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Today I was 2v2ing df Tfag and his some other partner who sucked epically. While I was owning tbag and he was done that fag started camping if you dont believe me, Check out for yourselves
imageshack.us/g/850/tbagcamping.jpg/ These are the Two sses of him camping. Is that the best of recent times? or the camper of recent times? Please, and they accuse xcons for camping. Yeah, I accept that xcon's do camp but their camping is kinda allowed but this isn't allowed for sure! I'm sure after seeing this topic tfag will say he was playing for fun and bla bla bla, dude everyone knows how you are obsessed with this game. |
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Good work, lets see how dingo defends him now
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LOL bullyshit , Dragonite = Riva , also known as Explorer.Riva you're funny,you come to talk with yourself here,and accuse one of the best players of this game ever and even you do that under aka name which makes me ROFL.
As for camp,who cares if he camp lol? Camp is the way of defense,every no f player use/used it,so stop crying please.Dingo doesn't need to defend bag cuz i already do.Are you making this topic just to show us conversation between your aka and you or bcuz you really want to show us bag's camp? Hmmm i guess second option.And don't come with excuses here like you know " Every aka is me" , "damn you caught me" , "you wish every aka you beat is me" cuz i will just laugh on it and type big " LOL" (no sense,no sense). I understand that you want to help your friend Aragorn with clan by joining under aka,that stands but what's wrong with you about bag? Get lost.
Yo this is MC wizardry, killa bee invasion
Men of respect, blessed with wisdom of the ancients My words are blatant, lacerate necks for statements are launched like lead projectiles, straight out the basement. |
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Well, Whats wrong to have ingame name as " Dragonite " ? And as far as D-W Dragonite is concerned, idk who really is him and ill deny till i die that im not him, do whatever you want. And now ill come back to the topic, seeing that this is your 1st post that makes it pretty obvious that you are some DF and want to defend your founder who actually is caught while cheating and Lol everyone makes cats on walls? Dude you just too pathetic go suck fag's cock thats what you're good at.
What if I told you, Your perception is a misconception due to Media Deception.
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In reply to this post by Dragonite
Maybe if you were half as good as us we would play you seriously. You don't even understand how big of a nuisance you new players are when you try to take us on. Just because we aren't super excited and interested to play every single game like our life depends on the win, does not mean we couldn't rape the shit out of you if we actually wanted to.
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i agree wid Dingo post
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Get Schwifty.
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In reply to this post by -Rivaz-
Riva said: idk who really is him and ill deny till i die that im not him .
Lmao yeah you will deny because he's ur aka in clan of your friend from real life - Aragorn.Btw nice excuses like " what's wrong to use name" .If i said you you would use that excuse then you would have used some other lol.You weak praying mantis,stop denying and admit.Idiot.He even have same local time as you (Pakistan local time),that doesn't mean you're him but why would Aragorn recruit player with such a new account into DW? Does he recruit akas cuz he want's his clan be stronger? If that is then i am happy lol,i am gonna make new acc and ask him to join.T-Bag blocked you on Riva,and you're mad so you want get him on your akas,I understand you.I'm sorry Riva,you suck pathetic little ant.Go to your anthill not on a giants like bag is :P . Owned,but sorry I didn't even try.
Yo this is MC wizardry, killa bee invasion
Men of respect, blessed with wisdom of the ancients My words are blatant, lacerate necks for statements are launched like lead projectiles, straight out the basement. |
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In reply to this post by -Rivaz-
Lmao,since when puting catas on wall is cheat? You are fucking noob Riva.
Yo this is MC wizardry, killa bee invasion
Men of respect, blessed with wisdom of the ancients My words are blatant, lacerate necks for statements are launched like lead projectiles, straight out the basement. |
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In reply to this post by Inspectah Deck
How did you know that fag has blocked me on my account?
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In reply to this post by [>D-F<]~Dingo~
Dingo stop acting like your so cool and you can win whenever you want.
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so if i stop acting so cool i can win whenever i want?
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In reply to this post by -Rivaz-
Lmao riva, i really think its time to stop embaressing urself
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In reply to this post by Inspectah Deck
Who da fk are u noob ? lol ... riva isnt dragonite . 100% sure . :) . because of these reasons .
1.Dragonite is from DHK and he was on hamachi and i also knew him he was friend of warlord and he trained him and forced him to come on gr. he was a good player on hamachi and now hes on gameranger . he was having a new acc i.e. 1700779 . but he said me every one is calling me aka . so i gave him my other acc i.e. 931870 . and only me and dragonite know pw and id .. lol how da fk can he be riva ? hahaha stupid Rebel-INS. 2.its impossible that riva and dragonite (931870) are same cux today riva was playing in another room and another game and at same time dragonite was playing with other .... 3. I was also suspecious that he is riva but i found out now he aint riva . ![]() |
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aragorn stop wasting ur time on these noobs they will never understand tht we r the best and they will die like the rest xD...+ u all just knw to talk .... i challenged T-bag
1v1 and he scared he said him self lmao and Dingo just a Fat bag of sht ....................... |
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In reply to this post by OneOFTheGreatest
this is cheating . Catas on wall is cheating . If riva would have done that t-bag would have said:
Fucking cheater camper putting catas on wall . Dingo plz dont save ur gay friend now hes exposed
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Fahad just shut the fuck up , you're stupid as fuck.Puting catas on wall is not cheat.I have seen HL , Massoz doing that and many others.You are just new in this game without experience.Better leave this forum or stop talking bullshit.If puting catas on wall is a cheat then puting ha on towers would be cheat too?
As for you Aragorn I didn't except nothing different from what you said about Dragonite,he is aka,council of your clan and your friend.
Yo this is MC wizardry, killa bee invasion
Men of respect, blessed with wisdom of the ancients My words are blatant, lacerate necks for statements are launched like lead projectiles, straight out the basement. |
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fuck u destiny its a cheat . noob dont protect ur t-bag its a cheat no matter how hard u try u now u cant save him hes totally exposed
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Fahad sounds like a horse name.
Yo this is MC wizardry, killa bee invasion
Men of respect, blessed with wisdom of the ancients My words are blatant, lacerate necks for statements are launched like lead projectiles, straight out the basement. |
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And Augustus Sounds like a Pig name
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Destiny go suck t-bag cock
Get Schwifty.
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