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http://img121.imageshack.us/img121/1131/deadlydead.jpg (dingo owned under one of his akas lol)
http://img43.imageshack.us/img43/2259/dingodead.jpg ( no fire only 0pt his rules his map ) http://img718.imageshack.us/img718/450/tbaggydead.jpg http://img710.imageshack.us/img710/9353/civodead.jpg http://img843.imageshack.us/img843/7923/darkhelldeadi.jpg http://img510.imageshack.us/img510/1879/biciowned.jpg http://img25.imageshack.us/img25/3903/bicideadii.jpg http://img832.imageshack.us/img832/7317/biciideadiii.jpg As you can see, all D-F members were owned by me. GG losers >:) |
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http://img835.imageshack.us/i/mevsicedragonrapture.png/ - OWNED WITH WATCHERS LOL.
http://img339.imageshack.us/i/vankobra.png/ - kobra owned http://img517.imageshack.us/i/snipiedadlost.png/ - SNIPIEDAD AKA LUSENRAD OWNED http://img202.imageshack.us/i/whysobadamazing.png/ - When i came to gr and when i didnt used shields i killed x con. http://img717.imageshack.us/i/crycry.png/ - owned 2v2 http://img716.imageshack.us/img716/3741/malyowned.png - imortal owned on aka x war maly. http://img824.imageshack.us/i/fatalcheat.png/ - X CON FATAL GOLD CHEAT. ALL SUCKS EXCEPT DF MWHAHAHAHAHAH HELL. BTW LUSENARD I DONT CARE THAT YOU PLAY UR BEST ON AKAS OR NOT,I DONT CARE.I DONT CARE THEESE PLAYERS ARE EXPERTS OR NO,I DONT CARE IS THAT 2V2 OR 1V1,I JUST WON IN THEESE GAMES.PEACE |
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i knew u r stupid but not so much oO
do u have hyperactivity or delusions? maybe theese both disease? dude u shouldnt play this game and any game with violence go to doctor, it will be better for u than crying and thinking that everyone in gr is aka xcon player
"Nobody is perfect, I am Nobody"
"Gówno i kapusta zawsze idą w parze.Jedno napędza drugie.Perpetuum mobile." SI VIS PACEM,PARA BELLUM | new cs 1.6 s&ns server ZOMBIE MOD |
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You are idiot like every x con,Lusenrad told me that he is aka Snipiedad(W@w),btw he told that probably cuz he forgot that i owned him.And Snipiedad is Spanish word.Did you understand Geralt zmrwisiewri ?
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In reply to this post by [>D-F<]~DarkHell~
darkhell, all your screenshots suck -
nobody knows who icedragon is, nobody knows who kobra is, nobody knows who snipiedad is ^ you have no reason to be happy to beat them. in your screenshot which you "didnt used shields," ares is greatest lord lol your 2v2 screenshot .. nobody knows what this is? ltu and x? this is about xcon vs df... not ltu and random noob you have no proof that immortal is x-war maly, so your screenshot vs xwar is also irrelevant the fact that fatal has more gold than you doesnt make him a cheater, if you can't make gold, you suck quit crying.
~ † DHK † - The Best In Game ~
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In reply to this post by Lusenrad
Well Well...
All your ss are old,you are noob,dingo is 1000x better than you,you suck,1 ss is not enough. |
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In reply to this post by [>D-F<]~DarkHell~
@DarkHell wrote: "ALL SUCKS EXCEPT DF"
You fucking noob,newbie in SHC,poor boy,go to the doctor,and yeah all your ss sucks. |
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In reply to this post by [>D-F<]~DarkHell~
The author has deleted this message.
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In reply to this post by [>D-F<]~DarkHell~
I never playing in MAŁY acc but when i will play easy own you :)
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In reply to this post by [X-CON] Ares
HL did u read my 1 comment about this topic,i said i dont care are they experts or no,i dont care are they good or no i dont i was greatest or no,i dont care who made best eco,i dont cae who had more pop i dont care who had more wc i just won games and my ss donT sucks.You know who is IceDragon like you know who i am so dont lie,we all know that you are lier and that you always have to hide something.Second Ares i never said that i am the best lol,but yes is true that i like to insult x con and players from poor poland,cuz Poland really sucks,and you will be forever white polish noob.I have proof that Fatal had cheat then,I have proof that Maly=Imortal.And if you want to know who is the person on ss with the name "X" I will say you he is x con imortal.Did you see ss?Df pwned them all. DZUAAAAAA TATA VLAD IS BETTER THEN YOU,I KILLED HIM,HMMMMMM I AM BETTER THEN YOU.YOU SUCKS GO AND PLAY VS KOR CLAN AND TRY TO BEAT THEM.
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In reply to this post by {{DHK}}HolyLord
darkhell, all your screenshots suck - THE ONLY WHO SUCKS IS YOU AND DHK AKA CLAN.
nobody knows who icedragon is - THEY ALL KNOW WHO IS ICE DRAGON,BUT U ARE STUPID AND YOU DONT KNOW nobody knows who kobra is - THEY KNOW WHO IS KOBRA,BUT U DONT KNOW AND YOU ARE AGAIN AND AGAIN STUPID AS ALWAYS. nobody knows who snipiedad is - I KNOW WHO IS W@W SNIPIEDAD AND LUSNERAD KNOW AND MANY OTHER PLAYERS ^ you have no reason to be happy to beat them - I DONT PLAY SHC TO BE HAPPY. in your screenshot which you "didnt used shields," ares is greatest lord lol - I DONT CARE WHO IS GREATEST LORD,I AM DARKHELL. your 2v2 screenshot .. nobody knows what this is? ltu and x? this is about xcon vs df... not ltu and random noob - x=imortal,and NL isnt noob player,for you all players who cant beat you are noobs,thats wrong my holyfag. you have no proof that immortal is x-war maly, so your screenshot vs xwar is also irrelevant - I HAVE PROOF. the fact that fatal has more gold than you doesnt make him a cheater, if you can't make gold, you suck - I KNOW TO MAKE GOLD MY HOLYFAG,DO YOU WANT TO HEAR?ALWAYS WHEN I LOSE IN 1 ST ATTACK I HAD NEW 15K,20K :(,THEY ONLY WHO SUCKS IS YOU AND DHK AKA CLAN,I AM SURE THAT FATAL USED GOLD CHEAT,CUZ I AM NOT BLIND. quit crying - FUCK OFF YOU ARE THE BIGGEST IDIOT OF ALL TIMES,I CANT BELIVE,I WAS SURE THAT BLACKY IS THE BIGGEST BUT NOW I FOUND A NEW ONE WHO IS HIGHER THEN B.PEEEEEEEEEEACE UP. Hi,ares. NO coments .... ! im tired to listenig ur bulshit DH- I DONT CARE LOL. Holy if u can pls block this child-YES I AM CHILD,HOW OLD ARE YOU? I BLOCKED HL TOO. I've had just about enough of this shite !! - LEARN ENGLISH WHITE POLISH PUSSY,MY ENGLISH ISNT SO GOOD TOO,BUT U HAVE ENGLISH LIKE X WAR LORD MERT LMFAO. He alvays insult someone,think he is best and his clan is best and paste some noob SS-YES I ALWAYS INSULT X CON AND POOR POLAND,NOOB SS? HAHHAHA FUNNY,IF I DIDNT KNOW TO USE SHIELDS THEN AND IF I PLAYED ON ONLINE 5 H HOW THEN YOU LOSE VS ME? ROFL YOU ARE THAT FUCKIN NOOB,AN YOU ARE MORE STUPID THEN HL.PEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEACE"DF IS THA BEST RETARDS.DHK+XCON=CHEATERS+AKAS=SUCKS. |
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In reply to this post by [X-CON] Ares
Hey i think the man who lives closest from dh should kill him. only need to decide who is he. tbag maybe? also we should together find money for equipment like knife, killers gloves and some mask. let the new GR live without darkhell begin!
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In reply to this post by [>D-F<]~DarkHell~
DF IS THA BEST RETARDS.DHK+XCON=CHEATERS+AKAS=SUCKS. - u r writing now about 2 clans which are better than DF and what what they proved in event. u cant lose? damn u r really sick. its 3rd disease which i see in u.
"Nobody is perfect, I am Nobody"
"Gówno i kapusta zawsze idą w parze.Jedno napędza drugie.Perpetuum mobile." SI VIS PACEM,PARA BELLUM | new cs 1.6 s&ns server ZOMBIE MOD |
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whatz up dude? who cares 4event.
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everyone who is enough clever to know that its most prestige tournament in recent time.
"Nobody is perfect, I am Nobody"
"Gówno i kapusta zawsze idą w parze.Jedno napędza drugie.Perpetuum mobile." SI VIS PACEM,PARA BELLUM | new cs 1.6 s&ns server ZOMBIE MOD |
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In reply to this post by [>D-F<]~DarkHell~
OMG !!!
U`re crazy man,take a break from PC GAMES,go outside,play with your friend,i`m tired to play this game. U can be who and what you want on the INTERNET. |
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In reply to this post by [>D-F<]~DarkHell~
[X_CON] !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Dark hell = Nu0p , idiot ,you suck, bitch , gay, ass,kiddy, fack off 1vs1 ? you are OWNED noob and dont lie d-f bitch |
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I am everyday with my friends,and i am usually out,and i am playing many sports with my friends.What you want?
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oh man Darkhell Dingo kik ihm from Clan better for u
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