Your screenshots sucks more then you.Why i have to play game with noob like you? I'm better then you.
You challenge me,but few months ago i didn't know that you exist.You don't use bugs.I know that you are great soldier and knight like your friend Legenda who don't use bugs in game.That is not my life dude,maybe yours.I am dying today.
I'll repeat that i have never called you cheater,and i have never said that you use tm,i just said you are an fucking aka who hide identity.Nobody didn't know that you exist few months ago,now you are owner.
I am tired.....with my poor english i have won every rap battle.
Re: I challenge all "top-experts" from the list of HL
14 posts
I said top experts not u. and it isnt imperative. only if someone will want too.
i am in GR since autumn 2009 it isnt 2 months.
Czesk among >.< jak sie masz?
keks you are not expert so shut up your fucking mouth. If someone wants to defeat keks, just don't let him to be host.
I owned you easy. And if you have some doubt of who's better ok then i challenge you to play 5 games at any rules with a watcher hosting because i always see strange things everytime you host.
Re: I challenge all "top-experts" from the list of HL
14 posts
np i dont like to host. what for did u leave that ss? we played smth about 7-8 games and u won only 2 . i am ready to play with u. U will be host, if u want to please ur strange fantasy.
keks , as you remember in that game your ally crashed when i was getting in his castle and it dosent make a 1v2 because you can see when your ally crashed, and lost how many. its so simple to watch and understand that was 2v2 not 1v2. are you sure you can beat me at 1v1 your imagining 1v2?
Re: I challenge all "top-experts" from the list of HL
14 posts
hey where is my first message >.<
ofc it is possible even 1-2 cuz it was no fs and not so long time ago. and ur ss ... idk when was it i dont have that nickname in game probably for half and a year when i was only starting no f only
Re: I challenge all "top-experts" from the list of HL
96 posts
Dont lie keks you always insist to host. And in your ss, you are host. We didnt play 8 games. We played 5 games and i won 3 and you "won 2" and the times i "lost to you" you was host. I am ready to play you but only with a watcher. Everyone in game ranger say bad things about you so i dont trust on you.
And you among shut up your mouth. I owned keks 2 times in front of your eyes and owned you like 4 times under aka because you always refuse me to play 1 v 1 hahahaha
But i didnt take ss because i dont consider you good enough to waste 316 KB of my hard drive disk of 320 GB in ss's of an idiot.
Re: I challenge all "top-experts" from the list of HL
18 posts
Lol keks,you are noob dude.Lusenrad is player who was enemy with me,but he is better then you 100x times.
Your skill is under his,and he is better with knights and best play for me in no fire fs.
Maybe Dingo defeated him,but player who make only ha and sins in game(nof/fs) is noob player for me.
So please stfu keks,and leave forums,your position is in noob group.