261 posts
Many players of shc community are just arguin here on forums and most of them can just argue but when it comes to prove it , they run away making excuses like ,"You are a cheater, aka , noob , i have beated you many times" .. damn , if u cant prove it now ,stop arguing and accept who is better ..
Why dont Fahad end all this shit ? He says he can pwn all W@W's in no f fs , y doesnt he 1v1 every W@W , once in no f fs , once in no f or & one in other rules . Fahad has a problem with 1) Riva 2) Spartan 3)Ferocious 4) FL 5) and i dont wna waste mre of my time , u all know it
Fahad in one topic says Savo is a clean player and there are no aka's in W@W and then he says , "U fucking aka" lol
Why doesnt Mehmet and all his turk friends end it vs Dingo , Riva , Destiny and other people ? Why do they just shittalk which is rather funny ,"You s bitch " and insults like ,"I is come and i is own u noob"
Why doesnt NL just end it up vs Dingo , playing him a best of 3 or 5 ? and Dingo plays it seriously
Fahad has a problem with many players , he can just call them "Noob , loser , quitter , aka , bitch and some other shitty words" but when we challenge him , he changes the topic . If you think we cheat , then bring a watcher or make a video and if u see us cheating then ur shit would be credible
Lets see now how Fahad refuses to play vs the players he has to settle shit with .