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I think why d-f clan all noob , idiot ,bitch ,aka and meek ?
If someone explained to me pls :) |
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because none of players ar able to admit any loss
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Unframed, your whole time spent playing shc is a loss. How long have you played? 2 years? And you still suck? Why are you still here?
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you stupid americans dont try to make me sad, i got 6 from my discrete maths examination so fuck off you all :DDD i am not active, dont think im active if im writing here :DD i suck? no, i dont think so. i played 1 years actually, up to september. in Vilnius i cant run GR :((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((( . well i won some games, some nice 2v2 games, all players fucked vs me and lietuvis so fuck you!
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no fuck you, i could own you and lietuvis 2v1 probably. Lietuvis is good sure but unfortunately you are not. But lmao, who said anything about lithuania or America, and why are you telling me what you made on your discrete math examination? Congratulations I guess, maybe tell me some more random things about yourself that I don't care about?
As for how long you've played, I'm pretty sure you played longer than that but I could be wrong. Either way though, I don't see why you're here talking shit when you have no knowledge of what's going on in the first place. You suck, and according to you you're not even active, so why are you here acting like you know what you're talking about? Keep your lack of knowledge secret, and don't talk anymore. |
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yea and tbag could own too.otherwise he didnt succeed me and nightlife when nl crashed 1 min after pt. actually im talking because i llaugh from your stupid tricks, laugh from world, laugh from stupid guys like you, laugh from your all mental problems. i h erec, lider can laugh only now, im smarter hehe. i even didnt let your stupid tricks succeed.
i actually dont understand why you fools think could win 2v1 your talkings are boring, as boring are tbag's monologues about his ownages, better check ltu website. if you give a fuck ill make additional tbag loses gallery. i am worse player, i dont argue. actually i was in some top tens by some players, even erec's who hate me because he lost to me so many times :DDDD, so at least your words that "im not"(good) ar wrong. you see im not important, my talkings are boring, so why do you fucking answer if i say something? simple psichology. you can not talk about Lithuania, but ill say that americans are stupid, majority of your people doesnt know the nearest star, what a joke lol. i actually know much enough, nobody wants to hurt your ego, think you are the coolest here. it will be good replace of your mum's love. |
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In reply to this post by WE ARE THE BEST ! TR
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In reply to this post by MAX POWER
All you can do is claim to be smarter than me, and be paranoid that I'm trying to play some trick on you lol. You are truly smarter than me indeed, because intelligence is very easily compared over the internet, and it's very easy to prove that you are smart over the internet. The only thing I can judge about you is your stupid choice of argument, while it's very mediocre, your response will be for sure that you are way smarter than me and I am stupid! I think I understand...
As for what you say about Tbag, that's cool, but this is between you and me, try your best to think of things to say about me, rather than talk about people who have been inactive for a few months. The point is, your initial comment was "yeah and DF don't admit to loss" or something like that, and I would just like to know what you base that off of? You're such a smart guy, yet you make bullshit comments with no logic or credible evidence to back it up. |
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im actually very smart, just in one post i turned your writing style into an intelligent one lol. dont overload my english vocabulary with your sentences please. actually i don't know what you have against my arguments, i usually try to avoid self created facts, i have pretty bad opinion about america since they live in optimistic world. your fucking country produces 1/3 all air pollution. i should also say something bad about you personally,right? well since you find it difficult to kill lietuvis 1v1 you should stop talking about some fucking 2v1, tbag should forget it at all. im not paranoid about your tricks, erec still lost, thats my happy ending, i just cannot stop be proud of that fact, im not paranoid :) and yeah, you can admit loss, that my opinion and to your clan its total true. its leader's feature to be champion's mentality but some flying in the sky and talking war is boring, as your clan player i often player with was tbag, he talked longer after game more than play. and now its just enough to read between you and xcon. you're mister "talk so much" and xcon seems to be more quiet, well its my opinion.
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Sure I can accept loss, but that doesn't mean it will make me feel like the person who beat me is better, depending on the situation. 2v1 is an exaggeration, but it made you mad and that was my goal, so it's ok.
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~ † DHK † - The Best In Game ~
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In reply to this post by Dingo
goal can be a win, not a sentence
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In reply to this post by WE ARE THE BEST ! TR
Good think :)
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In reply to this post by WE ARE THE BEST ! TR
fuck you
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Hiding ur Identity Makes u a noob Noob
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