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Goodbye (By Dingo) http://dfclan.weebly.com/
I just wanted to let everyone know that I think this is the end of D-F. Tbag is going to give up SHC so he can study more for his college exams coming up, and if he goes I'm not sticking around either. With us leaving, the rest of the SHC players can finally live their nice fantasy of no competition, and everybody getting along and playing for fun. So have fun with that! My only regret is that we won't be able to stick around to help kill GoC in it's early stages of rebuilding itself. Now that Matteo is the leader of GoC we really wish we could own him like the good ol' days in GSA :(. On the upside though, we take full credit for killing KoRT :). Anyway!! If we ever come back, we'll definitely try to be nicer to people! We'll change our clan tag to [>F-D<]_ and my new name will be Ognid and Tbag's will be GabT! (names backwards) The reason we'd do this is because in the past we've insulted people, but now we realize theres nothing in the world worst than insulting someone over the internet. If I could take back all the times I insulted somebody I would, because it's really unfair... For example, all the times I made Matteo cry himself to sleep at night, how is that fair to matteo? Matteo is gay but, so is Winner. If I made Matteo cry himself to sleep, then I'd have to make Winner cry himself to sleep. I of course can handle that but I have to live by principles and I just can't make every homo in the world cry...If I can't make them all cry then I shouldn't pick on Matteo individually... SO PLEASE for the LOVE of God, don't insult somebody over the internet! Being insulted RUINS LIVES and even worst, it makes them FEEL bad! Please, if you're ever considering insulting somebody over the internet, think twice... They have their whole lives ahead of them, and who are you to take that away from them? So unless you're willing to devote your life to taking the life away from everybody, not just a few people like Matteo and Winner (and Lancelot and Legenda and KingOfKings) DONT DO IT! If you can't say something nice, just lie! I do think there's positivity in the future though.I think in the future the SHC community will be very friendly and instead of playing against eachother they can team up against Wolf and LionHeart and have MASSIVE battles with them! This will be great and I think it's what the players are working towards today, so hopefully someday that goal will be achieved! Well that's all I wanted to say... So I guess this is goodbye. I also wanted to give a shoutout to the following people who did something or I just met here in Gameranger: Tbag – for being my gay lover. Shazz- for being racist towards the PAKI's and uniting them. Lancelot- for being a middleastern version of Matteo. Legenda- for being the biggest russian idiot in GR. KingofKings- for lecturing me about god for like 2 hours and trying to convert me to islam. Piper- for thinking he's a legend. Winner- for being himself. Zest - for holding on to his dead clan:( Black Dragon - more like noob dragon OLOLOLOL but who is he? Savox or whatever - for being a douchebag and not adding D-F website to W@W clan links Lusenrad - for failing at arguing and wasting my time. FallenAngel- for letting me play on his name in x2x tournament finals vs Lusenrad. I owned Lusenrad ^.^. Blacky- for being a polish idiot... I think he's polish? Regardless... LordOfClunn- for making his TM easy to catch. Lancelot- for making his TM easy to catch. Excalibur- for making his TM easy to catch. KingofKings- for making his TM easy to catch. Ares- for making his TM easy to catch. Xcon-KK - for making his TM easy to catch. Blacky - for making his TM easy to catch. X2X- for being ba*st*ards and not adding our website to clan links. GoC- for not adding our website to clan links because we insulted them. PAK- for having somewhat of a valid reason for not adding us to clan links, but still... FU KoRT- R.I.P :) X-CON- for having like 5 members that use TM and being cool with it
We Are Warriors ... W@W Best Clan Ever.... Jealous ???
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haha,this is from oldest df website,when i read this i was so happy,especially for descriptions of NoobDragon,Zest and rest of guys :D
Ognid sound's better :) |
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this is very old
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In reply to this post by FL
funny thing Fearless noob cant beat even one of those whom he calling shit hahahahahahaha
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I really love looking back at that website and looking at my shit talk from 1.5 years ago, my shit talk from back then makes me laugh
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This post was updated on Apr 29, 2011; 6:50am.
lolxxxxxxxx. and fahad just shut your mouth . you r a kid to me :P
We Are Warriors ... W@W Best Clan Ever.... Jealous ???
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to me*
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