Re: I challenge all "top-experts" from the list of HL
3 posts
I forgot to tell you on gr Lusenrad.But i remember perfectly then 7/8 months ago i wanted to play Salah Adin and he insisted to be host so much.So i think that keks is salah ad din and that he didn't leave shc.Something strange about hosting .
Re: I challenge all "top-experts" from the list of HL
14 posts
I have played 4 games with Ares. In the list of HL he is considered to be top expert.
2 games no f no fs and 2 games no f only were played. I won 3 of 4 games. So can noob win with top expert 3 of 4? sure that cant. Btw, special information for Lusenrad or DH: i wasnt host >.<
when u was away i waited u in my castle so that was 3-1. I didnt say i am top lol.
U didnt have pop and u didnt have army so i killed king. U had some has on trap but they were away. I have to run and kill ur has on trap? lolation. U didnt have another army so i killed king. All is ok.
Ok i see that people think wrong about this forum :D It was created not to show how cool i am but to play with HL. Ok i shall forget now about this forum. Hf guys
Re: I challenge all "top-experts" from the list of HL
14 posts
ofc i want. I want to play with experts in no f only, cuz i still suck in it, and playing with best i am learning. Thats why this forum was created. Ok i am waiting for ur call
yup it was total ownage by One Of Many :D Using my favourite rush. Eh if i rushed the same.. who knows.. who knows..
About Cheating is bully shit. Bicii what could u see we havent play for a half a year lol
If u tell i am cheater pls make proofs< that cant be made cuz i am not.
Everyone can say empty words