Erec, not very old, february. and if you say its old times, show me pic where you and lance used to kill lietuvis, no matter how old.
and yes, no other ltu is top expert by the time. and if you argue between df and xcon, i say 2 best xcon and 2 df could be different winners, but df has more '6th' players. but also me and lietuvis vs lider and ares have 1-1
{{DHK}}WarriorWithin : I dont know if this guy is still good but when i played vipers 1v1 december event ( and won mwahaha) like in 07 or 08 dont remember, (LT-U)Xawieras was VERY VERY good.
Yes erec, i had just played in gsa one month 2008 december, so i don't know anything what happened before, i and dont know anything between 2009 january-august :D