New strategy of idiots to destroy me:
4.all others idiots who thinks they are better of mokka
Lol see derminator what he try to done to me,he wanted me to download a virus to controle me,but he is idiot like dh and szeky and they dont know that one smart man is stronger than they 3 idiots.Also he said to me he is sorry and he sent me a link of a virus and he said that is an program for gold acc voice messages,etc what an idiot!!!!!
http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/840/tryx.png/ -that is dermi and his shity voice
THEY FORMED CLAN TO DESTROY ME(ONLY ONE WHO KNOWS LOT OF AKAS OF THIS 3 IDIOTS)and they try and will try to destroy me,but they cant.idiots.