SHCPlayer Recs

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SHCPlayer Recs

Hi guys,
for those of you who play in version 1.3, there is a new mod out there to allow for recording matches, and replaying them like you are a watcher. (kind of like the record game feature in AoE2). - this is not my mod. <-example of the record feature.
The reason I am bringing this up is because I have a small twitch stream where I want to practice Commentary of SHC matches, and I would absolutely love if any of you could send me game recordings (recs) for me to use on the all-too-often occasion I dont find online matches to cast.
I am particularly interested in low, or no, peace-time, no rules matches, but I will happily take any recs you may have.
Thanks in advance,
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Re: SHCPlayer Recs

How alive is SHC nowadays? I haven't hopped into gameranger in quite a while.
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Re: SHCPlayer Recs

Theres always a dozen or more game rooms open. The main problem is that everyone uses a different game version, and the steam version you cant share maps. Also it can be hit and miss in the sense of player quality unless you only play players you already know.

On a Saturday there can be 50+ rooms open if memory serves right. I generally just host because the rule set I play is pretty unique (no peace, no rules except for not using exploits, custom maps with vulnerable resources and terrain features in the middle, and the unofficial crusader patch installed) which means i only really find matches when someone joins my stream and wants to play - thus why some recordings of games to commentate would be nice
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Re: SHCPlayer Recs

In reply to this post by GRhin
I serve you and you serve my people instead.
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Re: SHCPlayer Recs

~ † DHK † - The Best In Game ~