SHC-TM 2020 Glitch or Lance ?

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SHC-TM 2020 Glitch or Lance ?

{>FuRY<} Viktor
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Re: SHC-TM 2020 Glitch or Lance ?

*KoRT* Lancelot †FK†
Yes, I'm the biggest noob to ever grace the game, and you are the one missing out from the greatest of all time list.
“There are only two forces in the world, the sword and the spirit. In the long run the sword will always be conquered by the spirit.”
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Re: SHC-TM 2020 Glitch or Lance ?

In reply to this post by {>FuRY<} Viktor
as you said you will appreciate opinions. hopefully you will appreciate my opinion too :)

i see nothing in your post but hate for one person for no reason. you were doing this years ago as i saw some of your old videos and still you are doing the same idk why? and what is left in 2020 regarding shc to hate about? and what this game realy means to you? and what gives you courage to still come out and pick someone to fight? and for what? whatever you achieved etc. who really cares about that? after all these years of playing shc still you failed to be a productive, mature member of this fucked up community. After reading my reply plz shutdown pc and take a long walk and listen some good music maybe it will heal you.