Its time to i make list of top experts

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Re: Its time to i make list of top experts

not any d-f member ever become kazax... It's not possible that someone has desire after d-f to join kazax, and i am not sure what does your ss prove, just that you take ss of every sentencise every player made in gr
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Re: Its time to i make list of top experts

its not to you,  so keep your words in your mind.  its to  dark hell , who is  fool =>  dark-fool
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Re: Its time to i make list of top experts

''LTU Unframed has been sent to Dark Hell"
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Re: Its time to i make list of top experts

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Re: Its time to i make list of top experts

If i dont play anymore,  doesnt mean i cant come see whats happening on forum. And i dont think its fair to put cheaters on best list. blacky openly admit he use tm, and most F.U is using it, and noone cares,all just keep puting cheaters on lists. 80% of xcon use it and refuse to leave it, because noone cares anymore, and if noone cares that someone is using cheat, then the game is dead...
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Re: Its time to i make list of top experts

TM its recipe how to be in best list per view months lololol.I like win against TM users even they clicking 5 times faster ,u dont like that ,Tbag?lol Hey let then use TM +gold trainer ,only TM? its too easy.
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Re: Its time to i make list of top experts

Not all players on the top list use tm.

I don't.
Dingo doesn't.
FD doesn't.
Lider doesn't (the times I played him, at least)
~ † DHK † - The Best In Game ~
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Re: Its time to i make list of top experts

In reply to this post by Tbag
well i said that there are at least 4 tm'ers on my list and at least one guy is using other shit besides tm so maybe we should make another list of non-tmers?
im not sure about lider, but i think he is using tm at least sometimes (or he was using it before)
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Re: Its time to i make list of top experts

very good .  make list  without cheaters , maybe  then  ill have  prospects to   be in there xD  . I now started  new strategy . i  spectate  how others  are  beginning their  game. if i see some shit i dont  like, i  go out of game.  i get  at least few minutes wasted  , but  a cheater also get the same. 
 i don't  understand , if he really believes all use it. playing with cheats  make  you more  sorry then happy.  as  i compare it to  real life,  when you use steroid you get  muscles , but  you get your  health as a piece of shit. you  can look cool to  a girl  from outside, but  you know -  your dick cannot stand anymore xD
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Re: Its time to i make list of top experts

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Re: Its time to i make list of top experts

if it would be same so no one would use TM , newbie.Cheat is cheat and it makes you noob against clear players.So fack off and fack off all your FU fellas.
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Re: Its time to i make list of top experts

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Re: Its time to i make list of top experts

so sorry guy ;(. you little asian  cant even get a normal internet , so  fuck off , its europe.  you little child you have no education , and you act like smart . and about  noobs :  ok , you lost to me  3 times ,  its  nothing strange of course , but    this : 
... shows how cool you are. Dont even  talk about  Lithuania  bitch  because you will lack of even lies , not talking about some facts. its you who was talking about pakistan power? you should at least get  electricity  turned on  all day...
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Re: Its time to i make list of top experts

[X-CON] Vika
Some of you guys are funny... in one post you make top 10 and in another who is cheating... and often same names in
I only wonder where is the time gone we had just good or very good players playing shc...and not to be top 10 since that forum exists, just to be real expert and have fun with a real victory, without tm.

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Re: Its time to i make list of top experts

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Re: Its time to i make list of top experts

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Re: Its time to i make list of top experts

true erec, its all great when military is strong, it doesnt matter ppl dont have food , water, electricty, but at least you can brag with military which only exist because pakistan is always at wars cuz of your mentality, you are all gipsies... what goverment in the world isnt corrupt anyway... I would rather have beautifull country then army on every corner and beeing proud of that hahahaha pathetic. And actually erec you are acting smart, if you are going to talk about facts you need to know are they good or bad, and what does those facts means. P.S Unframed has ss of everything that happens in gr hahaha....
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Re: Its time to i make list of top experts

:D  true , i should change my nick to "ssman" .  and  your last ss erec is really cool :D it shows that i was best in game :D
we  have little  army , each year our government send it to  asia,  afganistan mostly, because all around there is no peace :( 
we are cool, every single person in LT  is at least able to pull a plane xD.
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Re: Its time to i make list of top experts

In reply to this post by Erec-2
its kinda poor if the only fact you can be proud of in your country is your military lol