one who would be sad if this game died completely?
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Re: The Proofs of my Superiority

RoBiN HooD
yes FahaD is true he is not aka Ino and not cheater Ino is best noob in nf only but Redline is very good in nf only play with him and see his gameplay
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Re: The Proofs of my Superiority

In reply to this post by [>D-F<]~Dingo
Maybe i am old already... because  i would be happy enough  to have fair competition with  respectful players who are not cheaters.
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Re: The Proofs of my Superiority

In reply to this post by [>D-F<]~Dingo
The author has deleted this message.
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Re: The Proofs of my Superiority

  well please read  carefully before claiming something. I didnt not post anything about brocktree being  a teacher of someone, on the contrary i told that i doubt he was a teacher, as i doubt about fahad's arguments being truth.[ sorry i just like when people dont palter with facts]
  playing 1x1 vs player who is in progress and  is  weaker than you, i believe is training.
and  also, erec wasn't that special... He was one of best recent time players like some others who  were active  then. Dont forget his cheating. seems it wasnt enough of his skills to dominate in this game. And also you talk how   erec copied everyone  and used their experience, so why is this unique? i find nothing unique there. lets just call good eco and  army control as  good gameplay  but not unique.
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Re: The Proofs of my Superiority

This post was updated on Sep 20, 2012; 9:45pm.
In reply to this post by Theorist
I gave my time to a player who was nowhere near my skill. Did I do it because beating him was fun? Or because it was a challenge? Was it an accomplishment? No. Stfu, I did it to train him, and all those 1v1's were training. And yes there were games where I sat down and told him what to do and taught him some tricks, so once again, lick a penis. If I hadn't offered as much time as I did to him would he have become as good as he did? I fucking doubt it, he'd played the game for how many years before that and he still sucked even up to that point. So stfu, I know nobody wants to give credit to someone for training them, especially if you eventually turn into rivals, but the fact of the matter is if he hadn't joined D-F he wouldn't have gotten as good as he did. Or if I didn't exist at all, then how would things have turned out?
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Re: The Proofs of my Superiority

In reply to this post by [>D-F<]~Dingo
Sure there was plenty of "barking" in GSA days,but back in GSA, "experts" were mature people. Therefore when they challenge players and what not, they didn't act like 12 year olds hosting a room saying; "AFRAID 1V1 NOOOOB! YOU SCARED BITCH FUCK YOU NOOOOOOB!" This is just disgraceful upon SHC. That is just annoying child actions...
Now when you say that no lifers and shit talking wouldn't occur in SHC then SHC would be dead. This is clearly a false statement. Out of the percentage of the SHC Community, how many players talk shit to the point where they host idiotic childish things such as [X-PAK] do? Not that many. And let alone the fact that there are "noobs" playing SHC, where they don't give a shit about all the other crap that is going on such as this conversation. All they give a damn about is playing for fun, which all of us should do since it's a video game.
When I went to school, they asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up. I wrote down "happy". They told me I didn't understand the assignment; I told them they didn't understand life.
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Re: The Proofs of my Superiority

In reply to this post by Theorist
Sorcerer u retard,Erec Jumped from clan to clan just to get training from them,Why do u think he went into such great clans like D-F etc? or KoRT(Great No FFs clan).2ndly He went into PAK clan and Brocktree trained him i talked to lancelot in 2011,hes a nice guy and i bet he wont deny it.3rdly Who is fahad? The Guy who owned Erec 3 times in no ffs and 2 times in no f is fahad.The one of few players who holds the record for not cheating is fahad(unlike Erec). So Shut ur yapping and gtfo. Erec was trained by Dingo,And Lance was trained by Arthur Pendragon.Even Lancelot took this name "Lancelot" seeing the movie: King Arthur .So Again shut ur stupid mouth and gtfo.
Get Schwifty.
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Re: The Proofs of my Superiority

In reply to this post by Fahad
It is because of people like you that makes me want to punch my cat in the face. It's because of you that cancer exists in this world.
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Re: The Proofs of my Superiority

Nah,it is because people like u are born retard,they cant stop interferring in the matters of others so they just suck up to dictionary and waste their hours just to make people like us embarrassing,it is because people like u r worth even less than a crap,it is because u r hater urself and u want to punch ur cat and u just need a reason to blame it,2ndly Explain how i m making u to punch ur cat in the face?Have I Seen u seducing ur cat?Or did ur cat did the dance with no pants with my Male Cat.Stfu and gtfo plz.
Get Schwifty.
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Re: The Proofs of my Superiority

In reply to this post by [>D-F<]~Dingo
hhhhhhh u noob, erec much better u
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Re: The Proofs of my Superiority

nope i was the best that there ever was, truly. Me at my best had more skill than anybody.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oHg5SJYRHA0 - ultimate proof.
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Re: The Proofs of my Superiority

I laughed my ass off at your first comment. That song is pretty good,thanks for the link
When I went to school, they asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up. I wrote down "happy". They told me I didn't understand the assignment; I told them they didn't understand life.