HolyLord,most sincerely please, delete all of my stupid posts on this forum. During my SHC career i become obsessive with akas and being the best. I'm now downloading SHC to see what's going around and play some game for fun. Everytime i open this forum it reminds of my wrong behaviour and conflict between players, especially D-F. Delete all posts from Inspecta Deck, it was my acc here, Moonwalker too, and the oldest posts on the end of the forum. Delete my conversations with Mokka and all stupid things i said about you and other people.
I apologize to all the players I have somehow hurt and offended in this game.
1.boss why do everyone have to go to sea and I go to work? Look at it on the positive side, they spend and you earn.
2. the gypsy looked at my palm, she said by the age of thirty-five you would be struggling a lot, then you would get used to it.
3.Don't take me out without a reason, don't take me back without honor, the saber writes. He should write the same on men's pants.