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The Notorious One
42 posts
Relax man,no need to insult other people like you did.If you are mature man like you said,you shouldn't take it too much personally lol,its just a game.

By the way if you look closer to upper posts,and read carefully you should be grateful to me,becouse i try to find some explanation of your weaker disposition in games that you lose.

Fortunately HL came here and clear the situation with his own insights.

And true he didint tell me that he lost one 2-2 against you,generally he wasnt super excited that he won too,its seems like nothing special happened-its like a "another normal day in work".

Idk if he want more games with you,he is focuses only on best players theese days but i can be wrong so you need ask him personallity.

You are always welcome in GR comuunity even if 90% players dont know who are you.
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25 posts
He didn't lose just one 2v2.  ;)

I don't know you, so nothing personal.  But you should be more careful what you say.  

I know you're just the message boy, but you should also tell shlazydick to be more careful about what he says.  

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The Notorious One
42 posts
This post was updated on Feb 01, 2020; 10:20am.
So i need to be more inform about his scores i guess.

Yeah,without your loses my "messages mission" wil be useless so im glad you sometimes show on gr,its look like this process need us both.

Best wishes.
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701 posts
In reply to this post by The Notorious One
Another long response!  

About your question "why so many people don't like to learn different maps, settings, rules? What happened?"

From 2002-2010 or so, we had some people like me, Standard, FireDragon, Meelman, Peabody, K@W Warlord, etc, that were very well respected in the community.  These people were often the people who encouraged new maps, rules, settings, etc.  Many of them (like Standard, Warlord, Peabody) were good map makers, and game theorists, and their new maps were always played in the official tournaments; always maps with different resource amounts and 'strange' terrain.  Because many of us 'leaders' always pushed for new & different rules & maps, everyone followed.  I think its the responsibility of the people at the top to make that change, and all the 'mediums' and 'noobs' will have to follow.  I always tried to force people to play different things; sometimes they hated it, but they would have to play it anyways because I was HolyLord (lol), and that kept things moving.  It was a very large community too, in GameSpy, and everyone had their 'favorite' rules/maps, etc (X2X had theirs, LT-U had theirs, =G$F= had theirs, etc), so to truly be 'the best' you had to be able to beat everyone on their own maps/rules, not to mention the tournaments, which always had very random and different rules/maps/settings.  Because of this, the top players always were prepared for everything, and focused more on understanding and 'feeling' the game instead of memorizing/practicing particular maps, rules, strategies, etc.

About your other questions:

1. Which player was the fastest opponent to you?
    If I don't count myself or Bartholo, then I think FireDragon, Hunter, Meelman, Masosz, Dracula, and maybe even Blacky & Geralt, were probably the fastest players I remember, at their peaks.

2. How much time you play longest single game 1-1?
     My longest 1v1 was vs Bartholo in 2006, which went for 6 days (save, load, save, load, etc).  Camp vs camp.  Other than Bartholo, I had some long games vs good campers like X-CON Str0ng and Peabody.  Many of my longest solo games have been 1v2s, and not 1v1s.   I remember a nice long 1v2 I played in 2010 or so vs X-CON Ares & X-CON Geralt, which was one of the funnest and most challenging games I remember from my GameRanger times (2009 - 2011/12).

3.Who was the best eco maker in your period.
    Bartholo and I were the best eco makers in my period.  Nobody (except bartholo) ever even tried to break our eco records, so we never had any eco competition.  This is why I was so happy to see Lancelot finally do it in 2019, and why I reinstalled SHC to try again.

4.Who was the best rusher and the best camper?
    Again, I think bartholo and I were the best rushers and also the best campers (sorry if this sounds like a bad answer again and again).  Pretty much every top player in my day were good rushers - you had to be a good rusher to be a good player.  Some other good campers were X-CON Str0ng, Peabody, T-Bag.

5.Do you remember any great talent that never show his full potential?
    Interesting question.  I think Gx_S0ck3tz` could have been a much better player than he was.  To give some explanation, socketz was the best SH1 player for many years, and started playing SHC in 2006/07.  He spent a good bit of time playing SHC, and started becoming good, but never really committed to it enough to become a top expert, although I think he could have if he continued with it.  I think X-CON Geralt could have become one of the best players ever, but he didn't get enough training from me and Arma while he was in DHK  :P.    DHK Killa was another one.  He had a major health emergency and disappeared and never came back to SHC; very sad.  We thought he died, but found out 10 years later he was alive, thankfully.  There were also many players that were very good but never really showed off their skills much or didn't get very recognized in the community (like LTU min2kas & LTU vytass, NDR-DRGN_VampSlayer, G$W Warlord & G$W Razi, and many more).

6.Who was most crazy/annoying player that time?
    DevilSpawn was probably the craziest mother fucker in the history of Stronghold: Crusader.  I can tell you more about him if you'd like, and some other stories, but every old player will remember this guy for being a true crazy.  Some other crazy/annoying people were {GoC}M.GEN-7WINNER7 (some stories about him if you want to know), and from GR, yugod Gilman (this guy spent his life making up fake histories about me, and I never even knew him).  X2X Shazzabog was also a bit annoying (always saying some shit about me), but I think I annoyed him more because I always called him my little 'baby boy' (because I recruited Satdive to X2X in 2005 and trained him, and Satdive recruited and trained Shazzabog).  There were many other players that could fit the description "crazy", but in different ways (like Bartholo, FD, Fubar, DarkRealms, Hampton, Blaze, Nassassin, and many more...)

Thanks for the Q's. I actually enjoyed answering these questions more than I thought I would.  Made me think about some things I haven't thought about for 10-15 years.  There is so much, I feel like I could write many books about it all, lol
~ † DHK † - The Best In Game ~
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•{»GoTK«}• Szlachcielec |
15 posts
In reply to this post by Dr.Peabody
Hi Peabody
Yes, you won me 2x2 by lucky rush when I was playing with academy in team and u played with some XCON in team. Okey its fine, but don't forget that I also won u in 2x2 ;)
Wanna play some games with me?
I am pretty sure I can beat u 5-0 in 1x1 nof games :D
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The Notorious One
42 posts
This post was updated on Feb 03, 2020; 9:50pm.
In reply to this post by {{DHK}}HolyLord
Of course you can tell me someting interesting stuff about them,it will be great to read it.

So i think we found a biggest problem thats stopping players-we don't have a respected leader/s who show right way.Well i hope MysticaL could be that person,he have passion to the game,start play no f no market ect.He streaming games,play a lot of time and games per day.We will see.Time will tell all.

Lol so you got still that fire inside when answer some question related with SHC,thats good.So lets continue it:

1.Did you play in that time 30min/1h no rush time?What do you think about that?
2.How much time you need to learn begginer/weak medium play on very good level and who was your greatest student.
3.Who in your time was the best bread maker,it this eco was so unpopular like nowdays?
4.Name of the best girl player that time,what level she presented?
5.Who was the best map maker?
6.How old was the oldest player you played with?
7.Could you tell me some information about 2 players if you know them:

{GoC}Silent Killer (he is all time active,someone told me he is here since 2004,
"{GoC} Silent Killer: i was called assasin only then"
"{GoC} Silent Killer: in gsa times"

and Ninja Shinobi (i heard he have problems with a head).

Thx for your answers.
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71 posts
In reply to this post by {{DHK}}HolyLord
If you are going to write stories about crazy shc people, I would like to read NDR-DRGN_NASS story.
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976 posts
tbag what's your GR ID?
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71 posts
[>D-F<]~Dingo~ wrote
tbag what's your GR ID?
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{>FuRY<} Viktor
35 posts
In reply to this post by {{DHK}}HolyLord
Hello SHC fellas! I hope you all are doing well in your lives. It's been a while since i have written anything here so i'm very excited to put forward my opinion and i see some great players here are sharing their experiences about this game so why not Me! (not to mention but i have played this game over 10 years and defeated almost every next guy on GR except few who were very old like HL etc ). I'm confident to share my experiences as i have seen actively most part of SHC after 2009 which many you haven't and i respect everyone.
First and foremost i have a confession, that i truly and utterly love this game and i would always love to play anytime and just like everyone else who have other prior things in life i have too. We all have our own passions based on the circumstances we are living and being a human we struggle everyday of our lives to satisfy ourselves. Before i go on i would like to ask you '' Is there anything worthwhile, which is not likely to be difficult''
For those who are playing SHC these days good for them and those who played in past and now have other passions(like tbag ), i'm happy for them too and perhaps we all are on the same direction. I also believe that SHC is more or less an oxygen to a top expert during its peak times and then just like every other top we used to think about other stuff as there's no fun in beating same players over and over. I'm going to be very brief now so perhaps most of you should read and understand.
1. There should always be a website to keep records of SHC and top list as what could be more precious than knowledge/History and we all know that wise people learn from their past and plan for the future. Without consistent list and records people like Gilman and some other will come forward and misguide us. Preaching false information is certainly dangerous and intolerable. (not being personal here to anyone but we have to keep facts in front of us so we can make better choices in future). So rule no. 1 we need a fair SHC List and surely this will encourage most player to perform better.
2. I pretty much agree with HolyLord on older players(before2011) being better in SHC as they didn't have to learn through watching youtube videos and trying same things like robots but rather they have learned by trial & error and of course by their respected teachers so which truly makes them smarter. Now a days there are endless videos on youtube  which players copy and play their games like idols without using their own brain and as well said by Holylord that they play same stuff 1000 times which might makes them faster but that can be achieved by playing for few weeks or days depending on our capabilities.( for me i think it would take me 10 days to beat pretty much anyone who is top now in no f these days, again point is not to brag or anything but to help you understand that this could be accomplished  by any older top expert but they might have other important stuff to do). Hence proved Older players are better.
3. I would agree to disagree with HL about his thoughts on Maly as he wasn't so good as people think of him or he could be when i went inactive after 2012 for a while but Maly never had guts to play like a great player. He would hide like a rat when top experts are active and the moment he would found that you are rusty and came back from inactivity he would gladly join ). And i clearly remember him playing vs Dingo and uploading a video with caption X-CON Bragging best vs Dingo and how can i forget the joke Riva cracked about Maly that he is after another inactive player and he's gonna brag later so which exactly happened as we predicted. Maly couldn't do worse and Dingo we surely respect you for being brave and giving him chance to show his skills but his victory was fruitless in his own eyes/ours and has no count, on the contrary i enjoyed watching you playing still well in that game, Imagine yourself beating an inactive player and bragging that doesn't even make sense so why are we wasting our time here. I'm sure Tbag would agree as he owned maly in march 2013 with 3-1 when Maly thought he was The best and bragging on gr that bring Holylord i want 1v1, but your victory has taught him a good lesson so there is no point for Holylord to come and play with him.  
4.I would like to talk more and more but perhaps some other time, for now i can share a quick list so we all know what's closer to the truth.
It would be a pity to rank such Great Players so i would choose a more preferable method and i will leave rest upon you.
We have Blacky Masosz Geralt Maly Lider Dingo Tbag Viktor(Me) Riva Shork Defs some fine ones i can think real quick.
5. Last but not the least whatever new players you are talking about Szlaza or whoever, it gladdens me to accept any challenges and we can play in couple weeks.

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153 posts
In reply to this post by {{DHK}}HolyLord
lol  he exposed you greatly and even now ur still faking, but this kids will follow this as well as a hundred people go to church
No taxes is good taxes, that's my motto.
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-=W.L=- MysticaL |F|
39 posts
In reply to this post by {>FuRY<} Viktor
{>FuRY<} Viktor wrote
[...] ( for me i think it would take me 10 days to beat pretty much anyone who is top now in no f these days, again point is not to brag or anything but to help you understand that this could be accomplished  by any older top expert but they might have other important stuff to do). Hence proved Older players are better. [...]
Thank you for helping me understand the ego of the old timers.

this statement makes no sense whatsoever. How is this a proof that older players are better ? How is this "killing any top in nof nowadays in 10 days" not bragging ? And why are you so hell-bent on proving that older players are better than the new ones ?
Sometimes you win and sometimes... you win some more.
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38 posts
In reply to this post by {>FuRY<} Viktor
Since I started play I can write few players whos was strong at no fire.

Maly, Defs, Viktor, Tiger, Dexter, Cocaine.

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5 posts
In reply to this post by •{»GoTK«}• Szlachcielec |
Yes i was weak academy in these time . But i remember  ,you always when play in team cry for money and help , your teamate must doing everyhing what do you want , but when i need help you say something like ,,fuck off''.Always think you are best but without tm you are slow monkey.If i remember XCON Sparrow kick you from tourney because u use tm and he record this on stream . Shame to ,,top nof player '' like you think about yourself.You insult everyone who play on gr and challenge legends because you need improve yourself.If someone don't see ,this is my 2k5pt nof game on tourney vs top1 HiperUltraTop on nof YUG Szlachchielec  
and this is proof about his real face and his muppets https://youtu.be/QmMpi4AYmSk
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2 posts
Hahahaha yeah ! I remember when we played one game, I and peabody vs you and Szlalalala and he insult and humiliated you... Peabody saw it himself lol. I remember how he complained that peabody can play only camp and knights. This loser deserves no respect and a game with anyone bcs he can only brag and play 3 10 nof lol.
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•{»GoTK«}• Szlachcielec |
15 posts
Garen and Mozart wanna 1x1 games? :D
I can prove my skills and fuck u hard again.
My score with garen 16:0 for me, and with Mozart 10:1 for me.
I am ready for your challenge gays :D
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2 posts
You still need to learn how to count because You've never played so many games with us, in 1v1 xd. think next time before you say something stupid lol. Also remember that you can cry for any reason and you are like a child without toys as soon as you do not have tm lol. Understand this that I will never play with you again because I blocked you forever and don't cry anymore like an idiot because it won't help you. secondly, nobody wants to play with you. for 2 weeks I saw you play with your one dog. I haven't seen you with anyone else and that means you're the biggest clown on the game. Start being interested in your life and not just playing your head. Don't contact with me again because I will never answer you again. fuck off

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•{»GoTK«}• Szlachcielec |
15 posts
Listen, you idiot. I don't need to play with you. You mean nothing in this community. You call me a noob, and you lost all games with me. I don't even need shields to beat you. Nobody wants to play with me? I see that you have complexes and you are constantly watching me, but you are wrong. I play a little because recently I have less time. You are a hypocrite, everyone blocked you. What is the reason you no longer upload movies? The answer is easy. You use TM and SM, X-CON Master proved it in his video. Its funny that you lose games against medium like BRQ Merlin, even cheats don't help you :DD
Should I upload and show to people more videos how schematic player u are and how quickly beat u? :D
U've been kicked many times from many clans cuz u are the biggest retard in GR history.
Your arguments are ridiculous, no details

Check >> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=igRwMRkk0Zw
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5 posts
Every word you said is a lie i was not thrown out of any clan unlike you, you were thrown out of xcon, additionally you used tm on a tournament game that was recorded and everyone saw your tm, no one has ever proven me any helpers in the film :). Your score with me is taken out of the hat, I haven't lost 10 games to you, max half of it + I'm just a weak academy and you are a "top expert" as far as I know, the experts don't challenge the academy duel unless they they are not, you are at most a medium with a lot of ego.
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701 posts
In reply to this post by The Notorious One
Interesting questions.  I spent like 20 minutes remembering all of this. Good stuff; sit around the fireplace with some snacks and listen to the stories, lol

1.Did you play in that time 30min/1h no rush time?What do you think about that?
    I've played 30pt many times when I was a new player (2003) and liked to build nice castles, but after that not so much, as no experts ever played 30pt.  In high expert games, the map would be almost full by 20 minutes, so in 30 minutes you would have 0 space for even 1 more building, so we never did 30pt.  I played 1 hour pt only twice in my life, if I recall correctly.  Very funny games, but kind of stupid too.  lol.  My favorite pt was either 0 or 20.   5pt always felt like it became the same shit every game.  10pt was ok.

2.How much time you need to learn begginer/weak medium play on very good level and who was your greatest student.
    Completely depends on the player.  I picked my students very selectively.  I think one of my strongest abilities was to notice a person's potential.  There were a few times when I found a complete noob but could see their potential, and I invested time to turn them into monsters.  Killa (complete noob to top in 6 months), WW, Arma ('average' to top in 6 months), LastWish, Satdive, Blacky (already very good when I first found him, but became top in 1-2 months during which I made him play many many 1v1s with me, nonstop), Geralt (similar to Blacky situation, but I had less time with him), and many others that I had less time with.  The ones that would be successful were quickly separated from the ones that could not be; the way I would train them was to make them 1v1 me nonstop on all different maps, rules, settings, etc.  Of course they would never have a chance, but the ones that had the passion would try and try and try, and this struggle made them so much stronger; each time surviving maybe 30 seconds longer or preparing better for whatever I had to throw at them.  It's a weird lesson for life, too, I guess?  To answer your question, a person with very high potential I can make an expert in 3-4 months.  A person with medium potential, maybe 6-8 months.  But nothing can replace the experience of years, so they would still be missing some of that 'intuition' from that lack of experience.

My greatest student, other than myself, was Arm@.  People forget the magnitude of this guy; he was one of the oldest experts of X-CON (which was founded in 2004, not 2003 as I've seen some claim); he joined DHK and became one of the best in ~6 months; he also at the same time ran his own polish clan where he trained and nurtured the SHC polish community; he was responsible for training some other top experts (Lider & Geralt included); and he was the leader of DHK during GR times (09-12), and technically still is the leader.

3.Who in your time was the best bread maker,it this eco was so unpopular like nowdays?
     Everyone in my time knew how to make bread ecos because we played so many maps, some which required bread ecos.

4.Name of the best girl player that time,what level she presented?
    NDR_DRGN_VampSlayer (also known as Carmen).  Level 90 most of the time, but as high as ~92 on some maps/settings.  Very good with knights and 10pt / 20pt.  A little inconsistent in some other settings, though.  She was ((X2X))Meelman's 2v2 partner sometimes.  The 2nd best girl player was ((X2X))Assassina, maybe level 88.  She was also ((X2X))Meelman's 2v2 partner.  Meelman had something for the women I guess.

5.Who was the best map maker?
    Standard was of course the most famous, and I think the most creative.  He made almost every map that experts played from 2003 - 2011, (even though he retired in 2006).  All very different and variable maps, and sometimes strange and unique ideas, never a dull moment.  He was a big influence on the community playing different maps, pt, settings, rules.  He's a pro MMA fighter now.  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/George_Sullivan_(fighter)

Other good map makers were Kohlzack, Peabody (you should see some of his maps, very cool, but he never distributed them), K@W Warlord (he made all those ultra high resource K@W maps, but also some nice normal maps), +DKS+Merlin († gone but not forgotten), and ((X2X))VIPER made a few nice ones.

6.How old was the oldest player you played with?
   NDR-DRGN_Dalton, NDR-DRGN_DarkRealms, 1PILDID, DDDELLMAA, Shazzabog, and KingKobra were some of the oldest players I remember (40-50+).  There was one guy who was in his 60s, I don't remember his name.  NDR had the oldest average age at the time, with all the "family" people (moms and dads that just wanted to relax).  They were of course, not as good in game, but nice people to talk too.  Unfortunately, I didn't talk to them much, as I didn't give a shit about talking, just playing, so I'm a little sad I didn't get to know many of them better.

7.Could you tell me some information about 2 players if you know them: {GoC}Silent Killer and Ninja Shinobi
    I've never heard of {GoC}Silent_Killer (or "assassin").  But don't forget I was probably the best player in the world since 2005, and was running a large clan (50+ players at peak) and all of its related politics (clan wars, tournaments, akas, internal conflicts, "train me please" from 90% of the members, and all the stupid shit that immature kids like us do and deal with in online communities, lol) for many years.  I rarely got to know many of the 'mediums' or noobs (unfortunately), just mainly the top experts, so he may be telling the truth about being around in GSA and I may have never noticed him.
    Ninja Shinobi LOL.... this guy was a fuckin piece of work.  He had like 100 fucking accounts (in GR), all named the same shit (Ninja Shinobi), because people would block him and he would immediately go make a new one in 1 minute and come back, get blocked again, new account, etc...  He would say things like "what the fuck u say to me?" and "i fuck you mather" nonstop.  I was so curious about him that I started talking to him alot, and he was this crazy Iranian guy who hated America and said he wanted to kill people - and I think he was serious.  I hope he's still in Iran, because that guy was fucking crazy.  He seemed to disappear around 2011 or so, but I was starting to go inactive around that time, so I don't know.  Let me know if you ever see / saw him again.  I'm actually curious if he's still so crazy 10 years later...

Thanks again for bringing me back to these times  :)
~ † DHK † - The Best In Game ~