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it should be arose not arised,
and left his to actions speak for themselves... but good job little buddy, even if you are a little noobish with your writing, and inaccurately skew your history, but it's okay <3 |
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In reply to this post by Erek
when u got nothing left in your skills, u started making stories ""LAME""
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In reply to this post by Erek
Some adds. Blacky greatness was like piece of shit vs R.I.P. (LT-U)J@kubas greatness. Not only lance and erec couldnt be in one clan for long back then, but Luis and Blacky as well. Blacky was pretty much optimistic to kill Holylord under aka, and asked permission to be akas in (LT-U) with Luis. Lets be honest, Luis couldnt compare with other clan players, he had some experience from before but damn with such long playing history he was a noob. The only thing he and Blacky used to have some tactics which worked, and for that they were pretty good.
Whole clan was well known for cheats -> regular TM using which brought their glory ^^ I added some salt to your history without telling lies, but anyway, even despite tm you could still own these paks fahad fero riva and xcons like noobs, xcons could give a harder challenge. And you Fahad are entirely wrong, the difference between experts and noobs is that experts don't need a month to play like they played before. You may have improved at no f fs, but no fire playing level now is much decreased these times, im pretty sure about it. |
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Unframed explained! good work
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In reply to this post by MAX POWER
Unframed u r still wrong i am a top expert at no ffs and normal or maybe good at no f
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lmao pegasus you arent top expert at shit
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In reply to this post by MAX POWER
Well , I dont really like to come and argue on forums buy come on Unframed , please do not post information containing shit . You mentioned that riva , i , generraly you were pointing W@W's . Bud , I would request you to stfu because you dont know shit at all . Man , seriously havent played vs me for like 6 months and judging me like when I was a trainee and completely new to the game . Its crystal clear bud that you are such a dumbhead . I agree Erec did beat us and nobody can deny the fact that we even sodomized them . Look at you unframed , i dont really care how much you play man , but seriously if u have to post such critical remarks i'd request you to be aware of what is going on gr . Despite the fact we are rusty , we can still rape 908 % people playing shc for like 10 hours a day .
The fact is that you cunts win 1 game and think ur the big gun but thats not the way things are . If you really think ur a big gun , grow some balls and play a few more games . An example of this is Geralt , he beat me like once and he's like he wouldnt rm ever lol . What cunts !! I always take things in the logical way and as this is a game based forum , why not settle it in game rather than talking here with no conclusion . Waitin' for a reply , well not really . Anyways .... |
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How it is said : Haters will hate
My idea wasn't to call you noob, i know youre good , im just comparing. And riva failed when i was punkd and played vs him with changed nick being at his very active times, ill enjoy this fact as long as possible. Yes, im not so much aware about gr matters now, but im just too confident of what i say, erec and lance team used to be very strong and you should compare to it, well you can try :D I think once i played with you in team, i saw how you play, i saw how you play vs dingo, maybe you are again n times better than that as its popular to be said. dont think im against waws just because its waw. im criticizing paks not only about gameplay, i just dont like the devil living inside of you. im not thinking about religion matters but something is way wrong, and im not your mummy but as a person you became shit, learn from borthers you have. maybe im wrong... and im not unfrair about waws, pakistan have good people, ill just criticize all who use words own and lm(f)ao. even though yet you're most polite of waws. |
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fuck u arminas the motherfucker noobass jackass . Shit Talker Pak> Shc
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In reply to this post by Ferocious07
fero, be quiet, unframed is right, just because for 3 months u r crazy about game and play it nonstop and so eager for win so u beat almoust everyone, DOESNT MEAN U R TOP EXPERT, THE "TOP" RANK U REALLY MUST DESERVE, everyone r now saying "i am top expert" which is funny
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Top Expert Rank is from chracter of the Person ---not--- all debend on win see Feanor he win but still noob
in mange his clan and last aka of this month i cought --Steal=VictorTC guys Result=6akas --2 CHeaters --1 Aka Sharing {{For MOre Proofs see SCD True Skills}} i dont need to say more |
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fahad u and w/e of arab should stop spamming this forum ,, u guys play shit top experts lmao xD
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Naruto sucker
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