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I am Razi and Razi is exactly equal to M.

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Re: I am Razi and Razi is exactly equal to M.

k noob
~ † DHK † - The Best In Game ~
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Re: I am Razi and Razi is exactly equal to M.

I thought Holylord is more serious. Ok Gilman I am with you xD
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Re: I am Razi and Razi is exactly equal to M.

In reply to this post by {{DHK}}HolyLord
None cares about this, none cares about that, None cares about the truth, None Cares about Max Power, why are you here then delete your account and go do something else with your life if you think you have better stuff to do, i told gilman and i will tell you the same, when you come to play on GR or this site that shows you had time to do so.... so dont talk about wasting time and stuff ,SHUT YOUR DIRTY HOLE!!!!

Nerd, is just another bafoon who hates DHK and was never allowed to join the best clan ever on earth.

Nazir, you little dog!!! all you can do is bark nothing else.
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Re: I am Razi and Razi is exactly equal to M.

In reply to this post by Vendetta
Serious is for losers.
~ † DHK † - The Best In Game ~
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Re: I am Razi and Razi is exactly equal to M.

In reply to this post by admin
Just another example of how DHK really is. you guys are just a bunch of asshole self centered douchebags who think are the best. yall need to grow the fuck up. quit being a boy and be a man. sad how you guys are 20+ years old and still worry about a game that you played 10 years ago.
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Re: I am Razi and Razi is exactly equal to M.

In reply to this post by admin
You can say i'm a little dog if you like, but really i'm kinda like a rott-weiler; I will bark furiously to prove that you are a sad ass. I was kinda shocked when you said you are 25+ because you act younger than me and write like it aswell.. like a 15 year old. You are also arrogant and self-centered, but I'm not surprised since most americans (excluding a few) are totally oblivious to normal conversations which include 'hi, how are you'. Also I like proving that when you played on M account, it wasn't your account and that you hacked it; and that D-D & GoC Force was someone else (someone on this forum ironically enough). So yes, all banter aside, my barking works like magic. KaBoom!
Always know if the juice is worth the squeeze
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Re: I am Razi and Razi is exactly equal to M.

In reply to this post by admin
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Re: I am Razi and Razi is exactly equal to M.

In reply to this post by Nazir
haha,he is like 25 years old?! wow,and he still worries about this crap...
all you dhk nerds (including razi bartholo and holylord) need to leave this shet and move on to your lives. why cant you just be normal people and play games when your a teenager? not when your a fucking grown ass boy. grow the fuck up. you guys played this wayyyy too long. just be like all the other normal people who played shc for a bit and moved on. like xoddus, peabody, masoz, sanitarium, lietuvis, firedragon, and all the other normal people..
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Re: I am Razi and Razi is exactly equal to M.

lol nobody likes you dhk fags
you are just degrading the dhk name. just fucking leave and start a family and be a grown ass man
god damn you faggot nerds are pathetic as shiiiiiiiiiit
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Re: I am Razi and Razi is exactly equal to M.

you talk too much
~ † DHK † - The Best In Game ~
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Re: I am Razi and Razi is exactly equal to M.

In reply to this post by {{DHK}}HolyLord
the fuck, how the hell is thrice a word... no fuck that, i dont care what the dictionary says, it isn't a word
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Re: I am Razi and Razi is exactly equal to M.

In reply to this post by {{DHK}}HolyLord
and youve played this too much
be a fucking normal person like other people and get a life
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Re: I am Razi and Razi is exactly equal to M.

holynerd i think you are the one who should ''get a life '' since you're wasting your time writing these all post and I don't think hl gives a shit about it
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Re: I am Razi and Razi is exactly equal to M.

In reply to this post by admin
Razi, you lost my respect...
What if I told you, Your perception is a misconception due to Media Deception.
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Re: I am Razi and Razi is exactly equal to M.

Needless to say none of you pathetic people can face me in an argument. You go on to attack my personal stuff which isn't true, which you have no clue about. You're all pissed off  because you were never a part of the greatest clan ever . ( we own you in games and in every other aspect ). You people love us so much you pretend to be in our clan without notifying us( look at your name nerd!).

As long as the "getting a life" matter goes all of you who come sit on gameranger for  16 hours a day shall get a life maybe and stop telling the people who play for an hour or so.
I have my time calculated and live a far better life than everyone telling me to do so.
Rivaz i am ashamed at you for concluding my respect after reading few  posts while i was arguing with brainless individuals. If you do not respect me or like me,  you do not exist in my book. This goes for all not only Rivaz.
Nazir if you claim to be so good at writing how come i haven't seen it yet? I bet i have more knowledge than all of your family combined.
Haha,  bring "force" back and i will hand him his account. Did you try to get valuable information from me under an old player name?...i still made you look like an idiot and now  you are trying to prove a point which never existed.

Lmao dingo are you for real?

HI HL!!!
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Re: I am Razi and Razi is exactly equal to M.

In reply to this post by [>D-F<]~Dingo
yes, dingo is an experienced lexicographer and "thrice" is not a word. It sounds like something that a true douchebag would say. "I was thrice married, and then I thrice had sex with my donkeys before I confessed to my parents that I was a paraphiliac".
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Re: I am Razi and Razi is exactly equal to M.

In reply to this post by admin
I said that because I thought of you to be a little more mature and not like these people who dont know nothing about what they're talking about. You all people just pretend to be a lifer. Lol. You guys(not only razi) say that you have a fantastic life but to be honest you all are above 20 and you still care about your little reputation for a game which is like 12 years old. I'm not accusing you of that, NO! I thought you were a serious person and you dont care about games but to be honest you care the most than the rest of the people.
What if I told you, Your perception is a misconception due to Media Deception.
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Re: I am Razi and Razi is exactly equal to M.

Banned User
I just realized and saw all irony in 10 years of existing shc in this topic.
Racist,lies,no respect.Unframed dont get argue with them,it is useless.They will be always "the best fake experts"No need arghue mate,you are verry wice and smart guy,you hacve my respect because you realizing true worth of things.Also all of others who prove they are loyal to tryth,and honest.
Vendy i still dont know who you are,but if you like truth and honest,and you are with us,welcome...
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Re: I am Razi and Razi is exactly equal to M.

In reply to this post by -Rivaz-
Sodomite, how does it feel to be helpless and impotent in the presence of SOMEONE FAR GREATER THAN YOU WILL EVER BECOME!!!! Riva.... SAVE YOURSELF THE EMBARASSMENT AND SIT DOWN LIKE A GOOD BOY.!!!! AND LISTEN TO YOUR ELDERS.
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Re: I am Razi and Razi is exactly equal to M.

In reply to this post by admin