today at 2:00 am everyone of df members who was online changed his tag into X-CON and put our names
they make rooms with descriptions:
X-CON is recruting! Come join!
they also make fake web - i bet it has been made by vlad, only he has these fucking ideas
of course df will be screaming that they didnt do it
but who the fuck besides you could do it? noone
only df clan has enough actice members to do it
now everyone can see how big complexes you have
when u lose most of all games (in 3 last days i and immo beat df more than 10 times, check new ss in our gallery) then your last way is show your intelligence, congrats
but its understandable cuz you are debils
is it normal or pathetic?
"Nobody is perfect, I am Nobody"
"Gówno i kapusta zawsze idą w parze.Jedno napędza drugie.Perpetuum mobile."
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