Pussy Lickers

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Pussy Lickers

My name is Mikhail and I have some questions to ask.
First, Why so many blowjobs now on this game?
Second, Why these noob assbangers call themselves expert?

For all of these new players (2009+), I would like to say


A thousand dicks up your asscracker you cockface , pussy licking homosexual mother fuckers, Swallow the butter from my ass

Sincerely, Mikhail
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Re: Pussy Lickers

Of course  that date  2009 must  have been  connected with  you. that you didnt play after then, so  that you can  bark here.
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Re: Pussy Lickers

In reply to this post by Prince
dont be so frustrated , its just a game . . .

'To see the world in a grain of sand, and to see heaven in a wild flower, hold infinity in the palm of your hands, and eternity in an hour'