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Legends of Crusader

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Legends of Crusader

39 posts
This post was updated on Oct 05, 2012; 4:40am.
I created this list of the real legends of Crusader: http://mcathena.com/legends.html

This list does not include false myths like XXoDDuSS whos skill and arrival in the game were exaggerated by FireDragon to make X2X seem older and its players better. This includes only true players, who did great things for this game. It is not based only on skill, you must have had influence in the community in other ways, by creating great maps, leading clans, winning events, or doing other things besides simply playing well on a couple maps and one setting. If you have any questions on why someone was listed here, and want more details about what they did for Crusader, just ask. If you think someone else should be added to the list, I may consider it, just state who and why. Do not recommend yourself, I will not take that as a serious request.
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Re: Legends of Crusader

407 posts
Well there were important people after 2006 too lol. Just because you guys weren't around doesn't mean the past few years were the "dark ages of SHC", there's way more shc players than GSA had for a long time. I don't really recall the GR lobby ever having more than 150-200 people in 2007 or later, and in 08 and 09 it shrunk extremely, but GR has tons of players, noob or not.
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Re: Legends of Crusader

39 posts
[>D-F<]~Dingo wrote
Well there were important people after 2006 too lol. Just because you guys weren't around doesn't mean the past few years were the "dark ages of SHC", there's way more shc players than GSA had for a long time. I don't really recall the GR lobby ever having more than 150-200 people in 2007 or later, and in 08 and 09 it shrunk extremely, but GR has tons of players, noob or not.
Indeed, I am sure there are still important people, I just do not know who they are as my last days were in 2008. I really did not see anyone from 2006-2008 trying to improve the game or community much. Viper, in my opinion, made the last big efforts to bring something nice to the community. As I said, if you believe someone should be added to this list, for reasons other than skill, please recommend them.
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Re: Legends of Crusader

407 posts
well i mean, i don't mean to brag or anything, but I'm ridiculously awesome and the leader of the best clan right now, and leader of the clan that had the biggest clan rivalry that has existed in GR (D-F and X-CON).

I'd say give some recognition to the GR leaders of X-CON, D-F, W@W. I guess feanor is an important player among the russianssssssss, Jay should get recognition for the way that he ran X2X into the ground, probably shazz too.
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Re: Legends of Crusader

39 posts
[>D-F<]~Dingo wrote
well i mean, i don't mean to brag or anything, but I'm ridiculously awesome and the leader of the best clan right now, and leader of the clan that had the biggest clan rivalry that has existed in GR (D-F and X-CON).

I'd say give some recognition to the GR leaders of X-CON, D-F, W@W. I guess feanor is an important player among the russianssssssss, Jay should get recognition for the way that he ran X2X into the ground, probably shazz too.
Currently, I don't feel I know enough about the current situations to add recent players to the list. I will take these names into consideration and talk to more current players before I make any decisions. Based on what I have heard already, and from how far I remember D-F coming since back in the GSA days, you are a top contender for additions to the list.
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Re: Legends of Crusader

71 posts
In reply to this post by [>D-F<]~Dingo
Me, dingo and very few other players (Lider, Blacky, Masosz) helped shc to go thru its "dark age", and mostly how the gameplay looks today in gameranger is our contribute to this.
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Re: Legends of Crusader

407 posts
Yup, me and tbag and just a few other guys(blacky, masosz, lider, maybe ares) were the bridge for expert gameplay between GSA and GR.
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Re: Legends of Crusader

701 posts
This post was updated on Oct 05, 2012; 8:52am.
In reply to this post by [>D-F<]~T-Bag~
The dark ages of SHC only lasted like a year.  (2008)  (and I think that's also what Merlin meant, similar to my picture)

I wouldn't call anything after 2008 "The Dark Ages", since GR became quickly populated and active, with as much players at a time as GSA in 06-07.   Masosz, You, Blacky, Lider, Dingo, Me, Lietuvis (kinda), and FireDragon all assisted in ushering in what we could now call something like "The New Age"  (09 - now), the active and thriving period of GR.
~ † DHK † - The Best In Game ~
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Re: Legends of Crusader

153 posts
In reply to this post by Merlin
Finally true list (I guess I would add several of them more). HL any comment about Duss? lol
No taxes is good taxes, that's my motto.
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Re: Legends of Crusader

701 posts
Was there a false list?  You never mentioned wanting a list of players who had influence in SHC.  If you always wanted one, it could have been made earlier  :p

And why would I have any comment on duss?  
~ † DHK † - The Best In Game ~
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Re: Legends of Crusader

39 posts
My problem with adding these guys is, I've added people who went out and did something on their own. Adding people for, being part of a group of 5-8 players who continued the game, isn't really something that is legendary in my opinion. Maybe if one man single-handedly saved the game..
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Re: Legends of Crusader

153 posts
In reply to this post by {{DHK}}HolyLord
I'm soo lazy to repeat my words over and over again, it's enough that you know and I know what I'm talking about since I joined this forum. Read my posts again if you care.
No taxes is good taxes, that's my motto.
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Re: Legends of Crusader

Banned User
157 posts
Hahaha =)
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Re: Legends of Crusader

407 posts
In reply to this post by Merlin
It's a pretty big deal if they saved expert gameplay that could have otherwise been lost. When me and tbag first came to GR in 2009, virtually nobody played FS except for the names that I listed, and literally everybody else only ever played 10 pt event low res no fire no flying stone. Also, I forgot to mention Lietuvis, he would've been part of that too. And I guess HL too.
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Re: Legends of Crusader

701 posts
In reply to this post by Fireboy
You said "finally a true list", as if the other lists before this were wrong.   But a list like Merlin's was never made, it is the first type of list ever made which only includes people who had a big influence on the community of SHC, not just about skill.   My list (and others before it and after it) are all about skill.

Do I have a comment on XXoDDuSS?   I never did - you were the one who had some comment; you and Merlin think he didn't play in 2002 and was never a good player.  I disagree.   I know he played in 2002, and I know he was an expert in 2003.  Merlin says XXoDDuSS didn't play in 2002, but Merlin is gearing this claim more to the idea that "XXoDDuSS" wasn't a known player on the community scene in 2002 (and not many were), but the fact is XXoDDuSS had SHC, and played SHC in GSA during 2002, whether or not he was involved in clans or community at the time.
~ † DHK † - The Best In Game ~
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Re: Legends of Crusader

701 posts
In reply to this post by [>D-F<]~Dingo
Dingo, we obviously failed pretty hard at bringing expert gameplay to GR, seeing as everyone (but the few you named, and a select few new players - thanks to the original few you named) still only know how to play low pt, low res, no fs.  lol
~ † DHK † - The Best In Game ~
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Re: Legends of Crusader

407 posts
Well... nowdays idk how many people plays no fs only, but in the last few years there were definitely a lot more players who would at least play fs and different settings than there would have been if we hadn't been around.
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Re: Legends of Crusader

153 posts
In reply to this post by {{DHK}}HolyLord
I never said he's not a good player. I don't care about gameplay, if, as you say, expert in 03 then put him under all others u've put in that picture-list of generations you made. And he didn't played then. Nvm, we don't agree on this one, so it's all cool bro. About the list - you know and I know - you're "The Greatest of All Time" on this forum 3-4 people DON'T EXIST - they're aka's. You can reply w/e you want, sooner or later everything will be revealed. Imagine people who care about you and SHC community, their reaction when they find out. loool.
No taxes is good taxes, that's my motto.
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Re: Legends of Crusader

701 posts
sorry man but I really can't understand your english lol

and xxodduss is at the top of my picture because he started playing in 2002, just like firedragon, wrath, and deez.   its not a complicated thing man

also ur stupid
~ † DHK † - The Best In Game ~
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Re: Legends of Crusader

Banned User
157 posts
Fireboy,bro why you make discution about fake list and his "knowing" about history and players,as I told and as all see his lies comes to the light of the day by itself.Nevermind,i made a mistake about GSF,x2x indeed coems before,but Duss where not at begin in the lobby.Also he made later GSF(as hl said in his post) but he didnt played at begin(abother proof that hl say fake things that fit to his aims).That's not making we shoiuld not remember as one of greateast players ever.
Indeed his "THE greatest players of all time" SUCK AS HELL.I talked about it and that is whet is hurting.Even hl knows that half of idiots akas he made(or smb else) in this part of shit forum is fake and not worthly to be in it.
Bro,we know truth about it,so dont waste a valuable time in making post about it.It will be revailed by itself,soon on later.Maybe someone comes and prove it ;)