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Why Dingo didn't asnwer on forum while we were chating about how Civo=Tbag.Because he was on Tbag and he didn't want to say,he didn't want to show his self.

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Why Dingo didn't asnwer on forum while we were chating about how Civo=Tbag.Because he was on Tbag and he didn't want to say,he didn't want to show his self.

[>D-F<]~Dingo:I was offline

Loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooool.Stupid and stupid and stupid and stupid and now times to see,stupid.
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Re: Why Dingo didn't asnwer on forum while we were chating about how Civo=Tbag.Because he was on Tbag and he didn't want to say,he didn't want to show his self.

Lol i was talking with Tbag on english
Lol Dingo lol and lol.

Tbag should talk with me on croatin he is Civonarish.
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Re: Why Dingo didn't asnwer on forum while we were chating about how Civo=Tbag.Because he was on Tbag and he didn't want to say,he didn't want to show his self.

In reply to this post by DH
darkhell no one cares if civo is tbag or not. You are only one messing with this stupid topic.