what is the importance of Cathedral in 10 pt Game ?
1 post
I always think about the importance of cathedral...Lets analyse about it
Nowdays we play on mostly on 2 types of maps...
1. 10-12 farms very low res (2v2 event low res)
If we build a cathedral in this map then we will run our people on -6 tax and -4 food. By doing this we get 2 full granaries at the end of pt (500 food = 3k). and popularity would be stable. but we wont make alot of wood cutters in begining bcz we use our 1000 in cathedral and later on while making workshops we might be facing shortage of wood.
If we donot build the cathedral then our people will pay -8 tax and we get more gold in pt for workshops and we can build 30-40 workshops (100 xbow=3k). Hence we get a good economy for the gameplay after pt with lots of workshops.
2. 5-6 farms med res (crystal lake)
If we build a cathedral we get our pop running at -4 food -6 tax.
No cathedral- Most people think that 6 farms are really bad and we any how need cathedral to ensure -4 food But if you set up your wheat economy in very begining then you wont have any problems. all it takes is '' wheat forms 2 mills 12-16 bakeries'' (every thing close to each other). then start building your pop.
So SHC fellows i want your coments and sugesstions to find out the best possible tactic in both cases ;)
I bet you play without Cathedral, because i play without cathedral and i make 11-12k gold from playing without cathedral. Ask Lance, I follow his build order.
Re: what is the importance of Cathedral in 10 pt Game ?
82 posts
The importance of Cathedral is to ppls marry, than they can make sex cuz the Religion only let they make sex later they married.
In 10pt, Cathedral are not important. In 20pt u can use it + Oracle + Church to get + 4-6 in morale and up your Taxes. If u do Gardens and Good Things, u can up it to + 8 and put Taxes -18.