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This post was updated on Feb 05, 2011; 9:51pm.
I'm making a new rule, every time someone makes monks vs me I won't say anything, I'll just exit crusader and in GR I'll block them. Does that sound nooby? Well fuck you, so is making mass cats and monks.
Seriously, its the gayest tactic that noobs use to get cheap wins and then feel like they are good. It doesn't take skill to use mass cats and monks, but the tactic is overpowered and unstoppable to anything except for another player with more cats and more monks. Mass cats is a bit less gay, at least if its only mass cats then if you have at least a good bit of cats you can defend behind lots of walls and fend them off, but its impossible if they have monks covering their cats... It's fucked up anyway, when you are defending you should have the advantage of being able to cover your cats with walls... Because you're defending your keep... But when you're attacking your cats should not have cover from monks or anything. They should be vulnerable, because you are attacking... There's more to shc than just making mass cats and mass monks. Yeah there's players that hate fs all together, but that's because they suck at playing fast and the micromanagement involved. But when you're vs someone who just makes mass cats and monks, your speed/judgement/micromanagement hardly matters for shit, because you're against a bullshit over-powered tactic. Some people might not understand how I actually play, (and i shouldn't be giving things away about my gameplay) and think that all I do is make mass cats and my tactic is all about cats, but that isn't true. I usually don't even go over 30ish cats, which is nothing compared to what some of the gay mass cat mass monk games get up to... In my opinion the people who are genuinely skilled but don't rely on overpowered tactics are more respectable. People like Masosz and Peabody, who are great at controlling armies, but don't depend on mass cats and monks (on a scale between someone like masosz who doesn't ever make more than 20 cats, and a fag that makes mass cats and monks every game, i put myself in the middle). And people should try to play more like them. If you lose because you're unskilled, then you deserved to lose. Taking up a bullshit overpowered tactic because you're desperate to win is almost as bad as cheating. IDK, i'm just tired of noobs that make mass cats and monks and think they're good... Please suck my cock and tell me that I'm wrong. |
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In reply to this post by [>D-F<]~Dingo~
you are right
i remember when we played , was everything awesome :D |
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In reply to this post by [>D-F<]~Dingo~
I agree ,its really sucks.U can forgot about controlling troops or smart strategies.
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In reply to this post by [>D-F<]~Dingo~
thats why i wouldnt put some xcons to top as it is popular to do , or ill repeat about the same erec, who was considered as a hero for you. answer me why they were on top? i didnt see any strategies of them.
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so that its possible to make rules : no monks, slaves, laddermen.
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ROFL I just have seen Ares room "X-CON best shc school ever", not just they use only massive cats+monks, they also think that's best shc school ever, it's offical, X-CON is ruining shc!!!!!!!!
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loL Erec better you unframed
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This post was updated on Feb 05, 2011; 7:02pm.
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Everyone who has a little good eco can make much cataas and monks,but that sucks.Making much catas and monks is like making only ha in no fire fs.I am agree with Dingo player who has one of the best skills with catas is Massoz.Idk for pea,last 2 games with him were with massive catas in 2v2,he had about 30 and more and in 1v1 when bici watched he had about 30-35 too.Sometimes i use much catas and monks cuz i dont see any other tactic to win :( , but dingo is skiller with catas(dont leave shc please :D)
This is great topic for UnFramed,Lance,Erec,Geralt and few other noobs,i wouldn't say who who think that they are fs experts.When someone make much catas and other player must to make much if he want to beat them from shoting and then game start to be boring and for players and for watchers. |
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In reply to this post by Ninja
why you write "lol"? i dont understand. something funny here?
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In reply to this post by [>D-F<]~DarkHell~
u r last person who can talk about fs. u usully dont play fs so shut up
As for mass cats and monks, its good tactic if someone is camper. Its impossible to kill anyone who makes 30cats, trebs and big wall before them without monks (everyone makes it when u attack him) so idk what r u talking about dingo, its normal tactic like others. If someone wants to play no f, no monks rules there should be also no wall before cats.
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"Gówno i kapusta zawsze idą w parze.Jedno napędza drugie.Perpetuum mobile." SI VIS PACEM,PARA BELLUM | new cs 1.6 s&ns server ZOMBIE MOD |
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In reply to this post by MAX POWER
yeah and firstly what u make after pt r trebs and wall around them and tell me what the fucking strategy is it and whats better strategy for that fucking camp than monks and cats? u ask why we r in top? find answer in our last games (u and liet for example vs 2 xcons), later think how much times u win, and later again why we r in top experts
"Nobody is perfect, I am Nobody"
"Gówno i kapusta zawsze idą w parze.Jedno napędza drugie.Perpetuum mobile." SI VIS PACEM,PARA BELLUM | new cs 1.6 s&ns server ZOMBIE MOD |
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its my fault. i have mouse with two AA battaries(admit, its really shit), and also it isnt accurate :D ill take other next time :(.and i found my answers in ltu website gallery :D
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In reply to this post by Lmao
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In reply to this post by Geralt z Rivii
There is other way to win if someone is camper,not only to make much catas and monks.And yea i am usually play no fire fs,and the reason why is that i hate no f only with much monks and catas.
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In reply to this post by [X-CON] Ares
First of all Geralt - who said that it's impossible to beat a camper without cats and monks - that's not true. If the person defending is more skilled than you then yeah, it'll be impossible for you to beat him. But theres plenty of tricks and tactics to take that stuff down, better yet prevent it from ever getting to that point, if you're a fast, skilled, and tactical player.
As for Lmao who said X-CON is ruining SHC, Geralt and Immortal are among the idiots who make mass cats and mass monks, but I don't really see Lider and Ares as idiots that do it too. Sure they taught it to geralt and immortal and think that its the most awesome tactic ever, but as for Lider and Ares themselves their nooby use of cats and monks doesn't bother me, because their entire gameplay isn't so fucking dependent on it like some people. Players that use mass cats and mass monks ruin shc, and I hate x-con as much as the next guy, but I wouldn't pin it all just on them. Some people I notice that only ever make mass cats and monks: Erec (as for your comment unframed, he wasn't always like that and I thought he had some skill, but then he went gay) Lancelot Immortal Geralt Ninya Tata (maybe not really... he said when he used it vs me it was his 1st time doing it, but hes part of what inspired me to start this topic) There're probably a lot more, but those are some players that didn't completely suck ass at using the bullshit over-powered tactic, and therefor get a lot more credit for being "skilled" than they deserve (maybe not tata so much). BTW Ares, remember this? http://img233.imageshack.us/i/ares2v.jpg/ You used monks vs me that game. You have skill in other ways and you kind of suck with cats/monks, so that's why you don't bother me with your attempts to be bullshit :-) About mass army : cats and monks - if u are real expert.top expert tehn u make big massive army that is simple for me, if u are noob or medium palyers u make 10 cats this is someting strange Dingo ? --- Sure make a big massive army, but monks for covering cats is a noob tactic. Don't start defending it just cuz that guy said X-CON is ruining SHC. People that think they're a top expert because they can make mass cats/monks are ruining SHC. Those people have no respect from me. |
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In reply to this post by [>D-F<]~Dingo~
u r talking only about X-CON that they use mass monks and cats
what about df members? -civo -vlad -bicii civo always use monks and mass cats(even more than X-CON) u dont talk about he? why? i know what will u write: Civo is using mass cats with x-con who made the same-its really funny cuz i have never seen civo without monks and camping. He camp, make - , mass cats(100 or more) then attack. Is it tactic? I dont think so. U r writing X-CON ruined shc cuz u cant win with us. Maybe u may win 1v1 but not 2v2. In 2v2 u always lose cuz in our clan is the best atmosfere, best comunication and best cooperate. I see thats the only reason why Dingo made this topic.
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"Gówno i kapusta zawsze idą w parze.Jedno napędza drugie.Perpetuum mobile." SI VIS PACEM,PARA BELLUM | new cs 1.6 s&ns server ZOMBIE MOD |
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: [X-CON] Immortal: i too dont like monks [X-CON] Immortal: when i play vs ares [X-CON] Immortal: he cant play no monks [X-CON] Immortal: he will be noob in rules no monks [X-CON] Immortal: ;p
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