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Hello Fam! SHC Day?

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Hello Fam! SHC Day?

773 posts
Hello there boys! It's me ya Demon. Been a while(lost track of time) since I shitposted here. Hope everyone is doing okay and well. It's nice to see some people still trying to keep this community alive and game thriving. Kudos!
I know that almost all of you are busy and nose-deep in responsibilities. I myself am recently engaged in doing master's in electrical engineering and information technology in Germany. I was wondering what you all have been upto.
I also had a proposition of a holiday or a week or something dedicated to SHC, a game where we all spend so many years of our lives and can happily recall in the end(I hope).
So like any other event/tradition. This SHC day will only be possible through the help of SHC giants like Holylord and Dingo who have without a doubt each fathered a generation of players seperately
This Day will obviously will be feasible only around holidays like Christmas and such. Rules will obviously be : in the "spirithood of game" playing and no records no ss no nothing, since we all be adults now(mentally i hope).
Anyways It's been a pleasure Lads! thank you for the time here and wish you all the best.
I leave the verdict upto u. Decide a date if u agree and obviously we wud have to wait till the word gets around. I m sure alot of people will be happy. Goodbye.  
Get Schwifty.
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Re: Hello Fam! SHC Day?

701 posts
Could be a good idea.  What days are you thinking?
~ † DHK † - The Best In Game ~
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Re: Hello Fam! SHC Day?

21 posts
Holy Lord, when you will be back shc and play?
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Re: Hello Fam! SHC Day?

701 posts
It's been a busy 10 years man.  I don't know if I'll ever come back, but I like Fahad's idea of an annual reunion.

Besides, from what I hear, it seems there are many ghosts of me around, even these these days, and even some videos of people defeating "HolyLord".  The community seems to be in a pretty poor state, and I just don't have the time or energy to deal with that or to be the foundation that the community needs.

Glad to see you though, and I hope you're doing well.  We're becoming old men.  Are you still around SHC / GR?  Is it still very active?
~ † DHK † - The Best In Game ~
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Re: Hello Fam! SHC Day?

*KoRT* Lancelot †FK†
14 posts
This post was updated on Sep 13, 2023; 12:24pm.
I know exactly who you have in mind, so I'll speak up. Well expressed, gotta say. Not only your ghosts were met here but also your real buddies with matching IP's, bearing in mind Peabody (a.k.a. A-K Ajax, GR ID: 10073337) with Razi (a.k.a. MK Rick, GR ID: 1840864) and you certainly can not deny that, for they are already well known to the most of GR, can you? I will still provide some of the old evidence to all the visitors that are interested:
• Given IPLogger link via email to HL: https://gyazo.com/f37d465c03d31c303590892a7c5cc937. Such a surprise that Peabody has access to HolyLord's email account... Who would of thought?

How would you explain these ghosts, all gathered together in one room with such matches?:
And who else would it be among them all, if it was not you called HolyLord with always locked room trying to hide and later A-K CROWN along with many other accounts for public play occasionally?

At the same time, a record of 544 knights was 'made' and listed into your website one day after the entire event took place which makes it an undeniable coincidence: https://gyazo.com/ba1f160cb876d8f8198f424a1fc3e3fa. I saw you in the same room with XXoDDuSS (GR ID: 9165355, called 'boob job' at the time) who was the supposed watcher of your attempt: https://gyazo.com/d3d5802427ee898b48df5486137a0743
Although the room was locked and you're tend to switch GameRanger ID's like a chameleon changes colours, I had your IP tracked in advance as well as you came under your usual name 'HolyLord' along with local time which was the same to your previously used accounts and leads at Denver: https://gyazo.com/41c3ad40b94273ebb66bfb1ef3ca539d, & boob job (XXoDDuSS) has timezone from San Tan Valley, Arizona: https://gyazo.com/2ac99adc87be42999739b5aaacfb77f7.
Anyway, the thing is there was no any video made, therefore your unproven try does not count as official of course, unless for your own list that you're the admin of.

This one should show enough about who is lying and who is right, due to the fact that HL himself has messed up in his own posts:

EDIT: Here it is, some more of the new provable coincidences that I recently found as well, and would like to include: Proof No. 5, 6 and 7:

Gameplay comparison during both videos: the old 2v2 video against DHK HL & HaCKeTT by X-CON Ares (https://youtu.be/aORnaqBPtOc) compared along with mine (https://youtu.be/CjO_5Z-_Umg),
as well as economy screenshots of your second "141,541" gold record video compared to a random 2v2 game we had of when you were under "no clan anemal" account with also a real IP (GR ID: 10489659)
compared to my video vs CROWN (HL), and compared to a video of DHK Sky / USA Silver (HL):
https://gyazo.com/715a373aa51c1a610e4c354dabac5e21, https://gyazo.com/7eb2905d0e50f4a85d28f53c3d9c2340.

Considering all of these, many off-beat and compatible similarities were detected throughout all provided materials.

Attention should also be paid to these moments taken from my video vs CROWN (HL): https://gyazo.com/5de64c87fa0031520f83e54949d60da7
The unusualness behind this style of protecting catapults is unreal. I have to admit that I've never seen that from the current players ever. From what I have heard by old SHC players, last time the use of these perimeter turrets in the same way was detected in public from DHK Dracula who was an 'alleged' brother of HolyLord.
Last but not the least, mangonels use by CROWN (HL) in 5pt game: https://gyazo.com/13076ad3a80314c6679d749b9ce2f260
You don't see them being used very often these days, especially in 5pt. New players just don't have such a habit to defend with them, meanwhile HolyLord's era players like Peabody are used to do so in almost every single game that they play.

How did it happen that you have forgotten to change in-game Lord from Arabic to Crusader before attempting the gold record of "141,541" that is on Peabody's channel?:
We can see that you started with Crusader Lord from the very beginning in the first proof screen of 138,282 video. Now if I check my recording, you also do have an Arabic Lord on CROWN: https://gyazo.com/3bb369267411fbc1711dc8a99f859c35
But it looks like you switched up back to Crusader later on, in order to attempt the gold record of 149,432 (the third proof screen). Why would one that does not play at all change in between lords when attempting a gold record? What do you say about that? I have noticed it a long time ago but I'm telling you about this just now as well as the fact that this video was made private. Was it all done for a reason or am I 'supposedly' making stuff up again?

Here is an unlisted video of DHK Sky (USA Silver / CROWN = HL) that he shared to someone (I won't be including any names) on GameRanger in 2020 at the time of when he was still playing under A-K CROWN account: https://youtu.be/s9GEMIXsLeQ
Not to mention similarities in economy, by looking into the video we can also spot resemblance in terms of:
(1) 800x600 game-screen resolution
(2) Using the same windows mouse cursor in game which is exact same size HL had in his gold record videos. The operation of the game overlaps too when it comes to FPS and its running speed.
(3) The Ctrl key is not being used along with hotkeys to access the buildings (such as market), just like HolyLord doesn't use it in his gold record videos.
(4) Walls & gates making style:

(5) Video editing style
(6) Music taste

EDIT 2: Proof No. 8, 9, 10 (The most solid ones)

According to recent statements of two HolyLord's fellows (Garen & Peabody), the games were against inactive XXoDDuSS (not HolyLord): https://gyazo.com/c0d1eabd9437410594006cc405b77902
Just to remind, from the beginning you tried to persuade all of us that it was DHK Sky which is an unknown name and fake personality. It looks like you did not miss and even made sure to add yourself under Sky's name in the whatsapp group with all of your old GSA mates in it on purpose, before actually displaying this image to your new alleged Discord friends you used to chat with once in a while: https://gyazo.com/56f406d4dfc3efd16c34c1a5da7bac01
That's a nice little trickery of your old fashion, I must say. However, if you meant DHK SkyDragon, he is long gone for years whereas now there is another version that it was XXoDDuSS as if I did not have his IP identified beforehand as well?
What the hell is this? Already stop it and finally make up your mind for once.
Thus, both saying so wanting me to doubt, hoping to make me change the title of the video and put his name instead, should make it even more obvious to the audience.
To your knowledge, I have tracked the IP of HolyLord while being in the "Old Legends Only" room, same for his friends (did not record the entire thing unfortunately, but there are enough evidentiary materials of me entering the room and the notepad of written IP's:
https://youtu.be/CjO_5Z-_Umg?t=12 / https://gyazo.com/3449c80efb46159ef9f01d95f3278d53).
Now if we look at the IP of CROWN (taken from my video: https://gyazo.com/1f7b76eaf0d3a82dd54e7eb2035907ea), we see that this is HolyLord's IP (and it wasn't VPN by the way but a clean IP: https://gyazo.com/8dce9ab9fedfc093e70fe56767efee52). Therefore, whatever you tried to convince me with once again does not make any sense but it was a nice try you both, I'll give you that.

With all that said, the question may arise for some of you, what made me undoubtedly think HL is from Denver in the first place? Normally, many people that follow decade-old information of 2012 would say HL still lives in NYC to this very day as states HL himself, and that's the reason why he would use his real IP from a new location that nobody knows about except for his old and close friends whilst one of them being Peabody, of course. With him there is also another coincidence and events from the past, yet again. After more than 3 years later, I'm about to reproduce them for the next time just going by my memory of what actually happened. In 2019 June, Peabody has uploaded first ever gold record video on HolyLord's behalf. The other day Peabody was advertising that video with the room on GR. Then I joined his room and we had a chat together in private. It was a quite long talk with a lot of topics I don't recall but this one speech of his got stuck in my memory - he hinted that he lives close to HL by less than 2 hours of driving right after I asked him about how he joins with HL through the game of SHC by having ports unlocked and I told about my way of connecting along with Galahad via LAN as well (note that it was one of our first chats ever and I unfortunately did not take a screenshot of it due to the same reason - simply because I had no any need/motive to do so back then).
Despite everything, we casually happened to chat on Discord over the years as well: https://youtu.be/rMNKF0Rbl4k. Here I have slightly distorted the facts on purpose by saying that they lived in the same city, thus making Peabody correct me and confirm on everything I said for the second time - both of them did indeed reside nearby, a couple hours away by driving, just like it was disclosed in 2019.
Since we already have knowledge of the exact Peabody's residential location (Winter Park: https://youtu.be/bcs0kuCq3m4), we only need to measure the distance between Denver and Winter Park along with how long it takes to drive up to them. In this case I will simply use Google Maps to determine it and show an image with the results:
1 hr 16 min? = less than 2 hours as was intimated in our addressed conversations.

Oh well... It must be another contingency, right? Nothing else to add, what's said is said... I have to thank Peabody for it even though it was probably quite by mistake for him to tell that to me all of a sudden. Anyhow, I don't know about all of you but for me, an expert on all events, there is no single doubt as to who this 'actor' A-K CROWN was, and that's what keeps my video public, after all. What's more, I am, the one who have spent loads of time whether it's the process of seeking evidence or analyzing all the circumstances of the events that I have encountered and seen with my own eyes, just putting the most in front of you to read through and you are free to choose who to believe as the majority of you, modern visitors of the forum, should not know much in general when it comes to such unexpected happenings.

So I was looking through the maps that CROWN (HL) was scrolling through in our games. As always, many of the evidentiary coincidences were found once again:

After seeing this video along with the moment taken from original recording (captured with the help of 60 FPS editor), we find a SHC map called "when hl gets bored". According to Peabody and description of the map, "when hl gets bored" was created by HL around same time as SHC IQ test but wasn't widely known like SHC IQ test:
https://gyazo.com/d5f2dd06b470316d586d5d616bd4f687, https://gyazo.com/5d93d69af1c1e40b057bd5cb33c14c09, https://gyazo.com/e77d131aef429aeff15dd7b6a77c11e8.
The map is not intended for an actual game therefore is negligible and the chances of someone actually having it are pretty slim: https://gyazo.com/143f1ad6a64308d70e26bbece1d95fa7.
No one usually sends such maps unless someone asks to. The fact that CROWN (HL) had his own map is just too much of a coincidence, as most likely only his old close friends had it, such as Peabody.
Here we go, there is so-called evidence at the scene. Therefore I ask: How is it possible that absolutely everything coincides like that in every single case wherever we look at? You tell me, I'm waiting.

Some of the similar chat usage and comparison between HL & CROWN - old little conversation but quite a lot of similarities I'd say:

All of this should really say a lot to the majority and I personally wouldn't call CROWN a ghost the way you want to say it but that's just you and your excuses endlessly.
Don't you think it's time to forget about what it was 15 years ago and come to terms with the reality that you're no longer that good of a player as you claim to be? You keep on repeating you are 'unbeatable' (https://gyazo.com/de89c473e84f2f68e6bdd6ef6008b359) but if you truly were, you wouldn't have to constantly repeat it because you would have already proven it to everyone and all of us would know it by now. In fact, it was never a big deal in defeating you. You've lost hundreds of games before. We all have, and it shouldn't be a shame to admit it, but you find it very difficult to do so. And if we got to compare the modern gameplay with the gameplay of your time - it would suck really bad, just like all the people whom you played with of when they were all fresh and later on claiming they were at their peak. I understand you are full of delusions to consider yourself as the best to ever do it as well as your expectation to be treated with respect by current players that know nothing of your past, respect that you never had for anyone except for a few of your buddies who have always upheld your morals. However, it is inappropriate to behave like that and I would rather forget about all this if I was in your place, because there is much more this life has to offer and this is just a game. After all, no wonder why you are angry at me still trying to hide your stay in GR, defeats are always painful - this isn't new to anyone, especially when you pretend to be what you really are not. Sorry to clarify you after seeing the false claims leading to my name.

P.S. Good notice on the community, although it has always been that way if you think about it. In order to make it better, you must first behave properly. Otherwise you can not put all the blame on it if something bad happens. It all starts with your first move which most of the time has the greatest impact. And it's very difficult not to change in such a community. Like some would say: "It is impossible to not change in a changing world."
“There are only two forces in the world, the sword and the spirit. In the long run the sword will always be conquered by the spirit.”
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Re: Hello Fam! SHC Day?

701 posts
I have no clue what you're talking about dude, but you're clearly obsessed with this idea of me and need some help, lol.  I haven't been on GR since 2013.  Whoever you're tracking is someone else.  Please relax and let us enjoy this dying forum in peace.
~ † DHK † - The Best In Game ~
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Re: Hello Fam! SHC Day?

*KoRT* Lancelot †FK†
14 posts
You're right, everything is in the past. I didn't mean to hurt you so much as it may seem to you. I'm not obsessed, just more inclined to the truth and you do the opposite which makes me think that you still care too much, thus I'm trying to help you. Lying always leads to evil - I want you to remember that.
“There are only two forces in the world, the sword and the spirit. In the long run the sword will always be conquered by the spirit.”
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Re: Hello Fam! SHC Day?

71 posts
In reply to this post by Fahad
Fahad, I'm liking your idea, I'm on for it.
Questions for Fahad:
1. did you engaged in doing master's in electrical engineering because your name is similar to Farad, or is it just a coincidence?
2. in what stage of your education are you? I'm also into electrical engineering and IT among other things, would be nice to discuss it when we meet on shc Day.

Statement to HL <-> Lance discussion:
Funny to see after all these years, same thing happens over and over again, HL being constant.
Lance, leave it alone. HL deserves respect no matter on your evidences or question if he really was/is the best ever. Dude did a lot for this game, making it challenging for other players as well as making it political and interesting.
Even if it's true what you are saying, that doesn't change a thing.
Lance you also deserve big respect, for passion and influences you made on game and community.
Too bad you two weren't in same era :(
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Re: Hello Fam! SHC Day?

*KoRT* Lancelot †FK†
14 posts
Good to see you're still around and checking these forums from time to time. I reckon from all the players I've met that are previous generation before me, you deserve the most respect. No matter how big of a troll you are when it comes to playing, but the fact that you support truth more than lie is something to be proud of.

As far as issues related to this topic are concerned, I certainly would not miss the opportunity to join all of you on SHC day as well for the sake of interest and all the fun of it, only if people like HL are not against it of course, which is highly doubtful.
“There are only two forces in the world, the sword and the spirit. In the long run the sword will always be conquered by the spirit.”
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Re: Hello Fam! SHC Day?

976 posts
I don't mean to be rude, but I am more deserving of respect than tbag.  This is a little known secret, but tbag doesn't have interest in women, if you know what I mean.

***There is nothing wrong with being gay, it just so happens that Tbag is gay.  There is nothing wrong with it, but it is a fact.
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Re: Hello Fam! SHC Day?

976 posts
But on this topic, last year early on in COVID was kind of a cool time to come back to playing SHC.  I had fun coming back and playing with everyone.  At the beginning of quarantine, I was lucky that my job did not shut down or close, but I almost wish it had for a short while so that I could have fully no-lifed SHC for a little while again.

With that said, coming back to play in March/April 2020 was a good reminder that it's pretty much impossible to play casually, from time to time, and be a top 5 player, no matter who you are, when you are up against people that are playing everyday who are also very skilled.  

When I came back, I was surprised to see that being very good at eco is pretty common knowledge these days, and many players were playing with high tier economies.  I also noticed that the game play had changed a bit, in favor of constant sneaking and building mass ha and shields. I got annoyed a lot by the sneaking, but I think it's wrong to complain about tactics that are legitimate parts of the game.  But i was always amused by how people would consider it "cheap" to send assassins straight for the king, but saw no issue with sending sins every 10 seconds to try to destroy farms/granaries/other buildings.  

Anyway, it's hard to compare different generations, and I am just talking generally about how it is interesting how common knowledge/game tactics have changed over time.  When I was playing in early 2020, I was really surprised to see some high quality players who were very quick, good army control, and had good judgement.  

But high level play doesn't come from nowhere, it comes from experience and learning from others.  Older players are deserving of respect for keeping the game alive during our times and passing on expert-level play to the newer players, just like newer players are deserving of respect for keeping the game alive in recent times and doing the same thing as we did.
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Re: Hello Fam! SHC Day?

{>FuRY<} Viktor
35 posts
In reply to this post by Fahad
Hi Fahad, I just read about your achievements and i’m happy you are doing well. Now coming to your proposal, I think it’s a pleasant idea and I am totally up for it. Cheers!

Moving forward to Lance’s accusations:
First and foremost, i wanna make this absolutely clear to all the players for SHC that DHK~Holylord is undisputedly THE BEST PLAYER EVER, and we all must accept the fact without a shadow of doubt.
Secondly, lance is acting pretty immature and not even worth discussing, so i will make it real quick. Lance is simply barking up the wrong tree or in other words what he trying to prove is nonsense! It is totally absurd to compare your skills against an inactive or long gone player. I am not very impressed :(

Alright I am done!
Hey Dingo, how come i didn’t mention your name for the best? Surely you are one ;) Its nice to see you around,   it was always fun playing with you. I totally agree with yours explanation of skills comparison for old, and new players. Not to mention, i was able to defeat some of the TOP players in even 2020 after being inactive 6 years. My last game in nov 2020 was against xcon szlac and i managed to score victory with a bread eco and long game (yes it was a challenge game with his rules/map/watcher ). So that i believe pretty much sums up the topic of old and new top experts.

Finally, i would love to play among legends and it would be nicer if we not let new players play among us, for instance lance. Nobody wants to ruin their time.

Last but not least, I am grateful to all those who have made my SHC journey amazing. I hope you feel the same. PEACE :)

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Re: Hello Fam! SHC Day?

*KoRT* Lancelot †FK†
14 posts
This post was updated on Jun 02, 2021; 8:54am.
Here you are again out of the cave. Welcome back!
As far as I can remember, you said a little the opposite in our last conversations via GR about everything I've done related to this case and you even commented on the video trying to support me as well. How quickly we change our minds sometimes looking for buddies out of despair when the gaming situation is no longer satisfying, right? You never miss on the opportunity to mention me everywhere because of your unknown painful experience and so to boast a little bit as usual, do you? I'm kindly asking you to not make me the cause of it all as if I were guilty for whatever you had to endure in the time of your return.

Besides, there's a lot of irony about me in your writing to be seen so I might as well offer you a couple of tips for your own good like thinking a little bit before calling me a new player whether you're really the one who could express me the way you want just because you started a year earlier than I did. Nobody has asked if you were impressed about what I do either, like I said it's not a big deal if I beat HolyLord and it's no achievement. The sole purpose of the video was to open your eyes and reveal those mysterious accounts of his but nothing else. Why did I do that? I had some of my own reasons. His inactivity is another questionable matter, although if you play for a year after a long period of non-play you no longer count as inactive I suppose, the same goes and is more valid for you because you've spent hours playing every day since you came back the last time, always repeating that you were inactive regardless of the fact that you've been playing for months daily or even a year straight, abusing the word as an excuse for the favourable occasions.

Though, how certain are you saying I was the one to ruin the time of others? I have personally heard a lot of complaints of when you returned not too long ago about your behaviour in game, especially in the moment of defeat, even though I come on GR pretty infrequently nowadays. So what's the problem and which one of us was most likely to ruin the time? As much as I have played before, there was barely someone to complain about me whatsoever. It's indeed interesting to see that out of everyone, the person to say that to me is you exactly, I would never have thought myself. You are so unpredictable and full of surprises - it's unbelievable. It looks like the outcome you're unhappy with has got the better of you due to the fact that you're unable to control yourself anymore.
“There are only two forces in the world, the sword and the spirit. In the long run the sword will always be conquered by the spirit.”
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Re: Hello Fam! SHC Day?

773 posts
In reply to this post by {{DHK}}HolyLord
I was thinking about Christmas holidays cuz all of us do have a spare day or two and I would suggest a poll or something to decide on the day.
Get Schwifty.
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Re: Hello Fam! SHC Day?

773 posts
In reply to this post by [>D-F<]~T-Bag~
hello, I pursued Masters's because the Bachelor's degree nowadays does not give you the expertise to go into the market equipped with the necessary knowledge.
Other than that I am in 1st semester and halfway through, right now my focus is on control automation and theory, I have taken other fields such as biological systems and renewable energy as well but let's see where life takes me. Still undecided about whether to pursue a specialization or not.
It is always nice to know a fellow Tech guy. Sure we can catch up on it.
If u ever feel the need to socialize quickly on it:
Hmu there cuz I find that forum is not visited as frequently due to all of us engaged in everyday life problems.
But it's very heartwarming to see all of us matured to a point that we are happy and rooting for each other now for a new phase of life.
Get Schwifty.
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Re: Hello Fam! SHC Day?

-=W.L=- MysticaL |F|
39 posts
This post was updated on Jun 02, 2021; 11:29am.
In reply to this post by {>FuRY<} Viktor
It's 2021, yet you still write the same nonsense. Let me show you one more time, the error of your ways:
1. "First and foremost, i wanna make this absolutely clear to all the players for SHC that DHK~Holylord is undisputedly THE BEST PLAYER EVER, and we all must accept the fact without a shadow of doubt."
-> That is blatantly wrong. Just because Holylord used to whoop your ass in the 1970s doesn't make him the best player ever. You had your ass handed to you by me +20 times last year, yet I dont see you proclaiming me as the best player ever. Point is - and I said this before - there is no best player of all times. There are only players who were best during a certain period of time, and that's something that we can accept without a shadow of doubt.

2. I see you attacking at Lance for making some really good points, labelling him as "immature" for trying to talk some sense into you, which is just ironic. I firsthand witnessed your ridiculous behavior last year and how you completely lose control of yourself after losing, repeatedly. I saw you leaving games, distributing insults to players who beat or criticize you for your own good, and making the most ridiculous childish threats that I've ever seen in my whole GR career - coming from one who is supposedly, an adult.

3. I see that you're still overjoyed for beating one recent nof expert (Szlachcielec) once after attempting at it several times, good for you! It is in deed an achievement for an old player to come back from years of inactivity to snatch victories against recent experts, even if it's just one victory.

4. "So that i believe pretty much sums up the topic of old and new top experts."
-> That sums up jack shit. Had you paid attention to what Dingo said, you would have learned a thing or two from someone who actually invested the time to play different rules vs different new players (not only 3k 10pt, 3k 5pt nf only).

Dingo made some very good observations during his last stay at GR's. I quote:

# "With that said, coming back to play in March/April 2020 was a good reminder that it's pretty much impossible to play casually, from time to time, and be a top 5 player, no matter who you are, when you are up against people that are playing everyday who are also very skilled." Dingo is the very first among the old experts to truly give a rational assessment of the gameplay nowadays by actually engaging in it, unlike the rest of the gang who are all talk but no action. Here Dingo is trying to tell you that 10 days alone is not enough for you or any other inactive old player to beat an active nof expert as you so claimed last year.
# "When I came back, I was surprised to see that being very good at eco is pretty common knowledge these days, and many players were playing with high tier economies." In deed, economy knowledge has improved beyond belief, and it has become very accessible to the masses thanks to Youtube, a thing that was not available I would say, pre 2011.
# "I also noticed that the game play had changed a bit, in favor of constant sneaking and building mass ha and shields." People got bored of watching the same repetitive safe gameplay in noffs rules. As a player who was active since 2016, I can safely say that the sneaking era started with [B-R] Miron (GR ID 2795823) in 2014-2015 (through his Youtube videos), then later down the road, came [ToR] Misterio in 2018  to completely revolutionize noffs as we know it. Nowadays, safe and slow doesn't work anymore; you have to acquire speed and multi-tasking skill to gain the edge over your opponent - or at least to be able to keep up.
# "Anyway, it's hard to compare different generations, and I am just talking generally about how it is interesting how common knowledge/game tactics have changed over time." It's not hard, it's in fact impossible. 95% of the gameplay tactics and economies that were a trend during your times, have been acquired by newer players and improved upon, so it only makes sense that newer players would be better than their predecessors. Surely that may not always be the case, but unless you - the old inactive expert - come back to GR and dominate, comparing yourself with newer players would have no grounds in the first place.
# "But high level play doesn't come from nowhere, it comes from experience and learning from others.  Older players are deserving of respect for keeping the game alive during our times and passing on expert-level play to the newer players, just like newer players are deserving of respect for keeping the game alive in recent times and doing the same thing as we did." I believe that the vast majority of newer players will always have respect (I know I do) to their predecessors, as it only makes sense. But I think it's disrespectful for old players to put themselves on a pedestal and to disregard newer ones. At the very least, if you insist on having a top list, keep it limited to players of your era; players that you met, players that you played against, players that you truly know.

P.S: AK-47s don't work on me, try a bazooka instead.
Sometimes you win and sometimes... you win some more.
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Re: Hello Fam! SHC Day?

773 posts
In reply to this post by {>FuRY<} Viktor
Hello Zain, how u been, it's been a long time bro, last time we met was when Zeeshan(Aragorn) had accompanied us. It's a shame that life ended so tragically and suddenly for him, I met him during his last few hours, Still, I think about if anything could have changed if I had forced him to hang out for a bite to eat.
But life goes on, I am here now in Germany, very nice people, I still haven't decided about staying here though so maybe if we r both in our home country sometime, let's meet for old times sake. Cheers brother and Take care.
Get Schwifty.
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Re: Hello Fam! SHC Day?

{>FuRY<} Viktor
35 posts
In reply to this post by -=W.L=- MysticaL |F|
Let me show you the highway! Truth remains truth irrespective of time. I have come across many, but I must say you are one real brat with a big mouth. Just uploading some videos and winning inactive players in friendly matches does not make you any greater.

Let me give you the taste of your own medicine,

1.You lost vs Misterio several times including a tournament
2.MK Blizzard totally owned your ass in the tournament where you thought of yourself as TOP 1 but we all know what happened. I know that hurts

3.It took you several years to switch to no f and you yourself felt so bad about it and complained many times which explains how talented you are.

4.I remember beating your ass 3 times in a row in 2v2 with maly in my team and marin yours and you cried like a baby and gave excuses like I am inactive for 6 days bla bla bullcrap.

5.As far as 20 victories are concerned why don’t you upload 20 ss. You have this consistent problem of preaching falsehood. You might win 6 games, but I remember 3 of them which I tried to play seriously and lost. No regrets

How funny that is when a wretched person like you talks about behavior? Why don’t you take a good look at yourself first? How arrogant, and pretentious you are, It’s even hard to keep a conversation for five minutes with you. We all have seen the crap you write on your channel. HA! That explains a lot.
It’s been only 2 years or less you started no f and you are comparing yourself among people who played it for decades and were top experts. No matter what, you will always be beneath us. You can play 24/7 against noobs and it won’t change a thing loser.
Finally, I saw how long it took you to beat XCON MASTER in no f and how XCON szlac owned you from time to time. Also, I am aware of who trained you no f and how have you learned and something you should know that I trained those who trained you so that sums up everything.
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Re: Hello Fam! SHC Day?

-=W.L=- MysticaL |F|
39 posts
This post was updated on Jun 02, 2021; 9:29pm.
Classic Viktor. Spewing lies and digging the past hoping that I would be offended.
Boo, hoo. You think that mentioning my losses in the past will make you look better ? Maybe you think it will help draw the reader's attention from the facts mentioned previously ? Oh boy, sorry to disappoint you, but you gonna have to try harder than that. You gave no argument, no logical reasoning, just simple and utter attack on my past; well put on your seat belt boy, and enjoy the lecture: because here comes some premium octane SHC knowledge.

1.You lost vs Misterio several times including a tournament
I also won Misterio many times, including a tournament. Not only did you prove to me here that you didnt do your homework, but you also proved to everyone that you're being a sore loser by talking about another guy's victories instead of your own: oh that's right: because you have none. It's like glorifying another guy's dick size because yours is tiny: simply pathetic.

2.MK Blizzard totally owned your ass in the tournament where you thought of yourself as TOP 1 but we all know what happened. I know that hurts
Me and Blizzard, we go way back. We played many games, he won many times, I won many times, we had our differences but at the end of the day, we worked things out like actual men, without the drama that you're trying to stir here.
MK Blizzard won WL Mystical fair and square 2-1 in the final of the TheTournament2020, proving that he is a power never to be under-estimated on the noffs field in GR. What about you Viktor ? What did you prove ? Again, you speak about another guy's accomplishments that you dearly wished for yourself, but you always lacked the skill to do it yourself. This does not hurt me in anyway as I am well aware of how the game dynamics work: you can't win all the time. But you on the other hand: you need to take a good look in the mirror and embrace the pain because you're clearly the one who is butthurt here.

3.It took you several years to switch to no f and you yourself felt so bad about it and complained many times which explains how talented you are.
So lame, I cannot believe I just read that. It's true, that during the first 3 years of my career (2016-2019) I played noffs only, but playing 1 year of no fire afterwards was enough for me to give you the ass whooping of a lifetime: damn that stings. And FYI, since August 2020, not only did I beat you +20 times but I also managed to dominate every single, active expert in nf only rules and I documented the entire journey on my clan's Youtube channel.

4.I remember beating your ass 3 times in a row in 2v2 with maly in my team and marin yours and you cried like a baby and gave excuses like I am inactive for 6 days bla bla bullcrap.
A double lie right there, this is getting interesting !
Lie #1: 3 times in a row in 2v2 with maly. Maybe in Disneyland ? Because that for sure didnt happen on GR, and I will make sure to include a screenshot here of Marin denying that these games ever took place.
Lie #2: the obvious one, claiming that I complained after losing. Let me tell you one thing, I most certainly didn't build my decent reputation in GR by complaining after losing. I wish I could say the same about you though.

5.As far as 20 victories are concerned why don’t you upload 20 ss. You have this consistent problem of preaching falsehood. You might win 6 games, but I remember 3 of them which I tried to play seriously and lost. No regrets
oh yes, was wondering when you were going to use the "I didnt play serious" excuse. Never gets old I must say ! Keep denying facts Vik, one day you may finally believe your own lies.

It’s been only 2 years or less you started no f and you are comparing yourself among people who played it for decades and were top experts. No matter what, you will always be beneath us.
2 years + being a top expert in nffs rules was more than enough for me to dominate the no fire arena. Stop embarrassing yourself, do your research before you talk.

Finally, I saw how long it took you to beat XCON MASTER in no f and how XCON szlac owned you from time to time
Funny you would mention them, because I'm pretty sure that I'm their worst nightmare on GR, and I have actual proofs that I won them much more than they did.
Here you can find around 30 games that I won vs XCON Master: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL3aP3F0C3W2NHFOr7JBSlCD3HvtfI2ro2, while he has only 4 wins vs me on his channel. Final score: 28-4 (or 26-6) for me. And you say I got owned ? Get a dictionary.
Here you can find 14 games vs XCON Szlach: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL3aP3F0C3W2Pu_NR0Bx1m2OGWnj67ccPC, while he has only 9 wins on his channel vs me. Final score 14-9 for me. And you say I got owned ? Please get a dictionary and look up the meaning of the word, I insist: https://www.amazon.com/Oxford-Dictionary-English-Angus-Stevenson/dp/0199571120

I am aware of who trained you no f and how have you learned and something you should know that I trained those who trained you so that sums up everything
Nice try, but you have absolutely no idea who taught me nf only because no one did. I am a trial-and-error self-made nof player.

Your GR account description says: "An usual legend" but in fact you're not. You're just an unusual idiot.
Sometimes you win and sometimes... you win some more.
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Re: Hello Fam! SHC Day?

{>FuRY<} Viktor
35 posts
In reply to this post by Fahad
I’m doing well bro! Thanks, i know Zeeshan has left lots of memories and i still sometimes watch his videos. He is missed. I have been to Frankfurt and it was an amazing experience, Germany is great place to pursue your career in any technical field. Catching up plan sounds good to me, hit me when you are back home as I am still working remotely.  