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I've been thinking about those peoples that always thinks that themselves are the best. I see it so often in ShC, peoples as Fahad (Per Example) deserves to be respected but himself wants to get this by proving how good he is, posting SS's and disrespecting others players, although, he always says that he deserves to be the best. Fahad is really good, and deserves to be respected, but, the way he act makes he looks ridiculous and insane to the point that peoples dont care to what he says or to his proofs. Or, you can be a guy like Erec, that really thinks he is a top expert and better than anyone, where, he just begs to anothers peoples play in his account, because himself cannot beat persons at his height, and try to proof how good he is playing versus weaker people. Who really deserves to be the best ?
You dont need to beg for respect or tell to anyone how good you are; if you are really good, the players will see by themselves. Respect is a good that you get's by who you are. But now, looking to this forum and websites, i see how Holy Lord is very well respected by anyone as he is hate by somebody. But, everything i see is how he is acclaimed as the best until nowadays. But, wait, does he still playing until today? No. His best time was in 2009-2010 and definetly was really good, but, until today, many peoples has appear and new Top Experts went discovered. We can say that, many of them, Holy Lord havent played and so, there is no reason by keep calling him as the best, if he doesnt have played vs the bests of nowadays. It's the same thing as i keep calling XXoDDuSs as the best even if he havent played vs Keks or Dingo (per example). So, why do Holy Lord's still been known as The Best ? |
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Why do pakis say 'tha' instead of the.. ? It's as if you wanna speak like a gay gangsta from California...
Always know if the juice is worth the squeeze
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Im not pakis... -.-
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In reply to this post by [>D-F<]~ AQua_Dragon ~
Nobody says that "HolyLord is still the best" because that would be completely stupid. I don't even play anymore. Your entire post is just a waste of time lol
Also your quote is entirely wrong:
my best time was not 2009-2010, not even close lol
~ † DHK † - The Best In Game ~
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In reply to this post by [>D-F<]~ AQua_Dragon ~
who r the best of nowadays?
~ The Many Speak Through Me ~
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In reply to this post by [>D-F<]~ AQua_Dragon ~
People call HolyLord the Best player ever to have played, but that does not necessarily indicate that we believe he is the best player who still plays. There is a difference.
X2X ~ The Best Since '02 ~
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"Our sweetest songs are those that tell of saddest thought." Shelley,
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This post was updated on Oct 29, 2012; 8:14pm.
In reply to this post by {{DHK}}HolyLord
First thing, a player that rather himself as 99 points, uses to say that is in The Best Clan In Game (so that means you is the best, because more than a member, you are a leader). Plus rather yourself again on 2v2 as the best 2v2 Team with 7 points alway from the others teams ( You and Bartholo 98 pt and the seccond Riva and Savo with 91, means a totally ownage, no?) , uses to say that is in the best 2vs2 team of crusader history, a guy that rather his own friend with 100 pt; c'mon, no one is perfect to reach 100 or +. And a guy who uses to rather himself as the best (just not bigger than Bartholo, if not, would be so obviously that you feel so great).
Ops: February 2004 - April 2004: {{X2X}}Dx-Hunter How he list his title: Overtaken by {{DHK}}HolyLord. April 2004 - June 2006: {{DHK}}HolyLord How he lost his title: Overtaken by {{DHK}}Bartholo August 2007 - January 2008: {{DHK}}HolyLord How he lost his title: Went inactive. December 2009 - March 2009: {{DHK}}Blacky. How he lost his title: {{DHK}}HolyLord returned. March 2009 - June 2011: {{DHK}}HolyLord How he lost his title: Went inactive. Do you have some proof that you was the best in that time ? (Except your own rather skills) Plus, a guy which is seen as the best of 2009 - 2011 twice, and say that it wasnt his best time, well, idk what it is so. Plus, a guys who put himself as the best of 2007 with no reason lol Ok, now going to VIP Records, you mean that in 2002 - 2007/09 GameSpyArcade has made 89 Official Events of ShC ? I mean, Really Events, not that kind of: "Oh, let's make a 1v1 tourney now ? Ok, with me we are 4 players!" Also, do you have a proof of all those 15 Tittles you got ? As i see in all of Stronghold Crusader history you was a godlike, has reached a lot of tourneys, tittles and so, but, i've never saw a proof. |
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Look. I'm not here to and I don't care to "prove" to YOU or anyone who wasn't there about who won tournaments and who was the best. There were thousands of players there who witnessed it, and they matter to me 100x more than some loser who wasn't there and doesn't want to believe me. I don't give a shit about if you believe me or not, just because you didn't play Crusader. Anyone who played during those times knows, and if they aren't around today, too bad. If you don't want to believe me because you weren't there, then don't. Nobody gives a shit, and I don't give a shit. I don't even know who the fuck you are.
~ † DHK † - The Best In Game ~
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That is flattering to know that you started to insult me with no reason. In any momment i did insult you, unlike:
"But now, looking to this forum and websites, i see how Holy Lord is very well respected by anyone as he is hate by somebody." "His best time was in 2009-2010 and definetly was really good" The only thing i hate is those peoples who call themselves by "The Best". You definetly is very well respected by your skills and your personality, but, what i want, is proof's that you is The best and that you really deserves it. Otherwise, you still been a Legend in ShC, but, if i was you, would not rather yourself as the best again. |
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You already made your insult by making the allegations that I am a liar about the past. If you saw what is written about the past, but ask for proof, you're choosing to disbelieve it. If that's the case, what else can I say to convince you? Do you want websites of old tournaments? And websites of old "top player" lists? And screenshots of me being a VIP in the GSA Lobby?
Read all the old news on the DHK website. You can see how many tournaments were won, and there are many old links to the tournaments, although most of the GameSpy official event pages have been deleted. I had so many VIPs from winning GSA tournaments that I was always VIP lol. I have some old screenshots if you want to see them, but I of course didn't "take screenshot every day of my VIP status in case I would need it 6 years later" lol http://img811.imageshack.us/img811/3158/vips2.png http://img802.imageshack.us/img802/5609/lobby20071.png Yes these are from Official GameSpy tournaments, those are the only tournaments you could get VIPs from. And you can view many old top lists: http://www.freewebs.com/knightsofkyuss/top21.htm http://hkcdhk.webs.com/top.htm http://www.freewebs.com/jhnst190/bestiveeverplayed.htm http://www.freewebs.com/shctoplist/playertoplist.htm I still have many old screenshots of games vs Meelman, Standard, FireDragon, Masosz, WarriorWithin, etc PS, Gilman, I'm not letting you get involved with your retard ideas, so I'm deleting all of your bullshit posts here which demand that "Standard was the best player ever", which is far from the truth. (he was owned hard by players such as fd and myself, even hunter and peabody defeated him at his peek)
~ † DHK † - The Best In Game ~
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In reply to this post by [>D-F<]~ AQua_Dragon ~
HL wining many turneys in gamespy, its not a secret or hide. many peoples were there and saw
! Brotherhood !
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In reply to this post by {{DHK}}HolyLord
Finally you gave me what i want, Proofs of how good you are. Definetly, im done with this post, sorry about my allegations, no hard feelings, regards dude.
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did i let someone go on my account to win that tournament in 2011 which was composed of all the good players at that time, roughly 64 I believe. I beat maly 2-0 in final and that was when I was in my peak and no one except dingo could maybe beat me. The case you are recalling is from 2010 and it was in lusenards tourney, everyone can agree that he was fucked up and as were his events. In retaliation under the aka which he used to host the tourney to give himself a chance of winning, he put me vs dingo and if I recall correctly I won, and this was in early 2011. Besides from that, who are you to even comment about who I'm or who I'm not, you don't even know me, but I know enough to make an educated guess that you are nothing compared to me in shc lol.. even now when I'm nothing close to what I was in late 2011
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Erec, do you still wanting to play Sh1 ? Haha.
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In reply to this post by Erec
was that event the same event where lusenrad cheated vs me in finals and STILL lost, and then clamber (his friend,himself) gave lusenrad the win by making me look like the cheater?
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In reply to this post by Erec
Dingo could, but so did i xD and lost two games after.
i think so, ninya, there were a lot of problems. well, one caused by lusenred, other by erec. i took 3 place there, im proud xD |
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if im not totally wrong i won 2 events, but got fucked over the second, then i stopped playing shc lol
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In reply to this post by {{DHK}}HolyLord
Btw, mostly of my questions stills not answered.
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Challenge tw1n if u r so great^^U r talking about shc players even u have no idea what does it mean shc and how it is playing.Really stupid.
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