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What People Think of Holylord

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What People Think of Holylord

773 posts
Usually many of u DHK Retards(On forums) or i suppose the accs of hl think that hes so awesome,hes extremly great or hes unbeatable. The Question that ur silly little Mind does not ask is,why does he post ss of all the top experts(recently) when they newbies to shc.We Both saw DHK gameplay vs XCON(Go To Ares Channel on Youtube) DHK Hackett and DHK Holylord vs Geralt and Ares(DHK Rules and Map).So It has been proved or it can easily be proved that people like Dingo can easily beat the shit out of Holylord as Hl is a myth nothing more than a liar.Similarly in No FFs i can beat the shit out of him without wasting any time.There R Far greater players than hl in recent time.The Part of Conversation in which u r completely Persuaded by Hl is when he clearly talks like a cool and calm person .We all know that Hl is toying with our minds,he himself knows that he can never ever be best,he can only dream about it and it is up to u to force ur mind in the right or wrong direction.
Get Schwifty.
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Re: What People Think of Holylord

1021 posts
Dingo has played a lot of games  being   very active.  he won none  of games, from what i know. You should maybe spend more time  looking through old  topics here, where were a lot  of screenshots about HL's wins and other players' wins to see what was reality of those times. well it would be wasting a lot  of time, but still better than  trying to  deny  history of shc.
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Re: What People Think of Holylord

773 posts
Well Unframed it still doesnt explain about Hl giving himself 95 Rating and Geralt 86 ares 88 Rating as we recall and yet he lost the 2v2 game vs them with a partner who was playing equally good as himself and those were DHK rules.2ndly Hl did win but he did not beated Dingo when he was fully top expert,i remember the 2v1 ss(Hl vs Azura and Dingo) so it is clear that Hl isnt as great as he says he is.Me on the other hand showed more than 200ss and those included nearly all top experts of 2011 and 2012 and some from past .If there was ever a rating of no ffs 1: Keks 2: Arthur 3: Myself from 2010 to 2012,i m just being honest dude .I Deserve a spot on the top 3 of no ffs from 2010 to 2012
Get Schwifty.
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Re: What People Think of Holylord

46 posts
In reply to this post by Fahad
fool.   you use 2v2 to say "hl is noob" but i see hl lost some 2v2 but never lost 1v1...  hl many times defeated all top experts ... also 2v1...  you fahad wish u was hl...

did u saw hl vs geralt ss?  i saw hl beat geralt all time in ss...
did u saw hl vs ares ss?   i saw hl beat ares all time in ss...

hl also play vs ares + geralt 2v1.... you are bad memory fahad pls no waste time here

keks #1 no ffs?   but i saw hl kill keks in no ffs 2011.   gg.

you fahad can only beat noobs,  99% ur ss = noob
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Re: What People Think of Holylord

773 posts
who cares about a guy who only talks crap?as i said in the topic: Hl post ss from 20th century and in that 2v2 vid it was Geralt vs Hl and Ares vs hackett,go to utube and see for urself,2ndly Hl did beated keks but not on standard map rules,he must have putted some idiotic rules and he must have used tm.
Get Schwifty.
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Re: What People Think of Holylord

1021 posts
In reply to this post by Fahad
well ill ne honest, because  gr is not a place to look for friends. how  i imagine top three :   if its a period of  3years(i didnt  check now), need to be totally best at some period of time, and need to lose  very few games, like  dingo used to lose  very few  games in  2010 i think while HL wasnt here, or Geralt who won  most  of games  in  2011, or Holy who didnt  actually almost didnt lose at all( well i remember  some cases with masosz , or one with  mert,  who was cheater anyway(maybe he didnt cheat in game,  didnt see video). And about you, i am maybe not aware about shc  history, but even now  you have  quite many competitors to match with, and i wouldnt  exclude a period where you were the best.  or at least  facts  never  could apper themselves  as you  go ahead  and  brag about  your wins  before people  find  out  by themselves that you are very good. it actually makes you look  shitty damn  too much.  And i dont know what feanor  thinks  by putting   you there. And i will keep   saying  that he underrates no  f players.  like lancelot  was  good  in both nof and no fs, but feanor  keep doing  his own  shit  
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Re: What People Think of Holylord

701 posts
well many players who arent exactly the best in basic game with no rules decide that they can be the best in some more specific and particular rules.  no rules (no fire only) is the purest and most involved form of SHC.  no flying stones removes an entire (and very large and skill-requiring) dimension from the game, allowing players to have less to deal with and worry about, and more capable of focusing on one particular type of gameplay.  this allows players to balance the game level against superior opponents, making it easier for a "normal expert" or "good expert" to beat a "top expert"

It's very similar to the concept of low ressource/low pt.   the lower resource and lower pt , the more chance a lesser player can defeat a greater player.   its common sense, because SHC economy is a basic system of exponential growth, so a better player will always make more with his resources than a lesser players.  because of this, the more ressources the better player has, the more and more he'll make than a lesser player.  even more to realize is that the more there is to make, the more a player must handle.   its easier to only have to make a few buildings and few shops and a few mines and a few farms etc than it is to have to handle a huge economy.   the same concept applies to the time given to a player (no rush / pt)  the more pt or time given to an expert, the more he will capitalize and build on it than a lesser player.  because of this, the most skill-involved level of SHC gameplay is in high-resource, high pt.  

as you can see, its common these days for any normal player to have the 'typical' economy in low ressource 10pt etc.   this is because these low settings have a naturally lower limit to what can be done, and so it is common and simple to reach this limit.  adding more rules which limit game play is the same concept as this, but militarily, rather than economically.   it is all, in the end, a way of limiting the game and creating easier modes of gameplay which balance the playing field more against the most superior players.  And this is exactly why these rules and settings are so popular amongst the newer or inferior players.
~ † DHK † - The Best In Game ~
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Re: What People Think of Holylord

773 posts
In reply to this post by MAX POWER
unframed i m not saying that hl is noob,i m just saying that hes not unbeatable atm like he talks about and yes i have done alot of shit ,bragged but if u can just see how fast and how incredible and flexible i m at no ffs and how consistently my game improves u will see for urself that i am underrated as compared to fena on best-crusader. 1:Keks 2:Arthur 3:Me.I did not lost even a single game in august except vs Skelet when he started using Moat bug and started using tm for pits,since he isnt a fair player,even Fena putted a tm tag infront of him.I am what I am and u should at least consider giving me some great regards since u saw those ss.I am the first one to beat keks at standard map rules or 2nd One(if u consider Hl as 1st) in 2012 when keks was at his best in march,i beated him
Get Schwifty.
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Re: What People Think of Holylord

773 posts
In reply to this post by {{DHK}}HolyLord
HL u got experience and u talk with logic but remember this lower pt and lower resource builds a gameplay based on perfection like if u make some mistakes on eco it will cost u the game but if u perfect ur gameplay it will easily give u an advantage so lower pt has its disadvantages and advantages.
Get Schwifty.
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Re: What People Think of Holylord

773 posts
In reply to this post by {{DHK}}HolyLord
and Hl we should talk on gr,discuss the matters between us and u should at least give me a chance to prove myself once again and u should take ur comment back about me being inferior to a noob like fena.
Get Schwifty.
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Re: What People Think of Holylord

701 posts
I don't play anymore.
~ † DHK † - The Best In Game ~
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Re: What People Think of Holylord

773 posts
In reply to this post by Fahad
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Re: What People Think of Holylord

Banned User
157 posts
In reply to this post by Fahad
Legendary_Crusader is right  in talking about hl.
Hl is right in talking about rules of games.
I am right in all i say,i know a lot about all,but i dont see nessesarity to interfere somewhere where it isnt nessesary at all.
A lot know hl isnt so cool as player as a human being,but his skill are cool,He is sick skilled player(good one),and NOONE who didnt played since begining of hl gaming(2004-05) CANT SAY he didnt lost any games.He losed.
He losed a lot.You dont know becasue you read fake things.You hear wrong guys.You take lies.So live in them.
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Re: What People Think of Holylord

770 posts
I find funny reading this .
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Re: What People Think of Holylord

66 posts
In reply to this post by Fahad
LOL. Fahad, you are one stupid ass mother fucker. You say you don't give a shit about SHC. You said you will lock your PC for studying. Yet you still manage to keep posting shit about Holylord. You keep posting shit over and over and over again about SHC. You contradict yourself so many times you uglyass brown skin piece of shit paki. Get the fuck out of here. Go die.
When I went to school, they asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up. I wrote down "happy". They told me I didn't understand the assignment; I told them they didn't understand life.
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Re: What People Think of Holylord

Banned User
157 posts
Venom my dear friend :)
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Re: What People Think of Holylord

66 posts
This kid is annoying with all his shit... (:
How you been? I see you active in GR alot,you coming back to shc?
When I went to school, they asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up. I wrote down "happy". They told me I didn't understand the assignment; I told them they didn't understand life.
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Re: What People Think of Holylord

36 posts
In reply to this post by !Yu.GoD!GILMAN~RF
Yes I speaking with HL and Many old player about old time and is true HL have some games which he loss, but only few, maybe HL loss MAX 10 games since he become expert (04?)  nobody perfect, but nobody can deny which truth :   HL maybe best player which ever live in SHC ...
Legendary_Crusader talk about some 2v2 which really dont prove much, we know which truth hl beated ares + geralt many time but never lose.  I wont say "HL losed alot" because this wrong (he almost never loss), but i wont say "HL never losssed" because this wrong too.  I see many game which Legendary_Crusader loss, i think nobody can have the record of HL which so close to perfection.
when HL talking about game rules this is true too, HL show much intelligent in game :)
~ The Many Speak Through Me ~
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Re: What People Think of Holylord

66 posts
Yea, and even when he did loose, he didn't get his ass whooped. The games which he would loose in would be very close.
When I went to school, they asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up. I wrote down "happy". They told me I didn't understand the assignment; I told them they didn't understand life.
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Re: What People Think of Holylord

Banned User
157 posts
In reply to this post by ~)ULC(~V3n0m~
Well i dont wanna geting argue but he didnt losed a many games from his acc,but i can count a dozents losing from akas.Nwm dont need argue with smb who knows shc from 2009 or so.

Yeah i am back :) just because you,i miss you :D
I am online every time when i have time for it,studies begins,big jobs awaiting.I'm becoming uncle too,oh crap I'm geting old ....