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10 posts
Ok lets talk about no f, Dingo did u Will play vs szalalal ? Probably hes is one of Best nowdays so if u decide play with him tell your opinion about this New style. Will u play or not?
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The Notorious One
42 posts
In reply to this post by [>D-F<]~Dingo~
Ok i understand,maybe active Maly was to big challange when you play single games.But i hope in upcoming games (if you play ofc) that "muscle memory" help you to win against new player who make challanges on this site.Your experience is so hughe,in no f rules speed doesent matter,need only use head.
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976 posts
In reply to this post by BEUU
Lol.... Speed was always very important. And sneaking/managing battles was always a thing. In a match with top experts, it's totally normal to have different battles in different places on the map. It just happens that making 1 huge unstoppable army is also a pretty good tactic. Dividing your army up is a strategy, but even with the same sized army, if your army is split up and in different places, the united big army will win.

But yeah, how long have you played? Maybe you're comparing 2020 with 2018 or something, idk, but being very fast was always very important. Even more so back in GSA when 20 pt was very commonly played. The difference in speed/skill becomes much more apparent in a 20 pt game. Being slow vs. fast can be the difference between having 30k more gold at the end of 20 pt.
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The Notorious One
42 posts
In reply to this post by BEUU
Szlachcielec is on 6 place on theese list make by Grim Reaper -_-

Its a middle position man.Dont scare him.
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976 posts
In reply to this post by The Notorious One
I'm not opposed to playing him or other new players. I think it'll be fun actually. It's just a matter of timing. Right now I'm at work (and should be working), so I'm just occasionally checking these forums. I might play some on Sunday, but the Super Bowl is on Sunday so idk. But as far as zlkdjfldskjfds goes, since he's someone you're talking about so much, and since you say he's good, I should play against some medium players or noobie players (like tbag) first before I play him.
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The Notorious One
42 posts
In reply to this post by [>D-F<]~Dingo~
Speed is impotant in nffs rules.Maly never was fast player and he own Shork who was 3x more quicker than him becouse of his skill.Ares is slow too but he camp well-thats why he is good opponent so many years.

I play since 2011 with some breakes.

Im now a private assistant of Szlachcielec.
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976 posts
Hey tbag, look what I found: https://dfgallery.wixsite.com/dfgalleryold. That doesn't have all our old SS, but I'm looking to see if it's on one of our old df sites. They got closed because of inactivity but I am managing to log into them. I am looking for my SS of beating Ares with him only having 4 kills.

One thing that there's 100% no question that us old school players like tbag/civo/ and I can do that the new players can't, is have wins where opponent only has 0-15 kills. Here's a SS of Maly from when I was better:

And here's Keks if you all remember him:

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976 posts
Here's Erec if anyone knows him:

and Riva:

But I am probably the proudest of my ss vs Ares where he only has 4 kills. I can't find it now though (I didn't upload it here because he complained about it). Of these players, they should all be ashamed except for Maly, because he wasn't at his best at that time in the SS.
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701 posts
In reply to this post by The Notorious One
If you played only from 2011, you haven't seen the old players play.

2019 Peabody was probably around ~75 skill level.  I'd say that means the person who beat him (Szalchielec?) in 2019 is at least 75+.  Definitely can't conclude 90+ just from beating a 75 player!

As for whether old players (2002 - 2010) or new players (2012 - 2020) are better, I think they might be similar, but I would guess players from the old days are a bit faster, as the game was played at 55-60 game speed long ago, and there were many 0pt/5pt fast games.  I would also guess that best players from old times knew how to play more maps, settings, rules, etc, than best players from new times, as it was much more common to play everything instead of one thing.  For example, there wasn't a "best player in no ffs" in the old days - the best player in the world knew how to play everything at the highest level.

I have seen a few youtube videos, and I know some of the names you guys are discussing (Ares, Maly, etc).  Ares was around ~85 at his best, unless he has gotten much better in recent years, which seems unlikely given he probably wasn't as active as he used to be.

We have to be careful not to allow rating inflation.  90+ should be reserved only for the best experts in history.

Based on some of the youtube videos I have seen, I think people like Maly (from some years ago), Mystical, etc, might be 90+.  But before we say as high as 94, we need to consider holistically, how well-rounded these players are.  If they aren't 90+ in all rules, they aren't an overall 90+ player.  I'm not saying these players aren't 90+, just saying we should consider everything, and not a single facet of the game.

That said, I have to give credit to some new players like:

 - Maly: from what I heard, he dominated the game for many years after I left in 2012, which is itself an amazing accomplishment.  I think he's an asshole like most X-Con, but a top expert asshole for sure
 - Lancelot: great eco & demonstration videos, good speed
 - Mystical: People have sent me his videos from youtube - He clearly has a passion for the game, combined with speed and perception of the game that you rarely find.  I think he might be a 90+ player and may be worth consideration for the Greatest of All Times list.
- shork: I don't know anything about him, as he came to SHC after I left, but I was sent some videos of his gameplay and love his speed of the game.  If he had more knowledge and in-game perception, he could be one of the greatest

I haven't heard of the other players on the list you are discussing (Misterio, Tiger), but if they are as good or better than these players above, they must be very good!  Maybe we should consider reshuffling or updating the Greatest of All Times list soon!
~ † DHK † - The Best In Game ~
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10 posts
Good to know that u still follow shc, watching videos. This idea with refresh ranking its Good, but u need base on Players opinionns etc. Its Good that this forum is still alive, now i See shc is alive too, but much Players play no ffs, idk why they dont try to start no fire.
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976 posts
It should be based on player's opinions but only expert players. A medium level player can't tell the difference between an expert and a top expert.
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The Notorious One
42 posts
In reply to this post by {{DHK}}HolyLord
Hi HL.

I disagree with you with a first thing.Idk when you start play but probably 2002? (you can correct me) and for you all players from 2002 to 2010 all old players.
I start in 2011-for me all players from 2011 to 2017 will be too old players.This situation follows from the period of time that we start our shc journey.
For me players before 2010 are like dinosaurs,and its normal i cant see how they play,if im correct we dont have any videos before 2008/09 how players play this game in that time.

Maybe you are too cruel to Peabody?Maybe he was 85 skill level,probably you underestimate him a little.I doubt that you see how he was playing his games in 2019.If you are good need few practice games to take back good level im right?
So many times Ares say that 20 pt was the most popular rules old days,in my opinion its enough time to well prepare to fight and make good eco,and you can be a little bit slower and its not so important,but when you put 10 speed make a difference.Speed is gaining importance when peace time is lower.

" I would also guess that best players from old times knew how to play more maps, settings, rules, etc, than best players from new times"-thts 100% true what you say.Its probably becouse we have partition nf/nffs rules.But that mind people start specialize some rules and its really hard to beat them it at.

It was more great players including theese that you mentioned.

Its great that we can discuss about some topics here.Need to remember that all of us have different opinion about some of the players.You should really see how Tiger is playing nffs and no f rules,its same channel with MysticaL wideos.
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701 posts
If 2011-2017 is how you are defining 'old players', then that definitely changes the discussion.  I don't think I can contribute or help much with that conversation, as I don't know much about 2011-2017 (I started going inactive in 2012/13).   What I do know is that there were some players that played in both timelines (such as Dingo, Blacky, Lider, Ares) and were quite successful in the new era (I see Ares is listed as a top expert on Grim Reaper's list, for example), but they were easily outclassed by older players (such as myself, not to bragg, just pointing this out for discussion purposes).  I think this is the one indicator we have that can compare the skill across the different timelines.

I do think Peabody was playing around ~75 level in 2019.  When I did the 3 gold records (I told Lancelot I would stop at 3, but now I'm thinking I should do another! lol), I did them with Peabody and we played a few 1v1s for old times sake.  I feel as if I was playing around ~85 (after 7 years of inactivity), and I easily defeated him in every game we played, maybe 10 games or so.

20pt was popular with the average players back then, but the top players all played everything.  0, 5 and 10 were very popular with the experts who were tired of 20pt.  A big reason 20pt became less popular was because SHC started reaching other countries, specifically in Persia and Asia, which caused more lag, which made people play lower pt and lower resource maps for less lag.  If we're talking about 2010/2011 time, you can see some interesting stuff in these links below, showing the many settings that were played back then:

^ this tournament had many games with 5pt, 10pt, and 20pt, as well as many maps and rules

^ this tournament had 0pt, 5pt, 10pt, 20pt, both nf, and nffs.  Also worth noting, TGC Alien = Tbag;  
 TGC Jordan = Dingo;    TSA Lord Storm = Blacky.

^ this tournament also had 0pt, 5pt, 10pt, and 20pt, including different golds, gamespeeds, and rules

In these days, no matter the rules or settings, there were some players that always did well, like Dingo, Tbag, Blacky, Hackett, Lider.  This was the same for the best players from 2002-2009: there were always 5-10 or so players that were almost undefeatable (except by each other) in all rules, settings, and maps.

I agree with you that there may be players now that specialize in one or two rules & maps, and would probably be very difficult to beat in those settings.  That is how most games mature as they go through their lifecycle. If you look at chess, for example, the opening theory and game lines have become extremely well developed and specific through the 20th and 21st century.  Players like Kasparov, Anand, Carlsen, etc, are extremely well versed and practiced in modern theory (ie, how to best play the Sicilian Defense Najdorf Variation, or the extended Ruy Lopez).  The old legends (like Morphy, Capablanca, Alekhine, Fischer) didn't reach this level of specialization, but instead were prodigies that played everything, improvised, and crafted.  This made them very comprehensive players with a deep understanding of the game, and the ability to think and play quickly in all new situations, without memorizing what to do. They were certainly no less talented or skilled than the new modern chessmasters, who have specialized training, and I think if they were to 'come back to life', they could certainly learn the new theory without much problem, given enough time.  On the other hand, I think it takes quite more time to go from being a specialized player to an all-rules/all-maps player, and that some players will never be able to do that.  

To put it simply, I think it's easier to go from being a master of everything to a master of one thing, than to go from being a master of one thing to a master of all.  To me, it sounds like many players now "practice 1 punch 1,000 times" (for example, 1 rules, similar maps, one or two pt/gold settings, etc), instead of "learning to be an all-around master fighter."  Yes it's true that if you put a master fighter against a person who practiced 1 punch 1,000 times, and said "You both must fight, but you can only use this 1 punch", the master fighter might (maybe) lose to the guy who practiced that 1 punch all his life.  But I believe the master fighter is both a better fighter, and can master the 1 punch easily if he had to, while the 1-punch man could not so easily become a master fighter.

Would love to hear your thoughts.  Maybe we'll find out if Dingo & Tbag decide to start playing again  ;)
~ † DHK † - The Best In Game ~
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976 posts
Would it kill you to post the one I won? https://shcrusader.webs.com/december1v1event.htm

and fun fact: I beat in the finals there, and he was the best in X-CON at the time. I beat him in semi-finals here before losing to you in the finals: https://shcrusader.webs.com/january1v1event.htm

and in the next 2v2 tournament, https://shcrusader.webs.com/january2v2event.htm , firehazard and I eliminated ares and lider in round 1. (and then I had to leave so we forfeited).

This is all a side-note, but this helps show how much we owned the X-CONs back then.

Also, the first link you posted of the weebly event, I don't remember that. I lost vs ares there. If I don't remember it, it didn't happen.
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5 posts
This post was updated on Jan 31, 2020; 2:04pm.
In reply to this post by BEUU
The author has deleted this message.
He's lurking in the shadows. Waiting for his next victim. Hands like ice and eyes like coal. He sits. He waits. His long dark robe drags against the floor, his scythe gleams in the light. Frozen in terror his victims stare. They stare into soulless eyes. Illusion has been hardened by lies and betrayal. The victims are slowly losing their breath. One manages to speak his last words: "Who are you?" The creature replies with a raspy voice: "I am the Grim Reaper".
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The Notorious One
42 posts
What about WL Mystical?I think he deserved to be mentioned too,he dominates nffs style since half of 2019.

Do you have any suggestions for 2-2 teams since 2012?I think Kort Lancelot&Galahad was the best team in that time.Im interested about your opinion in that case.
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71 posts
In reply to this post by {{DHK}}HolyLord
I would like to start playing again actively and seriously, and try 'the best out of 10 challenge' with those whom are considered as bests of the recent times.

But there is another passion in my life now, so there is no time for shc, even tho shc will always remain great era of life.

As far as for debate, I would agree with Dingo and HL, it kinda seems like back in the days, games weren't so tedious. Many maps, pts, rules, golds were played, so you could pick out who's really good and who's just playing blindly. Modern game style is like a script by which everyone plays, and who ever is faster wins, with few exceptions.
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The Notorious One
42 posts
In reply to this post by Grim_Reaper
I think you forgotten to add *KoRT*Arthur-he was great player with full understanding of the game.
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The Notorious One
42 posts
This post was updated on Jan 30, 2020; 10:39pm.
In reply to this post by {{DHK}}HolyLord
Its hard to disagree with all you say.Nice comparing to the chess ;)

But the most inportant problem that we need to discuss is why this sittiaution happened theese days in SHC.So why so many people don't like to learn different maps, settings, rules?What happened?I think its not problem with "less talent" of the players.
In my opinion whe have some crucial problems:
-game is old (so its not so excited like 12 years ago) and people are so lazy now,they have no passion to discover and play all possibly settings
-we dont have any good teachers to show people all aspect of the game
-we dont have so many active and strong clan like in the past
-number of tournaments is too low
-most of the players dont respect new people
-some clan are "closed" to the new players and members play only with themselfs

It was situation one year ago when x-con was active with they members and play no f many games-in that moment a lot of people start to interested that rules too-maybe we dont have a real respected leader to show right way?

I have some chill questions (basic only on your opinion) for you too:
1.Which player was  the faster opponent to you?
2.How much time you play longest single game 1-1?
3.Who was the best eco maker in your period.
4.Who was the best rusher and the best camper?
5.Do you remember any great talent that never show his full potential?
6.Who was most crazy/annoying player that time?

I hope you will sacrifice some free time to your answer ;)
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25 posts
Noobling, You should be more careful when you speak.  

Shlazydick didn't defeat me easily; and it was a fun game.  He asked me for a game.  I agreed, on the condition that he understands that I'm old and rusty.  His map and rules, okay.  

Did he tell you about the 2v2s he lost handily to me? ;3

I would welcome you to play me on my map and rules, and see if you win.  I'll even have it posted on this forum that you have won/lost to Dr.Peabody in 2020.

Try not playing this game for 6 /weeks/ and beat some random noob, lol.


The game can go deeper.  Can we get Firefly interested in fixing the lag?  We could have a good game on our hands.

In the end, it's all about the fun, folks.
(But respect your elders. :))