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HolyLord, FireDragon, Masosz
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they will be known cheaters 4ever
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conclusion : to be known forever need to cheat.
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In reply to this post by AnonymousRebelPilot
even though i am aka FD my name should be there
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dont think i am annonymus....and i was wrong you're not FD , I never wasted so much time with FD on staying till late at night and talking....and he never learned me to make good eco with xbows.....
Yo this is MC wizardry, killa bee invasion
Men of respect, blessed with wisdom of the ancients My words are blatant, lacerate necks for statements are launched like lead projectiles, straight out the basement. |
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In reply to this post by MAX POWER
firedragon and i have never cheated masosz did use tm sometimes, but nothing else, and he didnt always use it
~ † DHK † - The Best In Game ~
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well he sometimes used shield maker what is bit stronger than tm. at least im sure of it
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In reply to this post by {{DHK}}HolyLord
yes fd used sm !! and tm !!!! or smth like that 2xclick
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true, masosz used shield maker while noone even didnt knew about it, fd too
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Rofl nice slander
holylord : masosz did use tm sometimes, but nothing else, and he didnt always use it t-bag :true, masosz used shield maker while noone even didnt knew about it, fd too masosz Since 1 year inactive and why now all say masosz use tm ? Lol why ? have proof ? lol really funny ![]()
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Guy you lack of info. we didnt start after year, many started 2 years ago, so do i , after seeing things with my eyes.
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Of course that Massoz use cheats,I have seen him using tm many times and shield maker when he "trained" me.Btw he used t-search few times too.I dont know about FD but Szeky told me he used some shit for clicking.The saddest thing is that i have called them cheaters long time ago,even created topic about it but nobody didn't even reply then,look now everyone calls them cheaters,funny.I dont understand why.
Real top experts will always have respect mine,but HolyLord and rest of "greatest times" never. But you fucking idiot T-Bag why do you come now and talk about it? You could tell about it long time ago when they even played,not now when they stopped game pussy.
Yo this is MC wizardry, killa bee invasion
Men of respect, blessed with wisdom of the ancients My words are blatant, lacerate necks for statements are launched like lead projectiles, straight out the basement. |
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In reply to this post by M E H M E T
What are you talking about?
Me, Masosz, and FD were best friends. I would never slander Masosz. He openly used tm sometimes, not because he couldn't click fast, but because he just didn't care or take the game seriously. But I never considered him a cheater. He played the same, tm or not. FD never cheated. Anyone and everyone can call someone a cheater, but without evidence, its only opinion.
~ † DHK † - The Best In Game ~
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HL: He openly used tm sometimes HL: anyone can call someone a cheater, but without evidence, it's only opinion. - *used openly* |
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In reply to this post by {{DHK}}HolyLord
that's why you r defending them.... that's nonsense hl :( cheaters are cheaters forever !!!!!!!! Even if you don't take the game seriously it doesn't mean that you can use any trainer :( If you are a cheater then ok , do what you want..... |
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In reply to this post by {{DHK}}HolyLord
What the fuck are you talking about?
Can't you see that you are clearly and so openly defend tm user? Do greatest players from your list use this kind of cheats? Do they deserve to be on the list if they use this kind of cheats? Oh , i forgot. This is list of your greatest friends ever , and you think tm isn't cheat , it's only program which help us to click faster,there's nothing bad! Look at this,I was noob who couldn't improve my game all the time and i all the played like a good player just.What did i need? To make cyber hand just because speed clicking of 2 players should be balanced (If it it not balanced then player who use tm have more chances to win *only and if only you are not player like Pea* because he can defeat you even when you are faster then him,he knows the strategy).This is not speed-click game, this is strategy game.
Yo this is MC wizardry, killa bee invasion
Men of respect, blessed with wisdom of the ancients My words are blatant, lacerate necks for statements are launched like lead projectiles, straight out the basement. |
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I thought I would never say this, but i agree with dh, sadly this became speed-click game
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In reply to this post by {{DHK}}HolyLord
and to hl, fd used shield maker in his last days in shc
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In reply to this post by Inspectah Deck
This %100 true >>>> inspecktahdeck: This is not speed-click game, this is strategy game.
if masosz use tm , why hl you add him top players list ?
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because he would probably still be on top, but simply its not top 10 of honorous players, its just top players list.
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