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Yes Geralt, I am tring to prove it to you how lame that is, and that i can win you in mass cats 9 out of 10 games.
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In reply to this post by Lmao
you suck
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In reply to this post by [X-CON] Ares
so if i cant cover my cats then i no need to play !!! no need to play if i made 30 cats and i lost then when my oponents send me sins or knights! very good thinks dingo congratulation.
----- Sure if you suck you send your cats to die. When I say no cover I mean no cover from other cats, that means using monks/slaves/laddermen to protect them from flying stone is gay. Protecting them from knights/sins/ha is common sense. If you're skilled you don't need to protect them from flying stone by covering them. Learn some tricks to take out someone's defense (NOTE: I say defense and not camp, because you guys act like defending your king is stupid, but with your kind of thinking you show lack of understanding for this game) If someone is camping, then you can have the control of the field, and if you don't suck you can use that to your advantage to eventually win. @Geralt, you're bragging that you can't win in 1v1 but you can win in 2v2? Idiot you can't even win in 2v2 without monks. This topic has nothing to do with me bitching because somebody is better than me (nobody is better than me) this topic is about how mass cats and monks are bullshit, an overpowered tactic that does not take much skill to use. The shit ruins SHC. |
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In reply to this post by Immortal
Ya towards the end I stopped and still beat Dingo :) but that was because I knew how he really pled.
Btw Lance stopped doing it aswell in his last couple of months during SHc before he went to university. In our 2v2s vs you and tbag, we rarely had over 60 monks and 15 cats (that game was crazy ass fucked up though when you rushed lol ! ) Unframed I'm not gonna get into this shit with you again. Say what you want, think what you can. It doesn't matter. As for ya Darkhell, I suggest defeating Brocktree or SilentAss |^_^ Bye by |
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Erec you never beat me without monks lol
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yeah i did, perhaps you forgot the Ha wars in which you got tormented after trying to rush me with ha and engineers as soon as pt ended
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Dong noob ;]
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In reply to this post by [>D-F<]~Dingo~
well dingo ... you can`t make a new rule ( a new rule for you maybe) also you can`t impose to your oponent what army or how many cats he can do becoz that SUCK , but i know if you can hadle it, all you can do is to start telling some bullshit becoz you got owned.and don`t compare yourshel with Peabody or Masosz they didn`t cry if someone use more then 30 cats
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Who says I'm crying, I'm making an argument that its gay, and a lot of players agree with me. It's annoying that I have to change my whole playing style because people use such an overpowered tactic, because my skill counts for nothing when faced with that tactic, so my only choice is to match gay with gay.
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This post was updated on Feb 06, 2011; 1:37am.
In reply to this post by [>D-F<]~Dingo~
"you're bragging that you can't win in 1v1 but you can win in 2v2? Idiot you can't even win in 2v2 without monks. This topic has nothing to do with me bitching because somebody is better than me (nobody is better than me) this topic is about how mass cats and monks are bullshit, an overpowered tactic that does not take much skill to use. The shit ruins SHC."
HAHAHAHAHAHHAHA 1 there are many who are better then you 2 you and the rest of D-F fags are ruin the SHC! monks and cats are made to be use ** |
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2 you and the rest of D-F fags are ruin the SHC! monks and cats are made do to use
--- the argument of a true noob |
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Ya some times your D-F boys are really anoying and act like some fags
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In reply to this post by [>D-F<]~Dingo~
ya i am a true noob, 1 vs 1 ?
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In reply to this post by [X-CON] Ares
"we allot a new trend and new way in this game no ruin"
To be fair Ares, X-CON did not come up with this, it was really popular back in 2006. In no way is it a new tactic or trend. Trends/Tactics are recycled, some come and go, then come again. This is just one of them, and it will disappear soon enough again I am sure. www.SHcrusader.webs.com VIPER......... |
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I don't think it'll disappear until people acknowledge it's gay. It's possible that some players that use it now will out grow it, and develop some skill so they're not dependent on using that gayshit, but a lot of players suck, and they'll always suck, because they have no potential to get better... So they'll always use it, because with it even bad players with no skill like them can win some games.
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Dingo better find a girl and break down your virginity.
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This post was updated on Feb 06, 2011; 7:26am.
i would rather have a dirty mexican man like you to have gay sex with
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true, I agree with viper and holy, and tell civo to not use "mass cats-monks" then, and you cant make a "new rule" this game, all you can do is to make "new rule" in your clan or games you host, quiting games isny gay? i guess that how experts doing
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arma, have you ever played with me to know how I play? (Civo)
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