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I play with cool people.
~ † DHK † - The Best In Game ~
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That's perfectly acceptable. Hey Holy lets talk. Do you know anything about aderall? Also tell me about college.
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In reply to this post by {{DHK}}HolyLord
i m not normal,i m ultra Expert of no ffs
Get Schwifty.
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In reply to this post by {{DHK}}HolyLord
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Fena how stupid u r!!, u just wanted to tel us that u talked with HL
Get Schwifty.
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In reply to this post by {{DHK}}HolyLord
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In reply to this post by {{DHK}}HolyLord
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your tits are even smaller than your dick
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In reply to this post by {{DHK}}HolyLord
about real dhk and retard of hollylord who imagine dhk was best and his aka.thx let we revive fair shc http://ultimateshcinfo.tk/ |
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lol but you dont know anything about shc history D:
~ † DHK † - The Best In Game ~
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In reply to this post by !Yu.GoD!MoKkA*
5.*KoRT*Arthorious & {F.U.}Lancelot must have been legends :S no need to mention other things there. would be too many laughings :/
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thats the first thing that i noticed about the site that annoyed me.
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This post was updated on Nov 03, 2012; 12:03am.
In reply to this post by !Yu.GoD!MoKkA*
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calm down bro
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Yes holly LIER idk but there is a player who came even before you here,so he knows.Lol
You will be always pathetic and most ironic thing here in shc,making fake history,playing in akas,using cheats and pretening be "one of the best" which you arent.Also there is no be meantioned your akas in GSF,X2X,GOC etc.... Nobody cant say anything against you because there is no one beside a few gamers who started playing before you so they know all. Also VERRY INTERESING I READ IN YOUR POST YOU WASNT IN AKA A YEAR AT LEAST! REDICULOUS!!!! I CAN NAME 3 AKAS OF YOU USED LAST 4-5 MONTHS. AND YOU COMING ACTIVE SUDDENLY WHEN GILMAN BUPBLISHED SITE...THAT IS ENOUGHT. ALL:JOIN WWW.VOOBLY.COM and let we avoid cheats and idiots like smb are. |
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I don't really understand your bad english, but I'm trying.
Nothing you say matters because you don't have any proof. I haven't used an aka in over a year, and you can pretend all you want, but you can't have any evidence of this because it's not true. I could say the same about you with just as much (if not more) legitimacy as your own comments. You're a dream who wants to believe his own lies, and probably does believe them, and so you want to make everyone else believe them too. If you think about it, nothing you have said has any basis, and you're also a hypocrite for talking about SHC History as if you know anything about it; most of the bs on your website is wrong and is obviously written by an ill-informed person. For example, your comment on how you think I was FUBAR, anyone from that day would call you an idiot for that; or for your pathetic lists of members of X2X and G$F; you "forgot" more than 80% of them, and why won't you comment on Red Sword? Was he an aka too? Everyone is an aka to you, your website is a fucking joke based on knowledge that you got from me and twisted yourself to fit your own stupid ideas and conspiracies. You know nothing about real SHC History. And it doesn't matter if you did or didn't anyways, nobody cares. Get a life, why can't you understand that I did actually stop playing SHC for about a year? Just because it's impossible for you doesn't mean it's impossible for everyone else; we're not all as sick as you. "-::HL::-"
~ † DHK † - The Best In Game ~
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Yes,my english is not so good,but i am talking your language,but can you talk serbian?-.-
THere is a lot proofs.Look in site.Expecially you and barth as founders LOOOOL! You perfectly desribed yourself in previous post.Also i am not that percon who wrote that site but i believe in that because i saw first site of DHK and you are not a FOUNDER you are just pathetich crap which trying making lies and craps as all see.Also visit site and see real DHK founder and dont talk anymore craps,also dont make to publish a ss of faking aka ARMA and fake record holder of masosz you dawn idiot and lier. LOOOL!I TOLD YOU WAS FUBAR?OMG MAN I DONT KNOW THAT PERCON,WHERE YOU FOUND I SAY IT OR THAT IS WRITEN? idk you maybe wanna be discovered or get confuse here,but fubar was aka of smb else.also well known DHK. AND I DIDNT WROTE NAMES OF MEMBERS,A LOT WAS FORGOTEN BUT NOBODY CANT REMEMBER ALL WITHOUT HELP.HE MADE THEM ALONE.SO... I even catch you in lies,and also ask ADO-YUG for a proof of your cheats.Thanks. Also you used a akas and all know it.I have ids somewhere and also you come in exact time when gilman published that site becuase you were on aka and knew what is going on,also bartholo were in 2-3 acc but he is onest and i respect that he contacted me from aka and i found first he was and he admit it.But you,i dont have words that can describe you.Verry bad percon. You never stop playing shc like bag,bartholo,darkhell never stop,YOU JUST CHANGING AKAS.That is difference between you and THE BESTS EVER!-they are not psyho coward ironic bastards and fake makers. Look in site counter almost 1000 people visited it so that make site is verry popular,and now 99% of gr have all cheats you used idiot! www.ultimateshcinfo.tk AND DONT SPAM ME ANYMORE YOU PATHETHIC TRY OF HUMAN BEING. YOU ARE WORTH LESS. |
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Again you haven't shown anyone anything that proves anything the fake "akas" you are talking about.
I didn't use an aka for more than 1 year. That's all. Also, I am the founder of DHK. I founded it in 2005, after I left X2X. You act as if I am trying to hide "some secret" that there was a DHK before this {{DHK}}. But I never tried to hide it, every old player knows that I was in the old DHK before I was in X2X. But that old DHK was disbanded, and we all left in 2004. Then I refounded DHK in 2005 with Bartholo. Does that mean that me and bar are not the founders of this DHK? Wrong, we are. Your mind is fooling you, and you only want to believe in these conspiracies. Also, I never cheated in my life, and I never would, even if 99% of GR cheats. Just like your stories about "Holylord aka!!", you have no evidence that I used cheats, or ever did. It's not true and never will be, you simply want it to be true so that you can say some shit about me. Even if 50 people say "HL cheater!" doesn't mean I'm a cheater. People who hate me have always said that; hundreds of people have called me 'idiot,' 'noob,' 'cheater,' etc. That doesn't make it true. Facts and proof is primary, and you have none.
~ † DHK † - The Best In Game ~
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Lol man you dont know meaning of that word.You and bartholo REOPENED not FOUNDED!IDIOT! original one is made by Desert warrior not you or even bartholo fools!You two just reopened it and made tags {{DHK}} instead {DHK} so you become founders? O M F G ! ! ! "But that old DHK was disbanded, and we all left in 2004. Then I refounded DHK in 2005 with Bartholo. Does that mean that me and bar are not the founders of this DHK? Wrong, we are. " WRONG YOU ARE NOT RIGHT KID! YOU REOPENED NOT MADE(FOUND) CLAN! WHAT A STUPID GAY YOU ARE I DONT BELIEVE.EVEN BARTHOLO ADMIT ME THAT YOU BOTH ARENT FOUNDERS. YOU ARE JUST FAKE THINGS MAKERS! AND YOU USE AKAS! DONT LIE! YOU CAN LIE STUPID CHILDREN IN GR BUT YOU CANT LIE ME AND YOURSELF. and proofs are so obvious I NEVER SAID YOU ARE AKA,I SAY YOU USE AKAS!!!!!!! you are stupid i told you ask from ado yug evidence yo uare fuvking cheater who used 1000 akas and in akas learned game.Fucking holyrevenge aka. ONEST IS PRIMARY.TRUE IS PRIMARY. EVIDENCE CAN BE MADE.TRUE CANT BE.TRUE EXIST. REMEMBER THAT AND STOP THIS FUCKING CONVERSATION. |
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