First of all you should upload a video which shows me using TM if you say that I do..
I dont use it.. And to TataVlad: Youre just a noob who talks too much but u found the right clan..
All DF are acting like noobs but they talk.. and talk ... ... and talk bullshit !
I remember when I played u 1vs1.. you got owned in about 3 min after pt.
Its nothing new that dingo and tbag havent got a life. I think you two are fat bastards who
are looking like pigs and dont agree that u can play as much as u want and never be the no. 1
I even owned tbag on cl 2 times and dingo on serval maps.. you never won a 1vs1 vs me.
I know thats depressing.
Dingo i wish i cud meet u in real life i wud beat ur ugly mouth to the floor but w/e...
In fact, all DF's are noobs. You should look for another game. Everyone is making fun of u here.

for ur stupid comments.