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Old/New school stuff.

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Old/New school stuff.

Let me analyze the situation of this game and put all the things under microscope like philosopher.

Reality of gameranger (based on cruel facts) :

GSA is dead. To hot to handle to cold to hold for old players.Their emotions about this burn like a napalm because they are 'die hard' SHC funs.

New players usually don't respect the foundation of this game - old school players.

Old players want their names to be eternal,to be remembered even if they dont play this game.

New players always talk about old school names so old school players constantly live like a pi while they are actually dead because game spy is dead.They have no physical but mental death.

Old school players made relevant essential matter of this game,but in the same time the first virus of this game was created by GSA players

Advices for new school players :

If you are new school players dont worry so much about old school players if and only if they are not your friends.

Believe nobody , be a nihil.

Play for fun and don't react to people's insults , verbal attacks etc.

Be good to someone if he is good to you , be good to someone is he is awful to you.

Try to beat the mystery of templars,teutonics and not the mistery of HL lol.

Focus on game with new generation players.

To destroy created 'old school virus' you must be different than other people here,to be better than 'em in any case and to rise above them. If you don't SHC circle goes to infinity and game ranger will always be eternal return of the same , remember it's all about you new players .

I'm the first player in SHC history that openly giving advices to SHC playes, nobody did it before me because they didn't want that. It's all about race to the nonexisting path where the main slogan is 'I must be in front of him , I must be better than him' lol. That is wrong and the all you need to change that is mind.

generally , hi .
'To see the world in a grain of sand, and to see heaven in a wild flower, hold infinity in the palm of your hands, and eternity in an hour'
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Re: Old/New school stuff.

Why do you bother writing so much and thinking about this game in great detail (as most posts on this forum). It's just a game... and happens to be full of competitive people. Let it be. Jeez
Always know if the juice is worth the squeeze
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Re: Old/New school stuff.

I'm not bothering.I am just giving advices to the people and puting SHC little pieces under the microscope like a philosopher.

Sure , it's just game , the easiest way to go. But this game influences to peoples life , okey lets give few examples ( holylord's car registration , buying super strong computers , sharing people's real life pictures and many other things) . You should look into the things deeper,be more objective.Btw I have nothing against compettitive spirit , but good compettitive spirit requires awe.
'To see the world in a grain of sand, and to see heaven in a wild flower, hold infinity in the palm of your hands, and eternity in an hour'
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Re: Old/New school stuff.

In reply to this post by Moonwalker
SHC Messiah wrote
Try to beat the mystery of templars,teutonics and not the mistery of HL lol.

I agree.  The mystery of the templars and teutonics is easier to beat than me.
~ † DHK † - The Best In Game ~
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Re: Old/New school stuff.

This post was updated on Feb 01, 2013; 9:12pm.
In reply to this post by Moonwalker
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Re: Old/New school stuff.

In reply to this post by Moonwalker
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Re: Old/New school stuff.

In reply to this post by MAX GALINGUMAS
didnt read all your post but i saw you asked

Most Overrated player wrote
but....how about you advice people to leave this game?o

i do advise people to leave this game lol
~ † DHK † - The Best In Game ~
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Re: Old/New school stuff.

Stop lying to yourself we know you red the whole thing. lol
What if I told you, Your perception is a misconception due to Media Deception.
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Re: Old/New school stuff.

This post was updated on Feb 01, 2013; 9:11pm.
In reply to this post by {{DHK}}HolyLord
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Re: Old/New school stuff.

You are not supossed to say this game cant last forever , nobody knows it. I just used Nietzsche's phrase of life - eternal return of the same to describe gameranger. If you don't know who Nietzsche is google it.

It's not all about HL or Gilman , they are just small fishes in big pond today.

Victory is better than defeat but so many SHC players get Pyrrhic victories.

People play this game If they want.

'To see the world in a grain of sand, and to see heaven in a wild flower, hold infinity in the palm of your hands, and eternity in an hour'
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Re: Old/New school stuff.

you guys talk about gilman as if he's some old player, but he's not lol, he started playing in 2010, of course he's a small fish.
~ † DHK † - The Best In Game ~
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Re: Old/New school stuff.

This post was updated on Nov 19, 2012; 1:19am.
I started playing before you,at begin of shc in december 2002(other nickname in gsa ask fireboy) i use GILMAN in shc nowadays(because i didnt lead my clan in shc until few years ago,i was playing cs,dota etc) and stop liening about me anymore you idiot.Also tell people why you banned me in this fake info shit forum?...I will tell you,because you suck,you are big loser and faking fake maker story,so when i posted all your lies and  explanations of them,you just simply blocked me and deleted it!?also you done it with all old players who told truth like fireboy,me,and many others.
AND NOW you trying stop our chance to bring fair with shcvillagesquare!But you will fail instead of us.
I will not be supriced if you delete this too and bann me again,just because all knows you are loser who trying glorific himself in any idiot ways you can imagine.
You should thanks me because i give you back here,i know that you know why i said this.
Also when i explained in ultimateshcinfo that all cheats will not means nothing(back in 2011) you didnt realized i was telling tryth as i told until then!?
Now tell me,shcvillagesquare is what except all i said will be,not cheats,fair community,prizes,tournys etc?
But i know that is not match with your evil aims to stay "the best" but in your head.
I have dozents proofs and clues of everything i said.And all main old players saw that,but fortunatly for me you can delete that too.
"Most overated player"-If i really wanna destroy this gay of hl i could do it in 5 min,ask fireboy instead of me if you dont believe me,but i dont do it.
"Messiah"-true we are small fishes in big ponds of shc.But HL thinks he can own that pond with his lies.He's fucking wrong.
I love how i know all about real truth and your's fake version of it.
Hl dont try me,because if i post all I know about you,your's name in shc will be symbol of idiotism and of liers.
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Re: Old/New school stuff.

In reply to this post by {{DHK}}HolyLord
Always know if the juice is worth the squeeze
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Re: Old/New school stuff.

Oh god, please don't start fighting again Gilman.... fuuuuuuuck nottttt againnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn! You guys should just go have a date at a restaurant and you guys can argue and discuss SHC there.

Also, idk who said it, but someone mentioned something about "if you play this game for a few years won't you have had less life experiences and be less experienced for life?" Well that'd be true logically, but I would personally say it's true also, because I feel like even though I had fun playing shc at times, it made me less social and I missed out a lot on some important life experiences. Buuut, it isn't irreversible, as I've gotten older I've become awesome, and I've recovered what I lost.

It's depressing to say don't play shc at all though, you can play a game or 2 every once in a while when you have some free time, that's very reasonable. Just don't devote your life to playing the game 10 hours a day, don't let it make you perform worse in school, and don't completely shut off your social life for SHC.

Everything is bad in excess, so just be reasonable with your addiction , and just play when you're bored and have nothing better to do (which needs to not be 10 hours a day, you worthless piece of shit <3)
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Re: Old/New school stuff.

true dat home dog. very true. most people should know all that already.. it's scary that most don't :/
Always know if the juice is worth the squeeze