Fail list :/ . Savo deserves to be in top 5 , Feanor 6 ? lolol , Our score is 3-1 ( lucky 1 ) , i defeated u with 26 kills & and once 40 kills .Then Dream ? lmao , nice joke , there are about 10 players better than him .
Any why the hell HL on top ? When was the last time he played with a real expert ? 1 year lmao ? and in botk XCON's clearly won and the game crashed . HL was playing just like a normal expert
List should be
1) Savo
2) Dingo
3) Erec
4) Geralt
5) Ares
6) Mert
7) Riva/Bag
8) Maly / FL/ Ferocious
9) Dream/DF/Fallen/Szeky
10) Feanor ( noob) , Destiny ( epic noob ) and other normal suckers . :D
but now you cant win in a 1v1 . Ok , I challenge you for a 1v1 . If i lose , ill do that what u said for szeky , ok ?
I know you're good at making excuses but why not play vs top experts now ? We have got a buch of players , who u have defeated when they were oblivious to the game but now you cant beat them so you have found outa way , that is to play vs DHK nubs only , and make a description ~ THE BEST ~ lmao , which u are not ..
Anyways , 1v1 me , if i lose ill make a topic saying "I suck and HL rocks " lol , ok ?