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1. Dingo(has killed lusenrad)
2.Lusenrad(has killed tbag,massoz) 3.Tbag(has killed legenda,legenda never killed tbag) 4.Legenda Arthorius(blacky quit game vs him) 5.Blacky(lost vs legenda it means tbag is better,cuz tbag killed legenda) 6.Massoz 7.Lider 8.Feanor(has killed dingo) 9.Fallen 10.Erec 11.Savoz 12.Me(i never played savoz 1v1) 13.Imortal 14.Apokalips 15.Ares White Polish noob 16.Oxapam |
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Players who are only making ha+sins in no f fs game for me arent top experts.Sorry Geralt if you think that u should be in list then you are a fool.
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i killed you two times no f fs , i should be above you , and i killed erec .
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you killed me 1 time on name newbie when i was in kazax clan,and when i didnt know how to tax -24,second time it was on event august(my first playing there).Have you killed erec no f fs?
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In reply to this post by [>D-F<]~DarkHell~
according to ur thinking Feanor should be 1st cuz he killed dingo
and as for me, im happyt that u didnt put me on this noobish list LMFAO
"Nobody is perfect, I am Nobody"
"Gówno i kapusta zawsze idą w parze.Jedno napędza drugie.Perpetuum mobile." SI VIS PACEM,PARA BELLUM | new cs 1.6 s&ns server ZOMBIE MOD |
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In reply to this post by [>D-F<]~DarkHell~
u are better than ARES LOOOOOL
are u very stupid |
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he is noob, he is very excited cuz he made that fucking list and he thinks he is enough good to be there normally he woudnlt be in top 20 lol
"Nobody is perfect, I am Nobody"
"Gówno i kapusta zawsze idą w parze.Jedno napędza drugie.Perpetuum mobile." SI VIS PACEM,PARA BELLUM | new cs 1.6 s&ns server ZOMBIE MOD |
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In reply to this post by [>D-F<]~DarkHell~
hm when i played none ever beated me in no f fs except feanor but thats a little ago :P
didnt play everyone but lusenrad got owned everytime :( |
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ninya shut up your mouth and stop telling lies and shit to people. You are a cheater, aka and you suck at this game. NooB.
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In reply to this post by [>D-F<]~DarkHell~
i,m the best,all gr noobs :=)
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In reply to this post by [>D-F<]~DarkHell~
i think dingo lusenrad should be much down
immortal can be little more up fallen dont play much he can be not be in this list oxapam should be up for darkhell ok i will make normal list sec |
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2.Massoz 3.Tbag 4.Lider 5.Feanor Lusenrad Legenda Arthorius 6.Dingo 7.Civo 8.Ahilles 9.Imortal 10.Savoz 11.Apokalips 12.Lietuvis 13.Ares 14.Silent Assasin 15.Jasiu 16.Oxapam |
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ты лутше миня? хехе
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In reply to this post by [>D-F<]~DarkHell~
To Geralt:I dont have to tell you nothing,i already told all to you.You are fuckin noob,stupid as ares,cheater as imortal(happy always 100,and tax alwayas -24).
To Feanor:Legenda is better then Blacky To Ninya:You are stupid aka+cheater(we all saw at clamber event),you have fuckin gey name too @ Ninya Lol To Mehemt:Yes you killed me,i am better then you stupid turkish noob. To Apokalips:Tony showed me ss when u used trainer,and you sucks in no f fs. To Feanor(again):Oxapam is not better then me,she is making only much ha in no f fs and sins.That isnt top no ffs player,you are better then Dingo?lol look ur list. To W@W:I am better then Ares,and then all X-CON and i am better then Robot,u want know why? Because he's inactive.Show your real name pussy,probably i pwned you in no f fs,and u are hiding your real name. "I WANT SILENCE FOREVER NOOBS" |
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i already showed you what you played under D-F tag vs Newbie , i just can't get why you say you was kazax. dark hell, you shouldnt be on any list , no matter top 20 or top 30 .
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In reply to this post by [>D-F<]~DarkHell~
showl ss
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In reply to this post by [>D-F<]~DarkHell~
i doubt if apokalips use trainer,i havent seen him cheating ever despite i played >50 games with him. actually i have about 5 ss where i can see oxapam armories and granaries , i just think it was some error, and i dont start claiming that someone is cheating .
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I'm start claming.They all will say"Yes that is error and lag" Lmao
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In reply to this post by Apokalips
when tony come online i will ask him for ss,then i will post on forum just for you.I belive tony,he never lied me.
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