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Guys i just came from school,and loged in on dh,he has log out in the same,because if he log in the same time when i join on DH everyone will think that i was on Raven and then came on DH.
He changed name ~>KOD<~RAVEN TO [Elite]Darkhell and made description " DF 4 LIFE" . Why he do that? Because that croatian bastard is mad cuz i told everything about df.He is fucking aka Tbag,who got owned by Blacky always and asshole who has 15 akas more. IF YOU GUYS SEE HIM HOW HE MAKES DESCRIPTIONS AND DO SOME SHIT,DON'T THINK IT'S ME BECAUSE I ACCEPTED THAT I WAS RAVEN AND I STOPPED TO USE THAT ACC,BUT HE WILL USE IT NOW,CUZ HE IS MAD. I DESTROYED HIM WITH 1 SENTENCE.GET DOWN TBAG. 10015303 is acc of Raven aka of me.I don't use that acc more.I gave Civonarish aka Tbag that account because i wanted to he beat Geralt on event,and he defeated him,but that noob saved my acc LOL,and he use it now. ONLY 3 PERSONS KNOW EMAIL OF RAVEN.THEY ARE ME,TBAG,AND CRUSHER.Crusher is my friend and he didnt use my acc,cuz he is my friend in real life and he will not betray best friend who know 10 years. Also bastard TittyBag changed my password and i can't join.I also forgot password from email so i can't go there to see new password made by Tbag. BTW when they kicked me from DF they said , this is df reborn we are going to make new akas in clan and Civo is also df roex.It doesnt make sense that they are in same time online,really. Civo is really bastard,DHK ADO who was one of his best friends blocked him like me.He is asshole,don't play him and don't listen him.He will do everything to save his shc positions and to be on the throne.He also told me that he don't go to university and i'm sure he is all the time on gr,all day.When he is not on Civo he is under an aka. " DF will be destroyed,this is only begin.'' |
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The great Dark Hell who speaks that he hates liars and cheaters, has given his password to other people so that they could play on his account to get him some wins? Wow Dark hell, what a hypocrite you are.
lmao what a lie, we didn't do it so that we could make akas fag liar. |
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yes that is true,and you are liar.Everyone is calling you liar.Get down.
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TheHate: darkhell
relly: playyy TheHate: is becoming mental relly: what? ((X2X))Masosz: mentally ill |
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In reply to this post by [Elite™]~DarkHell~
dark hell you didn't answer what i said before. Why were you giving your password away so that people could play on your account? Sounds pretty dishonest and fucked up to me.
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Because i'm noob in this game like i said many times,and my job is to tell on forum that CIVO = TBAG.
I gave that account to Civo,and he won Geralt and Geralt know who he was. Can you ask about how Civo is aka Tbag hahha? |
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no because he's not. So you admit you are a lying hypocrite?
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In reply to this post by [Elite™]~DarkHell~
you have never said more lies with one paragraph dh. The one who is mad here are you, which is obious with insane opening new threats and screaming bunch of lies just to dishonor D-F founders. you should be ashamed. You were not a D-F material, in D-F we are looking for imporvements of our members, and all you were doing was getting deteriorates and stupider from day to day, and unfortunately your stupidity reach the critical point, and we had to react fast and kick you before you infect whole clan whit such dose of stupidity.
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and you are civo,and you know that i don't lie and you want to hide how you are tbag.Use real name fucking pussy.
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In reply to this post by [Elite™]~DarkHell~
brate prekini da igras ovo sranje.. previse vremena gubis
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In reply to this post by [>D-F<]~Azura
no problem azura, i am happy to reveal the real DH to everybody. He keeps threatening that he will quit shc, my only wish is that he would actually take action on his threats, instead of just saying it. I WISH HE WOULD HURRY UP AND QUIT AND LEAVE!
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In reply to this post by Fireboy
ma izbriso sam shc juce i gr,ne mozes normalno da igras.Celo vreme igras s nekim igracima a ne znas ni ko su.Od sad cu da pikam cs ko nekad i zabole me kurac za shc,a ovaj smrdljivi forum nece da dobije ni jednu rec vise.
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and for you ZURA.
Also like 2/3 months you was calling Dingo a dog,bitch whatever,now you are with him. Dude you are kiissing bartholo's and hl's ass all your life.You was kicked from the DHK and probably went to kiss hl's biggest ass for rejoining. |
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dark hell you are fucking retard and everyone know it.If you have any problem leave this game and dissapear from gr.
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In reply to this post by dh
darkhell you were kicked from df 3 times by me but still you sucked up to us.
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