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What People Think of Holylord

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Re: What People Think of Holylord

I have only lost about 8-9 serious games since I became an expert 8 years ago, but really only to some of the best players ever, and all of them have lost more to me   ;D

I also lost twice vs "medium" players, in 2005 and 2006, by sneak.  After this I learned my lesson and never lost vs sneak again  :\

I only ever lost 3 games under aka, and all of these were many years ago.  
~ † DHK † - The Best In Game ~
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Re: What People Think of Holylord

I beat you a few times in a 2v2. I think I beat you once in a 1v1. I ran by a different name back then (:
When I went to school, they asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up. I wrote down "happy". They told me I didn't understand the assignment; I told them they didn't understand life.
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Re: What People Think of Holylord

No you never beat me in 1v1, because only three people ever have, and I still know them to this day.   :)

I lost countless 2v2s  : D    I never cared for 2v2, it was just fun for me

nice try though
~ † DHK † - The Best In Game ~
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Re: What People Think of Holylord

In reply to this post by ~)ULC(~V3n0m~
~)ULC(~V3n0m~ wrote
I think I beat you once in a 1v1.

ahahahahahahahahahah so liar, nobody "think" beat hl 1v1.. if u win hl u KNOW !!  liar aka
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Re: What People Think of Holylord

FU is correct.  we see venom is liar, because if someone beat HL why would they "think" ?

if someone can beat HL , then someone must be top expert, and which top expert will forget if beat HL or not? LOL  this venom idiot u never kill HL  even i  (normal player) can kill u noobie - i killed u under my real name 2 x
~ The Many Speak Through Me ~
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Re: What People Think of Holylord

In reply to this post by {{DHK}}HolyLord
Yea now I remember.. It was HolyKing.. I never really knew why you guys had the same name, I confuse you guys all the time.
When I went to school, they asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up. I wrote down "happy". They told me I didn't understand the assignment; I told them they didn't understand life.
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Re: What People Think of Holylord

In reply to this post by oneOfMany
You do realize I don't play serious? I play for fun you dumbass lowlife. I haven't played a serious game in 3 years, since GSA. I do not even play this anymore, since I've played since 2004, and it's not the same as the good ol' days. Get the fuck out of here fucking douchebag.
When I went to school, they asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up. I wrote down "happy". They told me I didn't understand the assignment; I told them they didn't understand life.
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Re: What People Think of Holylord

In reply to this post by {{DHK}}HolyLord
who were the 3?
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Re: What People Think of Holylord

This post was updated on Oct 01, 2012; 6:07am.
Standard, Meelman, and Masosz

Standard defeated me once in a tournament in 2005.  Our final score is HL 8 - 1 Standard.  (I defeated him more than 8 times too, but I stopped taking record of this, since by late 2006 and 07 we were good friends and played for practice and test new maps etc)

Meelman defeated me three times from 2005-2006.    He was my rival for a long time, and we played many 1v1s.   Our final score was HL 8  - 3 Meelman.  

Masosz beat me a couple times when I returned on my first day back in 2008.  I wasn't ready to play a top expert on my first day back and I lost 3 games in a row lol.   But anyways, I came back to defeat him many times after playing some more.  Our final score to this day is HL 7 - 3 Masosz.

Now, to be truly honest, I lost many 'practice 1vs1s' which I had with top DHK members over the years, such as Bartholo, Arma, (and Also Peabody, who was my practice partner)

I played like 300-400+ games with each of them and of course I lost sometimes, maybe 40% I lost vs Bartholo, about 10% I lost vs Arma, and about 2-3% I lost vs Peabody.   I also played many practice games with Blacky and I lost one time.  
^^ I don't usually "count" these (best friend DHK Members + Peabody) when someone asks who I lost to, because they are like close friends with whom I used to practice daily with.   It's like Dingo saying "T-bag defeated me 30 times since 2006".   It's not really an answer to the question "Who has defeated you?"

Standard, Meelman, and Masosz were the ones who defeated me once I became an expert (about 8 years ago).   Before them, when i was new player, I lost twice vs G$F Hackett (the real one).   :P

Other Losses:

There was also this medium player TKo Luna which challenged me to some 1v1 in 2009 and I thought he was noob (he was noob in GSA) so i tried HA rush him and I lost lmao, but then I played rematch and won easily.  

Also I am 4-1 with Lord Mert, but he probably cheated that one time lol

I lost once vs a new {GoC}Sct.  noob in a 1v1 tournament in 2005 but he didn't "defeat" me.  I was owning his castle and I saw him send assassins to sneak my King (rules were King on Keep), but I ignored the rules and took King off Keep and I got disqualified lol  xD

Under AKA

Of course I have had some akas since 2003 (99% of experts have) and I have about the same win percentage under aka as I have under real name (HL).   Under AKA, I have lost about 5-6 games in my life.   One of these was vs Meelman in 2006, one was vs G$F Fubar in 2005, and the other 3-4 I will keep secret for now  ;)   (but don't worry, they were all many years ago.)   People say I use akas and all, but I really haven't used an aka since like 2009, and maybe a few rare times in 2010 for relax games
~ † DHK † - The Best In Game ~
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Re: What People Think of Holylord

Fahad, actually I played 1 game vs keks no f fs and I won. gg
i suck
you suck
all suck
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Re: What People Think of Holylord

In reply to this post by ~)ULC(~V3n0m~
ULC Venom Stick those words up ur mommy ass u dumb fuck,read my post with open eyes u blind dimwit son of holyfart,I said i will close my pc in upcoming months u dumb dotard now fuck u and fuck ur so called pathetic shc history which u think is so important.
Get Schwifty.
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Re: What People Think of Holylord

Best of Arab
like i say always fahd is just the pet we all keep in gr he talk alote . he funny . you can fuck him alote but in final he just pet any one say to him good words become his pet in few seconds :)
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Re: What People Think of Holylord

In reply to this post by Fahad
:.:Legendary_Crusader:.: wrote
Usually many of u DHK Retards(On forums) or i suppose the accs of hl think that hes so awesome,hes extremly great or hes unbeatable. The Question that ur silly little Mind does not ask is,why does he post ss of all the top experts(recently) when they newbies to shc.We Both saw DHK gameplay vs XCON(Go To Ares Channel on Youtube) DHK Hackett and DHK Holylord vs Geralt and Ares(DHK Rules and Map).So It has been proved or it can easily be proved that people like Dingo can easily beat the shit out of Holylord as Hl is a myth nothing more than a liar.Similarly in No FFs i can beat the shit out of him without wasting any time.There R Far greater players than hl in recent time.The Part of Conversation in which u r completely Persuaded by Hl is when he clearly talks like a cool and calm person .We all know that Hl is toying with our minds,he himself knows that he can never ever be best,he can only dream about it and it is up to u to force ur mind in the right or wrong direction.
not at all dude
legends are not comparable, like the man u are talking about.. as his fan lol i never said that he really was so much awesome.. but u couldn't take a look to his gameplay, as i know that you were acting like baby when you were in dhk like i am..
I serve you and you serve my people instead.
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Re: What People Think of Holylord

Banned User
I appresiate your 50% onest hl,but i can count a dozents of your akas and loses ,and i dont count loses vs clan mates(which is unessesary).
You lost a dozent games since 2004,but nwm,As i told earlier i respect your skill,but i cant respect your lies.
You need count loses with dracula too as one aka extra aka of you,other i will keep as secret as you too :P :D
Dont wanna give a cause for fightining to new players.Just love truth.
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Re: What People Think of Holylord

The author has deleted this message.
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Re: What People Think of Holylord

Best of Arab
Fena got right on this point
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Re: What People Think of Holylord

Banned User
That is truth,but he cant lie old players about past.
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Re: What People Think of Holylord

In reply to this post by !Yu.GoD!GILMAN~RF
You better count  how much shit you wrote in your website. I hate people who criticize  others while they cant accept where they are wrong.
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Re: What People Think of Holylord

Best of Arab
i like that guy unramed when he comment :) . i like read it
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Re: What People Think of Holylord

In reply to this post by {{DHK}}HolyLord
first i would handcuff you and tie you to an operation bed in my basement. next i would put shots of adrenaline into your body so you wouldn't pass out. then i would take a scalpel for your eyelids if you insist on fucking shut them. by now your heart is probably beating faster than it takes a child a Jamaican to run around an orange rectangle.  In a deviating manner then i would shear your skin with a razor. Subsequently i would then chop of every single one of your fucking limbs, in exception with the testicles which i will later feed to my rottweilers.  The last thing you'll remember is how much more of a man i was and how helpless you were when i megalomaniacally conquered your ego at ease with disproportion to my far greater abilities.