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Mass Cats and Monks - The Truth

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Mass Cats and Monks - The Truth

701 posts
If you can't defeat a tactic, better revise your strategy and accept your loss.  Stop complaining.  

[X-CON] Ares is correct when he said:

"I mean ur word like that :  make cats, dont cover it send to ur oponents and lost it.... that is dingo thinking...
so if i cant cover my cats then i no need to play !!! no need to play if i made 30 cats and i lost then when my oponents send me sins or knights! very good  thinks dingo congratulation."

He is also correct when he said:

"About mass army : cats and monks - if u are real expert.top expert tehn u make big massive army that is simple for me, if u are noob or medium palyers u make 10 cats this is someting strange Dingo ?  
I know why u made this post: becouse all of you    you are angry for x con becouse u cant beat us that is only one reson to made this post :P"

Ares speaks like a real expert - no excuses, no bullshit complaining about tactics.  

If you're a real expert, stfu about losing to people because of "cheap tactics".  Strategy is strategy.

I've never used mass monks or cats to win a game, and I've never lost a 1v1 against someone who used mass monks + cats.  I think it's a noob tactic that is easy to defeat.  Ask Geralt.  He knows from personal experience.  If you can't beat it, go learn some more and try some other counter-tactics.  Stop complaining.   It's all a part of the game.  If you can't beat it, you're just not skilled enough.

~ † DHK † - The Best In Game ~
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Re: Mass Cats and Monks - The Truth

976 posts
Sure when Geralt is your example, then it's very simple. But the point is, assuming they don't suck, there's not a whole lot of options to take down someone with mass cats and mass monks without having more cats and more monks than them. If they attack you, and you have a massive camp then yeah, your massive camp can defend it, or you can fight fire with fire but other than that you aren't left with a ton of options.  My problem with it is that you have to change your entire playing style to go against it, and that's just lame.
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Re: Mass Cats and Monks - The Truth

82 posts
I will give a quick example of a game Arma and I played vs a couple aka's yesterday, most players would have looked at the game, and said, "No way Arma and VIPER will win"  The other team had a couple hundred monks, 100 assassins, 20 knights, with probably a hundred or so cats, maybe more, and Arma and I were not doing the monks/cats, simply walling up what little cats we did.  Long story short, we took our faster army, (Knights/HA no shields) and a few fast assassins, stormed the edge of their castle, dug our kings for safety, knowing our castle was about lost, and beat them to the punch.   They proceeded to call us noobs.  Is it noobish that we had a stratagy to overcome mass monks/cats when we were not doing them ?  No, we simply let them come to our castle walls before we made a run at winning the game.

I am along the lines with HL, I myself don't make it a habit, though I have had to do it a couple times, you will never see me do it first.  I find the best way to deal with those monks/cats is making making cows fly :)  Monks drop like crazy with 2 or 3 cows in front of them.  Also trebs will take out cats, with or without monks, knights will clean up the rest.


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Re: Mass Cats and Monks - The Truth

[X-CON] Ares
In reply to this post by {{DHK}}HolyLord
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Re: Mass Cats and Monks - The Truth

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In reply to this post by ((X2X))VIPER
I'm with Dingo on this one. It's also really unfair when gay XCONS use TM on your army with Sins along with their 400 Monks and 100 Cats. Learn to play like a pro noobs. By the way, Ares's mouse clicking speed sucks. He uses TM every 1 second/ sort of like a pause between TM and Normal fingers so it looks like its normal but when you really observe it theres a weird pattern. DF over XCON any day.
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Re: Mass Cats and Monks - The Truth

1 post
settle it at this: -
 'Dingo is more superior to Ares'. [if ares was better, he'd play him max 40 monks]
 'XCONS are the skilled and chief clan at the moment in shc but DF was the predominant maven in the past year or so'. (next to FU ofcourse hehe)
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Re: Mass Cats and Monks - The Truth

976 posts
In reply to this post by [X-CON] Ares
Of course Holylord agrees with you, hes pissed at me so he'll disagree with me on anything I say. But Holylord's opinion is stupid, so nobody should pay any attention to his stupid opinion.

Ares, just tell me, when people win from using that tactic, how much of it is them and how much is it the tactic? Are they winning because they're skilled? Or are they winning because they're using a stronger tactic? Just like skill varies, so does the strength of a tactic. If you had a highly skilled player who chose to try to win without making mass cats and mass monks vs somebody who was using mass cats and mass monks who wasn't a complete push over, then the "highly skilled" player would have great difficulty taking the other guy's army down, and even if he managed to do it it probably wouldn't be a consistent method that he could rely on, and it would be pretty much just a gamble for him. Yes you could argue that a skilled player chooses the stronger tactic, but mass cats and mass monks is a tactic that any noob can manage, and the only smart and consistent way to take it down is by matching it with more cats and more monks.
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Re: Mass Cats and Monks - The Truth

[X-CON] Ares
In reply to this post by LOL
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Re: Mass Cats and Monks - The Truth

[X-CON] Ares
In reply to this post by [>D-F<]~Dingo~
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Re: Mass Cats and Monks - The Truth

976 posts
I said:

this situation mass cats and mass monks is such a strong tactic than any idiot that's desperate to win can easily use it.

Okay fine, the idiot must have at least a little bit of skill to use the tactic. But when used properly, it's too strong of a tactic with too little skill requirement.

Why 100 monks ??? dingo i must cover may cats ! 100noks = 1000 gold.   100 sins......= 7000gold ??? yes ??? now u see difference ??? Think about this and give me answer.........................

 noone dont want lost his cats this is simple topic and i thik done talk more about  this

I think you mean that you must use something to cover your troops, and if its not monks it would be sins and sins are much more expensive? My point is that you shouldn't need to cover your cats to take hits from stone for you, and if you do then you suck and i hate you, and also your mom is a whore.
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Re: Mass Cats and Monks - The Truth

41 posts
the truth is :  mass cats and monks strategy is boring in game.
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Re: Mass Cats and Monks - The Truth

142 posts
In reply to this post by {{DHK}}HolyLord
I never see one xcon members play without shields or monks.
They know only 100 shield for 50 ha 200 monks 50 cats.
Anyone can do that.
I never see xcon members play in 20,0 pt.
All times when i own xcons in 1vs1 2vs2 they insult me(call me cheater and fuck you).
They dont know how to lose(is not hard,say only gg)
XCON clan sucks.
All saw xcon galery.They have only 2-3  nice ss and a lot of noobs ss.
All saw DF galey.We have a lot of COOL ss with 10-20 army lose in 2vs1 games or 1vs1.
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Re: Mass Cats and Monks - The Truth

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Re: Mass Cats and Monks - The Truth

[X-CON] Ares
In reply to this post by [>D-F<]~Dingo~
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Re: Mass Cats and Monks - The Truth

142 posts
In reply to this post by {{DHK}}HolyLord
Ares.You Lider Geralt call me cheater. Why?
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Re: Mass Cats and Monks - The Truth

976 posts
In reply to this post by [X-CON] Ares
oh i guess calling ur mom a whore was not very supportive of my argument, sorry
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Re: Mass Cats and Monks - The Truth

Your dick
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Re: Mass Cats and Monks - The Truth

This post was updated on Feb 13, 2011; 12:41pm.
In reply to this post by [X-CON] Ares
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Re: Mass Cats and Monks - The Truth

1021 posts
he  is  Deca-Durabolin man :P