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I don't play with normal people.

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Re: I don't play with normal people.

Man,  if he says  he didnt use aka for more than a year, it means  he admits he has used them , so no need to repeat it  5 times more to make your text look  2x bigger :D
Also, talking abuot  history when you were hardly born, and to trust on player, which isnt so well known by others, and probably isnt best aware about all things, isnt a good thing.
Mokka  might think im unfair because in  mokka's tournaments  i was one  of players who talked most  shit, but i have talked shit  to holylord too. It just shouldnt make person hate others just  because they dont like you.
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Re: I don't play with normal people.

Lol,i waited you...Always interfere in things that not include you.IDK WHY,BUT IDC TOO.
Your right is to have opinion but my to dont listen it if dont wanna.Also i know he used it and have proofs,he is just a pathetic lier and MAN I DONT HAVE POWER TO EXPLAIN ANYMORE THAT SITE IS DIDNT MADE BY ME,GILMAN MADE IT,I JUST GIVED A INFOS ABOUT IPS,AKAS NOWADAYS,OLDER ONE ALL KNOWS.
Also he is a player who played before holylord but was so inactive and he also knows that holylord is fake things maker and not founder of {DHK}-original one made by desert watrior,visit site and see proofs.Also all thing he wrote are true and holylord has a akas which was a founders of some of "greatest\"clans it is so obvious....
Just use your head.