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I am Razi and Razi is exactly equal to M.

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I am Razi and Razi is exactly equal to M.

35 posts
(I believe this is my first ever post on the forums)

I am here to clarify for those imbeciles who still think Mr. HolyLord is M. I made the M account to have fun in Gameranger as most of my close friends know; I had no other thoughts in mind, I wasn’t there to  to defame Mr. Holylord. Which no one can because I will cut your tacticals and feed them to you. I showed respect to most of the people I met while on the M account, for sure I wasn’t shown any because I was an  “AKA”. I showed tricks, tips and trained noobs and some good players …not showing off how much I know about the game, I do know more than most of you people here, and the people I don’t know more than they know who they are. As far as my gaming goes I do not give a crap if have lost games to new people or not so good people. I would have cared back in Gamespy though. I don’t have fun in this game anymore because everytime I need to play some good player they record the game and call me aka or they say I cheat (Speed Glitch) and I have also been called a trainer user. I will not mention any names of who bothered me the most on the M account because they won a game against me. My reason for the M account was to amuse myself when I was really bored of this game. I advise the people who play 16 hours a day to get a life and do something better than SHC. I am not writing to get attention I am doing this to take the heat off Mr. Holylord’s shoulders. If at any moment I hurt anyone on while I was joking around on this account, I seek forgiveness. To all the new players you should always respect the older players because the setup of the game came from them (Don’t respect me I could care less). For the people tracking “Ips” please don’t bother because through akas this game is alive. All the “Wannabees ” experts get better on more than one map please its boring playing against you people.

Sorry HL I haven’t spoken to you for a while, I have been really busy.  =)
And Greeting to all other old/new players.

+DHK Still Ruling the streets+
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Re: I am Razi and Razi is exactly equal to M.

1021 posts
Are you the one who is a programmer? (If yes, i have talked to you on fb xD)
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Re: I am Razi and Razi is exactly equal to M.

35 posts
I do not know you MR/Miss?.... and yes i can program
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Re: I am Razi and Razi is exactly equal to M.

701 posts
In reply to this post by admin
I miss you bro.
~ † DHK † - The Best In Game ~
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Re: I am Razi and Razi is exactly equal to M.

35 posts

*clasps HL tightly from the back !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! all HOMO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!*
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Re: I am Razi and Razi is exactly equal to M.

2 posts
In reply to this post by admin
Whaaaat... Mr. M is actually Sir Razi???? I never would have thought.
            !! Tw1n The Great !!

~ † DHK - Best In The Game - Forever † ~
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Re: I am Razi and Razi is exactly equal to M.

371 posts
In reply to this post by admin
I would not believe on the single word you wrote there. I know Razi, he's one of my coolest buds, On Fb. And the thing I've noted about him is that he won't have or even if he has enough time he won't spend it like this. Playing under akas for "fun". Lol. He's a mature person. He wouldn't even give a shit to shc lol. And If you're so confident that you're Razi hit me up on Fb, Then I would believe you.
What if I told you, Your perception is a misconception due to Media Deception.
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Re: I am Razi and Razi is exactly equal to M.

701 posts
lol im laughing because im embarrassed for you riva.  it is the real razi, see when he responds to you on FB lol
~ † DHK † - The Best In Game ~
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Re: I am Razi and Razi is exactly equal to M.

371 posts
Then I totally misunderstood him. Lol
What if I told you, Your perception is a misconception due to Media Deception.
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Re: I am Razi and Razi is exactly equal to M.

770 posts
In reply to this post by admin
was good to talk to you  and play few games with you ! when you   came to gr i thought you  were peabody but me is wrong !
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Re: I am Razi and Razi is exactly equal to M.

2 posts
In reply to this post by admin
He's legit Rivaz, I been with him the entire time since he was in the M account. We been through clans together, a lot of games and training each other. He needs to come back online, I missed him yesterday cuz I was busy :/
            !! Tw1n The Great !!

~ † DHK - Best In The Game - Forever † ~
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Re: I am Razi and Razi is exactly equal to M.

35 posts
TWIN TU MAMA!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Rivaz its me and it was the summer when i was on the M account, now i am busy again so thats one of the reasons you dont see me.
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Re: I am Razi and Razi is exactly equal to M.

116 posts
In reply to this post by -Rivaz-
'And DON'T ACT LIKE YOUR THE BEST BY BEATING M! First off, you have no proof hes HolyLord. Second off, M has played since 2002, he doesn't try these days anymore, by Venom , topic - Proofs of my superiority

'For all who don't know,

{{DHK}}M = {{DHK}}Razi

Razi is a real player, he played SHC since 2004, and has been in many clans, X2X, G$W, DHK, and even D-F.   You can ask any old player.  M is not his "aka", its his real account, he just changed his name to M,by HL , topic - {{DHK}}Razi

It would be good to hear what admin says lol.
'To see the world in a grain of sand, and to see heaven in a wild flower, hold infinity in the palm of your hands, and eternity in an hour'
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Re: I am Razi and Razi is exactly equal to M.

66 posts
I don't see why you quoted me... How is this relevant?
When I went to school, they asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up. I wrote down "happy". They told me I didn't understand the assignment; I told them they didn't understand life.
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Re: I am Razi and Razi is exactly equal to M.

102 posts
you said razi played since '02, HL said he played since '04.
Always know if the juice is worth the squeeze
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Re: I am Razi and Razi is exactly equal to M.

Banned User
157 posts
This post was updated on Oct 23, 2012; 12:29am.
In reply to this post by Moonwalker
Unframed, Feanor will never be the oldest "active" person on GR. I've played since 2004, and Tw1n and M have played since 2002. GoC Shred gets on every now and then, aswell as Petakuty. Along with Fireboy, Inferno Pheonix, Gilman, Jasiu, Lunadeadsqua, Hell Dell, and a lot more... So I'm pretty certain there won't be a time when Feanor will be the oldest "active" player on GR.
Venom's post.
Venom and JustKing(i dont fucking know who is he) are right."M"is older in game than a sir razi and they are not same percon.That is a fact.That is a truth.Also for others idk exactly year of begining of their playing but I'm pretty sure for fireboy,jasiu and some other players begin almost with me during 2002-03.
Because all of you braging  let's clear something:
-"M" is percon who is older in the game than a sir razi.
-"M"is other percon than a sir razi.
-"M"is not a founder of gsw like sir razi is.
From first 3 facts we gets that real "M" is NOT a "sir.razi".Idk perconaly sir razi,but i know that sir razi(i would believe that he were in gr last days) used his own gr account with name of "M"=that donesnt means he is a real "M".
I know that because we talked almost every day in gameranger when he were known as "M" or "Holylord in aka" lol...and he asked me a lot about gsw,ofc i founded than that he is sir razi and can be only sir razi(according to his ip of feanors words,his knowledge,interesing in gsw etc...)...
So let's clear:
Real guy "M" isnt sir razi.
Yes,sir razi used name "M" only in his gr account.
No,I'm not sure that this is real sir razi(but i believe he is because our chats,his perconality etc).
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Re: I am Razi and Razi is exactly equal to M.

66 posts
So basically what you are saying is...?
Sir Razi = M
M doesnt = Sir Razi.
When I went to school, they asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up. I wrote down "happy". They told me I didn't understand the assignment; I told them they didn't understand life.
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Re: I am Razi and Razi is exactly equal to M.

35 posts
In reply to this post by !Yu.GoD!GILMAN~RF
@Yu.GoD!GILMAN~RF, you shouldn't be talking mister!
You claim to be an older player and none of us from GSA have seen you there or know you. The people you say know you as an old player you told them some jibresh and brutle-forced them to thinking that your one of them. I have asked you some questions which you didnt know and you turned down the questions or asked the same questions later on to other players or even me. Now you will ask which question i have asked you previously, obviously i wont repeat or talk about any here. You say Merlin knows you that your an old plaaaayer, i havent spoken to him but i have asked Firboy about you and he says he doesnt know who you are, and Fireboy was the only good player from that region in the old days. I give you this though, it seems like you have studied the history of SHC and have made a site about it too for reference, so its easy for you to make up stuff.

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Re: I am Razi and Razi is exactly equal to M.

Banned User
157 posts
First.i dont need to prove nothing.
Second you didnt talked to fireboy neither to merlin.You know why?Because they dont make lies and they will tell truth that I'm old player.Fireboy knows that so dont post lies here,he can easy come and say again I'm old.Lol...
Yes,a lot of you dont know me in this name,because i started using it in shc during 2010 smt like it.Until that time i haved a differentt name,i told it dozents time,and i will not repeat anymore.I do not force noone,and if i wanna force someone how i can possible do it,to force someone to believe in something??Lol think man,It's not my style i just say things that are true.You asked me?Olol i asked you a dozents and you didnt know a loot.But every your's questions were associaced with gsw so i realized it''s you sir.razi and still hide you as you saw during our chatrooms with mister.M from town of mister.M's etc i think you remember it..lol...
I dont wanna offense you,neither i will do it.I dont call you lier or smt just posting opinion.I know you are old but i do not alove someone calling me a lier.
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Re: I am Razi and Razi is exactly equal to M.

701 posts
In reply to this post by Moonwalker
venom is a new player, he doesn't know his dates well, give him a break
~ † DHK † - The Best In Game ~
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