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This post was updated on Sep 26, 2010; 6:27pm.
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List of active players nowaday 1) [>D-F<]~Dingo 2) ((X2X))Massoz 3){{DHK}}Arm@ 4)[X-CON]--Lider21PL. 5) {F.U.}Blacky 6)[>D-F<]~Tbag~ 7)((X2X))FireDragon 8) ((X2X))Ninya 9) Idiot {F.U}Erec 10) [X-CON] Ares
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Am I active ?
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yes u are
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In reply to this post by [>D-F<]~DarkHell~
hey , can somebody help my with my exercizes? http://img409.imageshack.us/i/scr14a.jpg/ . need to say are these 4 sentences correct or no . its international mathematic language , so you are able to help me :))))))) i hope shc hasnt demaged your brain too much :)) i had seen you all are very well known about politics and geopolitics , this won't be difficult :).
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This post was updated on Sep 29, 2010; 4:53am.
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haha , i knew you are total excusers. the secret man, your equation is around 7-8 school class level . and it is international language dingo. or no , im sure you won't agree with me, you just think yourself to be as holylard , who is always right . the truth is that you have no idea what these symbols mean :D . and i write lithuanian alphabet to you : aąbcčdeęėfghiįyjklmnoprsštuųūvzž.
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In reply to this post by [>D-F<]~Dingo
and yes . ill be posting out of topic until you will understand that it would be better to stay with one topic instead of creating new about best of recent times each 2-3 days .
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This post was updated on Sep 29, 2010; 4:53am.
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well its difficult to me too... yet. its just not classes or lessons, its lectures :/ just joking with that math, i just wanted you to feel not as smart and perfect as you imagine yourselfs to be =))
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In reply to this post by [>D-F<]~DarkHell~
zuhahahahah mhwhahahahhahaha Fuck u mom noob Dingo is First 10) ARes mhahahahhaha
mom Fuck ARma is big Noob ! Dingo is Big noob ! FireDragon Big Noob !!! Ares is Big Noob T-BAG mwhahahhahah X-WAR clan members Always Killed T-BAG mwhahahhahaa Ninya ???? Fuckkkkkkkkkkkk Noob !!! mwhahahha Erec ?? always big Noob |
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X-War no one X WAR beat me 1v1 lol.How x war can be good when founder and leader of clan are inactive lmao.
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You can be clan leader.U are most active here lololol
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Yes i am active really as i told u in my post"the most active players" andi dont play under my akas like u lmao...
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In reply to this post by [>D-F<]~DarkHell~
1 - {{DHK}} Holylord
2 - {{DHK}} =Clamber= 3 - ((X2X)) Masosz 4- [X-CON] Lider21 5- {F.U.} Blacky 6- [X-CON] Ares This guys are the top experts. Of course there are good players but just good players, not great thing. |
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Good list.
I think it's missing FD and Arma.
~ † DHK † - The Best In Game ~
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In reply to this post by Lusenrad
First dingo is better then ares.Ares is the biggest pussy in gr and polish noob who got owned by me btw DF Tony when he was active was better then Ares.Second Dingo and Lider are really same,idk who is better.3rd Dingo killed Blacky last time in 1v1.Clamber is good but aka,when he comes with real name he can be top.When he made 1st his event i asked him how long u are in dhk he told me 2 weeks.2 weeks in DHK and he is not trainee and top expert lol.HL is ok if he dont have any hidden cheat.
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In reply to this post by [>D-F<]~DarkHell~
I am enough good as Lietuvis ,but i dont have chance to play and i havent played long time.And why u care who is better and who is not if u self just practising this game.
I agree ares isnt better than dingo but he really isnt "polish noob" most x-cons have great eco and it makes long and hard game.And i hope dingo will practise u and u will beat "lmaos" like me .GL |
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In reply to this post by {{DHK}}HolyLord
You are Forgetten SHC HL
Lusenrad Bad List Sorry X-WAR Players Active 1 mount later |
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