nope, i only played in the finals. I played Lider in that tournament, and I had him beaten, but after game I had to leave so I let him go to the next round. When he only got to the finals because I let him, i think it's not such a terrible thing.
it went way farther back than that, it goes back to GSA with me, tbag, and mario. If you hate darkhell, boy you would have hated Mario. Cool guy though. :)
Ne znas se koristit mastom i razmisljas ko dete! Imas jezik al ti sluzi samo za lepit koverte.Ja cuvam podzemlje na granici sam bato,nemres dole cak i ako imas pasosh.Rime su ti sranje,ono siromasan reper,ma imas lajna isto kolko i godina iza sebe.Ja sam suprotno od nokie jer diskonektam ljude.Mc-ji vodeci koriste bolesne taktike da pretvore u moc,slusajte kak se pljuje picke i svi se sramite,vi mozete pljunut samo kad vlastite mi patike.Papcine u krvnoj slici pise vam izdaja dok ja sam vredan 100% ko i stepenici islama.Zbog takvih poput tebe rep asocira na nasilje,trebas koristit sake da bi sfuro puNcheve.Za klince ti si mrak,za mene nisi svacas me,cak i da dolazis u mrak i nosis suncane naocare.Pred mene dolazis u belo a kad vracas se tvoja majica izlgeda ko da navijas za mancester.Bacam krvavo sranje kad radja se gomila majmuna za njih sam Sinbad jer ja sam kralj lajnova!!! Da te zovu za ugovor ti bi se potpiso sisom.PEACE.
Darkhell are you on drugs? I am Sinpiedad? In which part of your imagination that exists? I am not sinpiedad. He is a noob player from Spain and X-WAR Maly is not immortal and you never beat me. I owned you 14 times. The score is 14 - 0. I didnt take ss but you well know that. Or we can play 14 more games and I will take 14 ss and the score will be 28 - 0. Fuck off!!
I cant belive what lier are you,why i have reason to lie?Btw we talked and you said me, " I am not lier,yes i am Snipiedad",and now on forums you are talking other.I am not like others to take ss for everything,but if next time i see something like then i will take.What score 28-0?Lol we never played 28 games,you beat about 5 times and our score is 5-1.And is true that you are better then me,but dont lie that you are Snipiedad.You know that you lie.Do you guys think that Snipiedad that real boy can beat me lol?you'are funy Loose.You have much akas,and this 1 of ur akas 689244 in X WAR.Peace.
tata, civo kicked you out of df after you were a retard over a 40k 0 pt slaves only game. Civo is the leader of df and you were talking to him like he is your enemy, so he kicked you out of df. When you are in the same clan as somebody and you talk shit to them after you just joined, expect to get kicked. Especially when its the fucking leader, and you're surprised? Cmon dude...
& Blacky, nice picture. I'm highly self conscious, so I am giving a major fuck that you are attempting to use that shit to insult me. It's pathetic what you have to resort to to try and insult me. It's a joke, and you're a joke. I own you in every way possible, I own you in this game that you play all day, I own you in every conversation we've ever had, and I own you IRL.