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This post was updated on Nov 12, 2010; 9:58am.
1. Blacky
2. Masosz 3. HaCKeTT 4. FireDragon 5. Dingo 6. Lider 7. Arma 8. Ares 9. Lietuvis 10. T-Bag 11. Geralt 12. Immortal 13. Among 14. Erec If you disagree, you don't need to say "STUPID LIST LOLLLOLOL" you can just say "I think # __ is wrong, and # __ also" or " _____ should be #__ , not ______" maybe also post WHY you think it is wrong, not just "it is wrong" simple
~ † DHK † - The Best In Game ~
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hackett should be 1..., also tbag and lietuvis should be some place upper, idk how much ... among is pretty cool with a view he is not afraid to play 1v1 games....vs me, and he has 1 win, however when a conversation was between him one of my clanmates he changed his mind xD
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In reply to this post by {{DHK}}HolyLord
FD isnt now good. I killed him easy, maybe he was good many times ago. He shouldnt be in that list
Lider and Ares are better than Blacky and Masosz. In recent time they beat then more than 3times 1v1 IDK how good is HackeTT cuz I've never played with him. Number #7 is W@W Among12? If yes he shouldn't be in this list cuz in last free week i beat him 3times 1v1
"Nobody is perfect, I am Nobody"
"Gówno i kapusta zawsze idą w parze.Jedno napędza drugie.Perpetuum mobile." SI VIS PACEM,PARA BELLUM | new cs 1.6 s&ns server ZOMBIE MOD |
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In reply to this post by {{DHK}}HolyLord
is that supposed to be in order?
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In reply to this post by MAX POWER
To UnFramed: I'm pretty sure Hackett is not better than Masosz and Blacky, I remember I was watcher in hackett vs masosz and masosz won. And blacky is good like masosz, so I think blacky is also better than hackett, slightly. Do lietuvis and tbag have much wins vs players above them in this list? If so then maybe you are right about them, but tbag seems kind of not good.
To Geralt: You are a liar, because you have never played FD 1vs1. Because you are a liar, I'll ignore the rest of what you said. " {{DHK}}HolyLord: did you ever play vs geralt 1vs1 ((X2X))Fí®èdrágön: nope " To Dingo: yes, but it's up for debate and change here, don't be so quick to flip
~ † DHK † - The Best In Game ~
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In reply to this post by {{DHK}}HolyLord
too bad i don't even know how the real hackett plays or i'd have an opinion on him, tbag has beaten masosz probably more than masosz has beaten him, you highly underrate tbag, blacky sucks, firedragon sucks, lider is good but lietuvis and tbag are better than him, lietuvis and tbag are better than ares too... and arma... and probably the real hackett
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So your opinion (and Unframed's opinion) is like:
Dingo Tbag Lietuvis Masosz Lider Arma Ares Blacky Like that? We should see how the real Hackett compares in some 1v1s, you and me can watch Hackett vs whoever, maybe hackett vs lietuvis (real this time :P) and hackett vs tbag (also real this time :P) I'm sure hackett will be happy to show what he can do
~ † DHK † - The Best In Game ~
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i'd say
dingo masosz tbag blacky lietuvis lider arm@ ares |
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i wouldnt put tbag above.about blacky, who knows, last times i had games with him he wasnt very fair player and i dont like it :). only if tbag has improved very well he can be above. he is good but soem time ago few other players had made more impression :)) but about improving, everybody says that ... maybe thats good , because its the only way for some players to call a player for a game vs whom he had lost before. but i mostly believe players improve well in their young age. if you had played 5 years , i think you have probably given your best , and 6th year won't be revolutionar...
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In reply to this post by {{DHK}}HolyLord
i played with FD 2v2
FD & Petakuty vs Geralt & Iran Iran is noob in fs game so i musted kill FD and help Iran, I killed him so im not a liar. Ask FD edit i didnt tell that i killed fd 1v1
"Nobody is perfect, I am Nobody"
"Gówno i kapusta zawsze idą w parze.Jedno napędza drugie.Perpetuum mobile." SI VIS PACEM,PARA BELLUM | new cs 1.6 s&ns server ZOMBIE MOD |
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Why do you guys care so much about who's in the top 10 or best anyways? Just play the game and talk shit. :D |
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hahah geralt beat FD :O,maybe that is true,fd's cheat maybe was turn off,so you killled him.Lider and Ares better then Massoz and Blacky lol?Ares is the biggest noob and pussy,Lider is very good but blacky is better and massoz too.Tbag beat Ares for me on Clamber event too,ares sucks in game.He is playing this game more then Massoz,Dingo,Blacky and he isnt top player lol...
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In reply to this post by {{DHK}}HolyLord
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In reply to this post by MAX POWER
tbag hasn't played for 6 years noob
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hey man what hurted you that you call me noob? dont worry , nobody will destroy your love with tbag . americans are stupid! you are so stupid that you cannot understand what i meant with my position , nobody count months.... also you cannot understand anything in common case , you dont use well argumented proofs, one of lecturers of the university im learning at, after some courses was bit shocked that americans just express opinions with no explanations :) i know many american universities take first places , but its no important to me, we just dont have enough money to rise in ratings :((
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In reply to this post by [>D-F<]~DarkHell~
shut up noob
u have already showed ur IQ, so stop talking shits
"Nobody is perfect, I am Nobody"
"Gówno i kapusta zawsze idą w parze.Jedno napędza drugie.Perpetuum mobile." SI VIS PACEM,PARA BELLUM | new cs 1.6 s&ns server ZOMBIE MOD |
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In reply to this post by MAX POWER
you also can't afford to hire anybody that actually speaks english to teach the rest of you
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yea , but its pretty cool , its no worth when everything is given, it makes you try yourself make your way trought. sissies are no neccessary . about english, it can be pretty cool debate as americans, british people and australians contain just a small part of people who speak english. with a view its globalisation , some time later you might start talking like chinese :D
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Nah the chinese are already learning english too
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In reply to this post by MAX POWER
To Unframed: I'm glad you realize that Blacky is better than Tbag.
To Geralt: You can't use 2v2 to prove that FD is not good. To Erec: Shut up. To DarkHell: Ya, it is stupid to think that Ares is better than Blacky and Masosz lol. To Immortal: You beat Blacky 1v1? One game won't prove anything sorry :\ Beat him 5 more times and we'll all know you are a top player.
~ † DHK † - The Best In Game ~
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