How it is said : Haters will hate
My idea wasn't to call you noob, i know youre good , im just comparing. And riva failed when i was punkd and played vs him with changed nick being at his very active times, ill enjoy this fact as long as possible.
Yes, im not so much aware about gr matters now, but im just too confident of what i say, erec and lance team used to be very strong and you should compare to it, well you can try :D
I think once i played with you in team, i saw how you play, i saw how you play vs dingo, maybe you are again n times better than that as its popular to be said.
dont think im against waws just because its waw. im criticizing paks not only about gameplay, i just dont like the devil living inside of you. im not thinking about religion matters but something is way wrong, and im not your mummy but as a person you became shit, learn from borthers you have. maybe im wrong... and im not unfrair about waws, pakistan have good people, ill just criticize all who use words own and lm(f)ao. even though yet you're most polite of waws.