Hl u noob why u think ur the best ? i chellenge u 1v1? i knw u wont cux ur SCARED ! hhahahahaha .
153 posts
noob HL thinks hes the best but if any one asks him 1v1 ? he only blocks him ... or start showing him old ss's of the other guys clan leaders LOL !........ play now 1v1 ? come my rules my map and try to win
Re: Hl u noob why u think ur the best ? i chellenge u 1v1? i knw u wont cux ur SCARED ! hhahahahaha .
223 posts
Poor HL,
He better left SHC as FD and some other did. He lives with kids nowadays.
Fighting shitty kids is much more harder then facing his old strong enemies.
Your act gonna make him as a kid too.