www.x-war.tk Site Updated
[X-WAR] Started recruiting trainer and old player who dont wanna be on a shit clan like xcon
[X-CON] Is a colup of fools Why? Cuz this :
They said [X-CON] Arien is aka Mert. So i asked Ares about this and he told me
I checked his loacation and he is from Istanbul and he is a good player so he is mert
Well ... so Zbychu is aka Ares cuz he is a good player and polish lol.
Yesterday Maly said [X-WAR]Lord Mert and [X-WAR]DReaM have same IP
But how can it possible when they both are online and 2 GR cant be open on 1 PC
Well ... it is possible if 2 computer have same IP lol.
Aren't they idiot?
[X-WAR] Top Clan For Ever