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DHK (Dick Head Knights) have not learnt thier lesson yet. They still try to talk too big for themselves especially HolyLord with his 2vs1 challenge but refuses to play against the real experts..lol what a joke. No wonder his members are leaving and its no wonder they go into their aka accounts to play because few people will play DHK with their bad attitude and ego. Why would you bother to wear a tag that idenifies you as a true dick head anyway? I would hide my face under an aka account too...lol.
And to the rest of the community who are struggling to beat HL: If you want to win you dont let him host. When I was in DHK as "Slayer", HolyLord had a cheat program called Tsearch that lets him add gold, weapons ect undetected. He showed me how to use it and gave me the codes to edit gold and weapons. Editing gold was too noticeable, so HolyLord made armouries to add weapons so people could not detect it. Only problem was you have to host to be able to run it and thats why he insists on hosting and makes armouries in game. I left DHK in disgust at his cheating actions and his clan was known as "cheaters in game". POST: ((X2X))Shazzabog. |
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Is it True??? :O
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In reply to this post by ((X2X)) FD
that bastard hl!!!! how dare he to use cheats
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This post was updated on Sep 29, 2010; 4:06am.
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~ † DHK † - The Best In Game ~
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In reply to this post by [X-CON] Ares
Who do you call real expert? People from GR? Sorry, but this "guys" are not real experts. Do not call anyone a cheater, if you do not have any proof of that. |
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but to the fack that most of shc players are adult enough to think with head , shaga's post about somebody's cheating in past shows that even if somebody is very good, cheating is a bit childish thing, stupid also. i like shc because most players are intelligent enough , i cannot compare it to counter strike , where most players are 13-15 years old , and cheating a lot. to sum up, if somebody cheats who is adult enough , it's bad.
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In reply to this post by Lutel
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In reply to this post by OMG
Holy has what you are talking let the fish....
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This post was updated on Sep 29, 2010; 4:06am.
In reply to this post by [X-CON] Ares
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~ † DHK † - The Best In Game ~
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Lol, Ares. A funny, new guy who calls Holylord cheater with no proves and says he is "real expert". Funny. Most of true experts are gone, those from gr....(no comment).
To HL: They catched you after 7 years of playing SHC ! (too bad all these watchers of events and all games 1v1 haven't seen it and true experts don't call you cheater).
i suck
you suck all suck |
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oh i forgot to say, shazzabog is cheater. he uses trainer thats why he hosted when he played holylord 1v1. thank you
i suck
you suck all suck |
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Well FD is saying it... and hes the oldest expert in GR... HL even you respect him lol
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"DHK (Dick Head Knights) have not learnt thier lesson yet. They still try to talk too big for themselves especially HolyLord with his 2vs1 challenge but refuses to play against the real experts..lol what a joke. No wonder his members are leaving and its no wonder they go into their aka accounts to play because few people will play DHK with their bad attitude and ego. Why would you bother to wear a tag that idenifies you as a true dick head anyway? I would hide my face under an aka account too...lol.
And to the rest of the community who are struggling to beat HL: If you want to win you dont let him host. When I was in DHK as "Slayer", HolyLord had a cheat program called Tsearch that lets him add gold, weapons ect undetected. He showed me how to use it and gave me the codes to edit gold and weapons. Editing gold was too noticeable, so HolyLord made armouries to add weapons so people could not detect it. Only problem was you have to host to be able to run it and thats why he insists on hosting and makes armouries in game. I left DHK in disgust at his cheating actions and his clan was known as "cheaters in game". POST: ((X2X))Shazzabog." i guess Shazzabog posted it
i suck
you suck all suck |
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((X2X)) FD
1 post Mar 24, 2010; 12:13pm Shazzabog expose HolyLord read-only Reply Threaded More More options |
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In reply to this post by {{DHK}}HolyLord
Oh, now HolyLord is posting fake screen shots I see! And saying I hosted even! Im not suprised at these desperate attempts to try and save himself. Everyone now knows the truth HolyLord, why you always try to host especially in events. And when you and your partner from DHK come and join against me and FD in a 2vs2 and get raped you both suddenly " crash " in game. So we stopped bothering to play you DHK because you are nothing but cheaters and cant stand to lose so you got to "crash". Your a waist of time and its high time you was exposed for what you and your clan really are.
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This post was updated on Sep 29, 2010; 4:06am.
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~ † DHK † - The Best In Game ~
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you can call me noob because i am and i talk not about the topic , but all you who think to be computer heroes , you are stupid .
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In reply to this post by {{DHK}}HolyLord
This is really sad. Ares, a guy who dont see difference between "chiter" and cheater or, "layer" and layer, man who is newbie calling DHK a cheaters. I'm really sad that i dont have my old computer, where i have ss's form games vs him. they fit nice to torture page. HolyLord isn't cheater, and all of you know it good, he can play vs all of yours with watchers movies etc, so stop calling him cheater, just play vs him, i am more than sure that he'll prove his supremacy in every single game.
"-::HK::-" |
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