{>FuRY<} Viktor wrote
This person has a problem of paranoia that is extinguished in the gap of a person that wants to be someone either for a reason x, that it cannot be.
That is, it has raverings of grandeur of which cannot reach such as being the best player of Stronghold Crusader (although deep inside his mind, he is conscious of his impotence but paranoia affects his nervous system and travel him to a world of fantasy). That is the effect of paranoia, not afford to be aware of its limits. His exaggerated creation of akas is the main symptom of his disease (wanting to be someone either for a reason x, that it cannot be). It also manifests itself in other symptoms such as contempt and insult to others. This is a symptom called "symptom inertia effect", that means a symptom that is created by other symptom. Logically this is because the disease makes repress the individual against others that hinder him to "achieve his desire".
Give this man a top list !
Sometimes you win and sometimes... you win some more.